TIL Gandhi is still alive and commenting on polish car collectors.
TIL Gandhi is still alive and commenting on polish car collectors.
Even that is only half true, for muscle gain the diet is also super important, need that proteiiiin.
Mid-thirties here, I lost 35kg this year going from 105kg to around 70kg.
Most important was/is the diet, at the start I wasn’t exercising at all and just being very aggressive on the dieting, that’s allowed me to lose a lot of the fat very quickly but I noticed I was also losing muscle so eventually I started adding in the exercise.
Once I started working out I couldn’t cut the calories quite so intensively as otherwise I was almost passing out during the workouts, so from there on I was being much more precise with my calorie deficit.
Now I’ve been stable for a while, decently in shape but definitely don’t look like the calisthenic heroes I watch on YouTube yet… I entered the much slower phase now where progress is happening at a much slower pace towards those secondary goals (namely a six pack…).
But it doesn’t matter, I feel and look great, I feel the benefits every day, so I’m not in a rush. The important part eventually is to find the rhythm that works for you in the long term, it’s better to do a little bit regularly than go full-on for 3 months then quit.
You could definitely make a sweet conversion in there. Just need to figure out how to park it next that to that nice quiet creek.
I’m no economist but at some point doesn’t that fall apart? If everything needs to be generating then aren’t we creating a vacuum at the bottom or whatever? Money has to come in and go out equally in the end, no?
Any recommendations for other media set in post-war Japan?
That’s just how it is in many European countries, particularly more towards the south. For them food is sacred and traditional and you can explore whatever crazy stuff you want as long as you do it over there in private and don’t fuck with the classics. In north America this sentiment is much less present though I’ve seen it a bit with poutine for example where they’ll argue about how thick the fries should be and what kind of gravy and etc, but maybe that’s the French heritage at work.
I guess we could use the term “swappable” here as a distinction.
I miss the OG UK kitchen nightmares, the American ones are pretty unwatchable for me personally but these UK ones were great comfort TV.
Personally I’m the kind of guy that would probably just remove it and keep eating, however it should be noted that piece of plastic was likely wrapping one of the ingredients, that means one side would be clean and food safe but the other would be the side that laid on random stuff/surfaces, got pissed on by rats in the warehouse, etc etc. Again I wouldn’t be too fussed myself because I think a bit of exposure to nasty stuff is part of life but I can definitely see how it could be a problem.
I find Subway absolutely gross anyway and would never eat there, my partner likes it though…
Now I just need to figure out which crimes would get me life in Norway without hurting anyone. Maybe that’s not a bad backup retirement plan to be honest…
Bright colours = deadly. Potentially gets you high with just the right amount.
I’m not sure I was doing exactly what they describe, not sure I was tapping as much as I just wasn’t staying regular and drifting +/- 5km/h to the point I got a couple complaints about it. I never realised it before and after that worked on keeping steady and it came quickly.
In movies sometimes they do it for freakishly long, obviously because the car isn’t actually driving or because it’s sitting on a trailer. It’s become a trope, some films parody it.
I’ve definitely had to teach myself to stop doing that. Now I have all the adaptive cruise control stuff which works perfectly fine for this task and saves on consumption.
Go out, party, live up to the username.
In french you can call a hat either a “chapeau” or, more fancy, “un couvre-chef”
You’ve left out the good old snitch, my understanding is they’re pretty darn strict with anything that involves women over there, so maybe someone from the hotel saw something and reported it.
Right I meant more the expression itself, first time I see it I think.
I at least understand the water fountains and experienced them a few times here and there but the sink blender waiting to chop your fingers is a total mystery.