Make sure to buy loads of guns as well, make sure they pay attention to you. If you buy enough stuff they’ll come around and investigate you and then you’ve made a new friend. Pro-Life tip.
Make sure to buy loads of guns as well, make sure they pay attention to you. If you buy enough stuff they’ll come around and investigate you and then you’ve made a new friend. Pro-Life tip.
Well my experience right otherwise I wouldn’t have had such a long career in the industry if I didn’t know what I was doing.
The problem is that the job of hiring has been turned over to people that don’t understand the job, so me an industry veteran and somebody first out of high school are treated exactly the same because we both have the same qualification.
I honestly think it would be easier to just list games that they allow. I suppose Germans are really into Tetris or something since that’s apparently the only acceptable game.
Yeah that’s what I use for running modded Minecraft.
To address the blue sky comment. Yeah sure it’s possible but at the same time so what, it’s a protocol like activity pub. Obviously you don’t have a problem with that.
So if blue sky goes tits up then everyone can just go to some other plant form without having to lose all their content. So it’s fine.
Meanwhile openAI despite the name was never open source. Not that I really know what that would even look like for an AI.
That’s what he picks if you tell him you’re Irish.
Gateshead is just getting caught in the crossfire
I can kind of understand Wolfenstein, as Germany does seem to have this thing where they do and also don’t want to face their past.
But Dying light is a generic zombie game.
One of the big advantages of steam and online storefronts in general is that it bypasses PEGI / ESRB and their unnecessary Draconian nonsense.
But you can see the radiation beam perfectly easily without illumination so what’s the actual problem
You have to scramble the slices, otherwise the holes all line up and your mayonnaise falls out.
If you fly in maverick into a ship all it’s going to happen is you’re going to have a broken maverick. The drones attacking ships in Ukraine are kamikaze boats, not flying vehicles.
I don’t think some random nobody with a vendetta is going to be able to get hold of one
It doesn’t do anything that Emmett didn’t do 10 years ago.
Good to see Apple or continuing in their vein of having the worst implementation of an assistant product.
In the UK everyone would say that healthcare is free. Obviously it isn’t but it’s not like you get a breakdown on your taxes so you don’t really notice the fact that you’re paying for it.
Even the belligerent idiots that try and move us over to a US style insurance system don’t really articulate that healthcare costs money. It’s such an abstract concert here.
Oh I wouldn’t worry about it I grew up extremely privileged and when my parents insisted I actually got a job I really didn’t understand the concept of being paid. I didn’t quite understand why anybody cared about that because the money was so insignificant, why would anybody care about it?
I was a really stupid kid. At one point I worked at a petrol station (gas station) for free because I didn’t really understand what jobs were for.
I was a really really stupid kid.
I’m not sure where you’re looking for jobs but all of them require the certification even if you have experience. If you don’t have the certification they’re not even going to look at your resume to find out that you have experience, that’s the problem with AI screening, logical thought doesn’t get a look in.
Yep and I’ve asked you and you’ve got no statistics.
That’s literally how police investigations work, you start assuming a crime has been committed and try to see if you can find evidence of a crime being committed.
You don’t start assuming suicide by default. Not unless you’re a corrupt cop anyway.
Ironic image of course because in the world of Starship Troopers only educated people are allowed to vote.