Interest in LibreOffice, the open-source alternative to Microsoft Office, is on the rise, with weekly downloads of its software package close to 1 million a week. That’s the highest download number since 2023.
“We estimate around 200 million [LibreOffice] users, but it’s important to note that we respect users’ privacy and don’t track them, so we can’t say for sure,” said Mike Saunders, an open-source advocate and a deputy to the board of directors at The Document Foundation.
LibreOffice users typically want a straightforward interface, Saunders said. “They don’t want subscriptions, and they don’t want AI being ‘helpful’ by poking its nose into their work — it reminds them of Clippy from the bad old days,” he said.
There are genuine use cases for generative AI tools, but many users prefer to opt-in to it and choose when and where to enable it. “We have zero plans to put AI into LibreOffice. But we understand the value of some AI tools and are encouraging developers to create … extensions that use AI in a responsible way,” Saunders said.
FOSS software will win eventually. It may take time, but if good FOSS software is being built by enthusiasts then a time will come where proprietary software fucks up. And when it does, FOSS is ready to take it’s place. And as soon as FOSS has become a standard in some field, why would there ever be a need to go back to proprietary?
if good FOSS software is being built by enthusiasts
LibreOffice is forked long ago from the extremely corporate OpenOffice effort, which in turn originated from the non-open-source Star Office. Not all FOSS comes from enthusiasts.
Maybe. I thought and fought for this from the 1990s on my own small ways with no luck and only to see the rise and rise of walled garden, proprietary, bullshit software.
The issue is end users have the prescience of a gold fish, i have zero solutions to that.
I managed to get my father in law to fully switch to libreoffice, which is in itself a great achievement, as he’s almost 70 and he used to be an msoffice user for most of his adult professional life.
Libreoffice is just great and Europe should start backing and using more open source, non greedy corporate backed projects.
Hi, I hope you don’t mind me asking how you achieved this, my father is 79 and has Parkinsons with hearing problems, he’s deaf in one ear and partially in other ear, so he has personality issues, really can be stubborn and difficult to deal with, been having trouble getting him away from Microsoft products like Windows or Office, any ideas or advice be really helpful and appreciated, ty :o)
Well, I guess there is no universal answer and it obviously can’t be some generic method of achieving this,but what I did was to explain in detail how MsOffice is basically just a standard because people made it so out of convenience and lack of true alternatives and it’s not cheap, plus whatever is made freely available by a corporation means it’s actually you paying with your data for it.
It’s a process and you’d have to convince him to at least allow you to show them side by side or explain how it’s always up to date and you don’t have to throw money at it every x years just because it’s called MsOffice202x, because the benefits of upgrading are not worth the money.
It ain’t easy, I know… but I am also providing support myself when requested, which can become a headache fast, especially with “difficult” people.
European countries should adopt linux and these alternatives instead of paying for windows and Microsoft. Much more private too.
and also its not american! linux is great! but imagine iwth more investment and programs need to make the apps beter compitable with linux! linux will be way better
Yeah desktop apps era is back baby. Fuck you cloud.
Syncthing has been so helpful in making me move away from cloud based options. And to think only reason I found out about it and gave it a shot was because I was trying to figure out how to easily sync my non Steam game save files between my Desktop and my Steam Deck. It’s been invaluable since then.
Donate if you regularly use Syncthing. Help close the causal loop.
LibreOffice too for that matter. Kick 'em a few bucks if you can spare it.
Thanks for the reminder! Donated 5 euros (I’m unemployed so can’t spare more right now)
You gotta give.
You hit me in the cup
That is a very cool project that I’d never heard of. Thanks for sharing!
Welcome to the biggest rabbit hole of your life. Syncthing itself isn’t huge, but the capacity to divest from the big cloud providers is. I say it’s a rabbit hole because you’ll quickly be finding new ways to use it.
How does that differ from something like Nextcloud?
Nextcloud is, as the name says, a dedicated server used as a cloud. Syncthing only syncronises fders between devices. You dont need a dedicated server for this that stores all the data.
Oh nice! I felt like website did a bad job at explaining what it is and how it works
Like, it doesn’t say if it uses one of their servers or if the two devices should be up at the same time. If so, that’s really unfortunate
The devices need to be running at the same time, which isn’t that much of a problem, if you e. G. only want to sync your PC to your mobile.
I think the “normal” usage is having an always on computer as a server and link all other devices to that one for updates.
it doesn’t say if it uses one of their servers
It does not.
if the two devices should be up at the same time
You can’t sync 2 devices when they have no way to connect to each other, so no.
I would recommend getting a server. And by “server” I mean literally any computer with Syncthing installed and left on. Could even be an old phone or something (with sufficient storage). That way there’s always 1 device to sync to.
Woowoo! Cloud has its place and I love it but it’s not for literally everything
I like my personal cloud.
I’m hoping to set one up later this year. I have an old laptop that has good enough specs to run it from my research - I just need to get everything off of it and swamp windows for Linux! Never did a Linux install so I’m excited.
Woo! Don’t hesitate to ask for help, Linux users usually don’t bite. 😀
Will do! Do you have any specific communities you recommend for asking for help in Linux / self hosting type stuff? :)
Here are a couple I like:
Thanks! I’m already in ! :) great place!
As a lifetime Windows user who switched to Linux about ten years ago, I recommend Linux Mint. It’s designed to look and feel like Windows 7 so it’s an easier transition when you first move from Windows. Also Mint is a rock solid distribution and has been my daily driver for about 9 years now. And before I forget, Mint has great documentation and community so when you get stuck on something you can easily Google for help.
you can easily Google for help.
you can easily search the web for help using your favorite engine. :)
True there are other ways to search but I still find that Google surfaces the most relevant answers on the first page. At least when doing technical searches, it’s hit or miss with any other topic.
I switched from Microsoft to MintLinux two years ago. Satisfied. Microsoft free. Peace and Om.
Yep, I wish I was totally Microsoft free but sadly my work laptop is Win11. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve sat for over an hour on the phone with a level 1 tech going through the check list of non-fixes so they can bump me up to someone who has the authority to actually fix the issue, all the while thinking to myself “if this was Linux I could fix this myself in 10 minutes”.
Steam games work too now which is good.
I switched for the first time a few weeks ago!! I didn’t realise until I booted my Windows partition earlier for work that I hadn’t used it one single time since I did that because it was still open on the download page and forced a hundred updates on me 😅 it’s really fun and freeing, I’ve tried a few and settled on Pop!_OS because I love the simplicity, the pretty desktop environment and the window tiling
So cool! So you basically kept windows in one part of your machine and ran pop os on the rest? Really cool idea!
Yeah!! I haven’t had any trouble with it yet, my laptop has only one SSD slot which is why I did it on the same one. I just switch when I boot up. I have the Windows one just in case I can’t get a game to run and to access my work’s shared drive (absolutely cannot figure it out on Linux lol)
It’s a bit easier if you have a separate drive that Linux can own.
I was reading about this solution. My main laptop is a MacBook Air with M2 so I don’t think I can run any version of Linux on it. I have an old windows laptop I’m thinking about trying it on.
Would Linux still run fine on an older laptop?
When I get another job lined up that’s my goal. A job and these bills. And that car loan. And maybe a house… Man. Maybe two jobs.
OnlyOffice is also good - my preferred for the basic Word/Excel type stuff I do.
Yeah I love LibreOffice’s customisability including sidebar etc, but OnlyOffice just performs a lot better and handles the most common formats better for me
Heck yeah, OnlyOffice gang
Yeah! To me LibreOffice just looks dated and, to be honest, shit. OnlyOffice has a much cleaner interface.
It also isn’t still carrying around 30 years of Java baggage from when it was Sun StarOffice, and everything inbetween.
Never even qualified for SOLDIER.
And has to cope by pretending he’s literally this other dude. Pathetic.
Not so fast. LibreOffice has a network version.
See it wasn’t that hard:
- Common sense ? ⛔ IDGAF
- Freedom ? ⛔ IDGAF
- Privacy ? ⛔ IDGAF
- Subscription ? ✅ Let’s crack this software or find something free instead
Obligatory comment that endorses pirating software. We need to make sure this stereotype about Lemmy remains accurate.
I have a job that involves working with spreadsheets. I have Librecalc at home and both Libre and MSOffice at work. I have also had a college course about using Excel specifically. Both really can do mostly the same things but because MS does everything in a specific (backwards) way, people trained on MS who are not otherwise “computer people” can’t cope with needing to unlearn and relearn. So the end result is paraprofessionals are locked in.
I really enjoyed spreadsheets before becoming a programmer (I still enjoy them, I just spend less time on them) and basically self taught over the years using Google Sheets.
There are several really useful functions on sheets that simply do not exist in Excel, and there are others that work almost the same but not quite. Having to use Excel drives me insane sometimes because of how clunky it feels.
By contrast, using LibreCalc feels kinda how you’d expect an open source Google Sheets to feel? It’s slightly clunkier, but it gets the job done and generally feels better to use than Excel
I’ve gone full circle
Loved sheets, then hated them because we should just use a DB
Now I do stuff in sheets with a tab explaining how I got the data because I can email it to someone and in 4 months it still answers their questions.
I used sheets because it was portable and flexible, but now I’d almost always just use a db instead.
My main use for excel now is “I need to send data to someone who isn’t a programmer” and doing json > CSV conversions to see if my 3000 rows of data from a 3rd party have all the necessary bits.
I guess it depends, I can make a pivot table in like 30 seconds, which is faster than setting up and loading data into a notebook.
Sure, to avoid costs…
They really don’t see the connection with the trade war, buy european movement, boycott america movement, trump presidency in general… Really? Or could it be the editor told them not to mention it?
As someone who has recently cancelled my Microsoft subscription and switched to libre office I can vouch that it was not the subscription cost that made me switch.
None of those have much real impact outside internet noise compared to people seeing their bank accounts drain.
I’ve been leaving corpo shit behind for years as a personal boycott, but even I found it much easier to invest time and effort moving off paid services than free ones because of a perceived material benefit beyond smug self-satisfaction.
Came here to say this. The headline is misleading, the costs have been there for years. The thing that has changed are millions of Europeans and Canadians looking for American alternatives.
There was another article I saw related to a massive drop (over 70%!) in bookings between Canada and the US. It didn’t mention the reason for the drop in bookings. Not sure why the media is so reluctant to cover the massive American boycotts that are underway at the moment, especially on articles covering the impact.
You’re looking for enemies where there are none. I’m not a medical professional, but I assume this amount of paranoia is not good for your mental health and well-being. Just take the article for what it is: a win for free software
Sure, it is a win. And thank you for the wise words.
But to me it seems that many are looking to reduce dependency on US tech.
Unfortunately, world is such state that a little paranoia is warranted. If Snowden was not a wakeup call, now I finally feel there is a real movement to try to reduce the dependency. Keep in mind that the US currently threatens EU with occupation of Greenland and sides with our enemy.
But all that said, thank you again, kind stranger.
I’m afraid to find out how many people are still downloading OpenOffice, thinking it’s the same software they heard about back in 2010.
Is it not the same software they heard about in 2010?
It was discontinued in 2011. Anything that is out there today is outdated at best, and malicious at worst.
… so it is precisely the software they heard about in 2010
Oracle bought (and quickly killed) it. It’s not under active development, and anything that claims otherwise is likely malicious. LibreOffice is a lot of the original OpenOffice devs who got fed up with the way things were going, and jumped ship.
It literally is.
It seems it’s still legit, but of course Libre Office is the better choice.What happened to Openoffice?
Oracle bought and ratfucked it.
I still use it sometimes.
I would recommend switching to LibreOffice, it is definitely more performant and modern.
Why would you do that to yourself???
I like the austere layout
Oracle happened.
Seriously, fuck Oracle with a rusty rebar. They already ruined mysql.
mysql -> MariaDB
OpenOffice -> LibreOffice
Oracle happened to it
All the devs went to LibreOffice after that
They were bought and made for profit.
Libreoffice doesn’t have read aloud feature which makes it useless to me. Neither did openoffice. Windows stil only program with it. And I use it for editing purposes.
I must be one of them. In the last couple of weeks I’m transitioning my apps and services to open source and EU based. I switched from Windows to CachyOS, switched my emails, switched browser, degoogled my phone, deleted FB and X and many more.
It feels so refreshing and free.
Good job! Welcome to Beltalowda :) Next up: join the OPA!
Lol what?
A reference to The Expanse.
The Expanse reference: Welcome to the poor, but honest plebs, next up join the rebellion ;)
Dude. The Expanse was dope! Watch it. You won’t regret it. I’ve heard the books were better, but I lack the time to go through them right now : /
Books were absolutely better, but the TV show was still awesome.
You won’t regret it.
I did. It was mostly … confusing. The scenes were uninnovative, boring, and ?too-american.
I didn’t like the first series, and would’ve quit it at episode 3 or so but I ended up without internet access for a couple of days and the whole series downloaded… It got better.
But yeah, life’s too short for TV shows that take time to be taken on faith. And if you did finish the first series and still not like it, more power to you.
Yeah, I didn’t like it either
The books are way better if you care to try.
That is allot of stuff in a short time. Nice!
Hopefully more of us make donations. Free is good, but it’s nice to contribute even small amounts to your well used FOSS apps
Besides the jank, you can set up libreoffice inside a docker container and server it over https. There you now have cheap-ass MS365.
There’s also a network version of LO.
Don’t forget to seed the torrents to help the servers. And donate if you can ✊🏻
Very few people will actually know how to do that.
Yes, but millenials have been doing it since we were kids. It’s not that hard, just embrace the joy of naughty computing.
Donating is easy, just follow the url on the homepage. /s
what version(s) are best to help out? Windows 64 bit?
Probably, yes. You would assume the influx of users was mostly windows users.
Good idea. I’ll add it to my seedbox.
Microsoft Office is adding in AI? Spreadsheets can take a lot of work to create, I can just imaging an AI tool going in the messing one little thing up, and it being near impossible to find the error. Or not even know your calculations aren’t being done the way you want.
Excel is maybe the one place I can see AI being useful because lots of people can describe what they want a spreadsheet to do but not actually do it.
I just wouldn’t trust it to do it right
Which means you have to check each and every formula and we all now how difficult it is to read and understand excel formulas we didn’t write ourselves…
I find the ones I write myself hard enough to parse after 15 minutes of writing them.
I can just imaging an AI tool going in the messing one little thing up, and it being near impossible to find the error.
It doesn’t put formulas into the cells. It will write the formula for you, but you have to put it in yourself.
Also, there’s versioning in Office, so your spreadsheet blowing up for whatever reason isn’t a problem at all - just roll back to the previous version of the file.
I just find it better, to do a little research on formulas, and figuring it out yourself. You’ll become better at spreadsheets. I’d have to try it though, it would depend on the actual implementation of it.
You’ll become better at spreadsheets
Great! Thing is: a day only has 24 hours and right now I need to get better at managing IT infrastructure and business processes, not spreadshets.
If you have the time to research Excel - go for it! Absolutely nobody is forcing you to use Copilot.
I’m not jazzed about AI in document editors and spreadsheet software because I’m dyslexic enough that I have trouble finding some big errors.
Copilot can design a table, and even fill out some data, but it won’t input any formulas. It will write them for you and tell you where to put them, but you have to copy-paste them on your own.
Also, with versioning, even if it did and caused a problem, you could always just roll back to a previous version of the file. Not really an issue.
Is it just me, or do new office features seem kinda pointless or unnecessary?
I use libreoffice the same way I used microsoft office decades ago. Never really cared for ‘advanced’ or even ‘intermediate’ features because they are never necessary to what I’m doing.
I can’t imagine that people who are more computer-illiterate than me getting significantly more involved in what should be simple and easy to use programs.
Sometimes I think these little updates are just a ruse to upload our personal information without us knowing. I stopped auto-updating a few years ago and only update when the software is not running correctly or something new is introduced.
Is it just me, or do new office features seem kinda pointless or unnecessary?
I feel like almost all the updates of the last two decades have been:
- Security updates in a code base that was traditionally quite vulnerable to malware.
- Technical updates in taking advantage of the advances in hardware, through updated APIs in the underlying OS. We pretty seamlessly moved from single core, 32-bit x86 CPU tasks to multicore x86-64 or ARM, with some tasks offloaded to GPUs or other specialized chips.
- Some improvement in collaboration and sharing, unfortunately with a thumb on the scale to favor other Microsoft products like SharePoint or OneDrive or Outlook/Exchange.
- Some useless nonsense, like generative AI.
Some of these are important (especially the first two), but the user experience shouldn’t change much for them.
Some useless nonsense, like generative AI.
This is a very ignorant and prejudiced take.
AI in Excel is an amazing feature that will help TONNES of people do what they never could It can design tables and write (but not insert) advanced formulas for the user.
Sure, you could say “just be an Excel expert”, but - for example - my daily work is nowhere near Excel. Learning its advanced features would be a 100% waste of time, just to be able to prep a fancy chart every couple of years. So, instead, I can just ask Copilot to do that fancy thing for me, instead of wasting hours online, trying to figure out XLOOKUP, or some such.
As someone who has taught many children how to use excel, the new AI features make using it easier but teaching and learning harder. A lot of stuff now happens automagically, and that makes it harder to see the reasons and structures and language of how it is meant to work. So doing basic stuff is now trivially easy, but learning to become competent enough to do more creative and advanced stuff is more difficult.
A lot of stuff now happens automagically
Nothing happens automagically. You need to specifically ask Copilot to do something.
makes it harder to see the reasons and structures and language of how it is meant to work
This I also don’t fully agree with. Like I mentioned, Copilot won’t automatically place formulas everywhere - it just designs them but you need to copy-paste them into the appropriate spots.
So, yeah, you’re not writing the formulas, but it’s not like the whole thing just magically appears.