MSN IM was really popular. I remember it felt really funny to come home and talk to your friends you had just seen.
StumbleUpon was also really cool before it was sold to ebay. It’s how I found cgsociety, but then the website owner shut the site down for some reason and everyone migrated to artstation.
There were also the video games on YTV’s website, and all the other flash games that are hard to find now. Prime among them in my memory was the 3-d missile game. You would guide a missile through a series of spinning obstacles as the missile accelerated. Newgrounds, ebaums world, the original youtube that wasn’t entirely focused on profit yet…
I don’t remember using napster, but I did use Limewire until it shutdown. It was really cool to have access to so much music but IIRC it was mostly mp3’s of a single song and sometimes it wouldn’t even be the full song.
I also spent a lot of time playing tower defence maps on Starcraft \Battle.net, then it started to be over-run by spam bots and no one played anymore. It was really sad to see that happen, and eye-opening for me when no one at blizzard or whoever controlled battlenet did anything about it. Looking back, that was likely a large part of the reason for my eventual to switch to linux.