Academy Award-winning composer Hans Zimmer just branched out into unchartered territory.
We got it wrong. We should make a “non-boycott” list of people who aren’t assholes yet. It would be way shorter, and we would remove people when they become so fucking stupid and arse-licking that they have the idea of reworking the national anthems of shitholes such as saudi arabia.
Don’t sweat it. I love Hans Zimmer but after what he did to my car, I can’t wait to hear the bizarre shits that will be the new anthem.
Zimmer was hired by BMW to make acceleration and engine noises for their “i” line of EVs. What they got was the sound of robots whining and having orgasms. I had to disable the sound on mine.
I love Hans Zimmer but after what he did to my car
I thought this comment was about to go in a very different direction
Never letting Hans borrow my car after he used it as an instrument in an orchestral arrangement of Yankee Doodle Dandy
Hopefully he’s a nicer to cars than Frank Zappa.
Edit: Sadly it appears that videos of Frank “playing a car” on The Monkees are harder to find than I suspected.
Zimmer was hired by BMW to make acceleration and engine noises
Huh, I guess Brian Eno wasn’t available.
So, Costco and who else?
I would add Elton John and Tom Hanks, but if I look too deeply they may secretly be British Nazis working for the Queen to overthrow the American government…
Tony Hawk!
Keanu Reeves!
Didn’t he host a show that gave pseudo scientists a platform
It might be an unpopular opinion, but it doesn’t make him a monster. His reasoning for it is that he doesn’t want to cause more harm.
Locking people up isn’t right either but he is entitled to a point of view
It might be an unpopular opinion, but it doesn’t make him a monster. His reasoning for it is that he doesn’t want to cause more harm.
Sure it doesn’t make him a monster. It isn’t going to make me stop loving his music. But it does make me question his judgement.
He’s an addict, so he needs to avoid things that may trigger his addictive habits. He talks about weed leading to worse drugs. But not everyone is an addict.
I’ve been using weed for like, fifteen years. Have never been tempted to try anything harder. Most people I know who partake are the same way. Making weed illegal because addicts might go on to try harder drugs is ridiculous in a world with alcohol in it.
Reducing other’s freedoms because they’re bad for you is something I’d consider evil. People should be allowed to make choices for themselves. If you think they’re harmful than you should try to educate people, but you shouldn’t try to make them having a choice (which you were allowed to make) illegal.
Ah, about the Queen…
Tom Morello is based as hell
Costco made their CEO a multi-billionaire, that means billions of dollars that could have stayed in the customers’ pockets or that could have been redistributed to all employees.
I’ve heard Dave Grohl is pretty ok?
Not exactly. Also recently announced a child from cheating on his wife.
I knew it was too good to be true
I sincerely doubt that there is a way to determine which behaviours/beliefs are good or bad. I, for example, doubt that I will get a rating of “good” beyond 75% (educated guess).
Honestly, my standards for “good” behavior for corporations are astoundingly low; just don’t be bigoted, don’t actively wreck the planet, and don’t kill people.
And yet most of them can’t even manage that.
Eh, they choose not to
I am unconvinced that people / corporations can be neatly sorted into categories “good” or “bad”.
I argue that “good” behaviour is entirely dependent on who is the judge. There are numerous edge cases, for example, “don’t kill people”: one could argue that a company that promotes abstinence is reinforcing sexual shame, which could lead to suicide. Then another can argue that they are promoting degrowth (through abstinence), or even voluntary extinction.
Lastly I want to remind that breaking the notion that sorting people into categories like gender and sex is a similarly bad idea.
What about don’t steal billions from labor?
If I refused to patronize every business that did that, I’d likely starve to death. Which is incredibly sad.
I do try to avoid the worst offenders, though.
I remember when in 2018 there was an uproar against Trump using that language
President Donald Trump referred to Haiti and African nations as “shithole countries” during a meeting with a bipartisan group of senators
The U.N. human rights office said the comments, if confirmed, were “shocking and shameful” and “racist,”
I’m not surprised to see Lemmy embrace and adopt Trump’s language, so long as it’s aimed at countries y’all dislike, and so long as it fits y’all’s agenda
Trump didn’t invent this expression. Also any country that still cut heads is a shithole. Have a nice day.
No it’s a dictatorship. The people suffering under that US-armed and US-backed dictatorship don’t need the insults.
It’s a monarchy and the people generally seem to be okay with it on a certain level. I have been told by associates that is mostly because Islam inherently backs a caliphate and thus monarchy is not seen as undesirable.
Completely false. It’s a dictatorship that jails anyone who publicly disagrees with the government. MBS even locked up his own mother for criticizing his jailing of relatives. The people are NOT okay with it, thats like saying it seems like Saddam Hussein is popular because nobody wants to risk their lives speaking out.
And no, there is nothing at all in Islam that supports a king. A caliph is elected.
Please provide a valid source that backs your claim. Please find any evidence for widespread support for a non-monarchal state.
You’re asking me to prove a negative.
If it’s literally a capital offense to call for a different government, do you think people will freely admit to a pollster that they dislike the monarchy? Stop assuming that the dictator is actually popular.
I have never been to KSA so I’ll refuse to take a position on the nation but Trump is hardly the originator of that phrase. He’s just the classless idiot who used it on mic. If you are actually fluent in English it would be really weird to think this is “Trump’s language”
Racism and bigotry towards: Arabs, Chinese and Russians is still acceptable. They get to decide who is okay and not-okay.
“One of those things is not like the other; one of those things is just not the same”
Russians are not a race. They are a nationality. There are many ethnic and racial groups in Russia. The anti-Russian sentiments are almost never anti-slavic/Turkic et al but are rather directed at the nation itself and the polity vs the sinophobia and antisemitism which tend to be at least partly aimed at the peoples.
🎵 …and the bone saw’s red glare
the screams filling the air
the sawing of limbs
and the blood everywhere
O say does that bonesaw in hand yet wave?… 🎵
He does have a very Hans-off approach to writing music.
Ooh baby a triple pun
Sad to see a great composer who really doesn’t need the money, take money from a brutal suppressive dynasty to make something that will make said dynasty look good
Even Eminem went dick riding and sucking saudi dictatorship for money. Jennifer Lo went stripping in her mid 50s there, + so many othera as well. 99.99999% of Hollowyood celebs and influencers turn into cheap spinless hypocrite sellout money whores when offered a saudi check
Didn’t Vince McMahon sell a bunch of yearly shows to Saudi Arabia? I used to love me some old school wrestling till i realized what a creepo he was
didn’t they already sell out by going to Hollywood in the first place…?
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I thought the guy was honourable.
From what I can tell, it seems like he takes credit for most of the work of his protégés. See: the DaVinci Code Soundtrack, for which he only wrote the main theme, or the Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack, for which… You guessed it, he only wrote the main theme.
And that Pirates theme is just a rehash of his theme for The Rock a few decades earlier
Yeah, if you’ve ever read Cloud Atlas, it makes me wonder if David Mitchell was friends with a former collaborator of Zimmer’s (or if the industry is so rife with such problems), because the way Zimmer appears to operate and aggrandize himself sure does have a whiff of Vyvyan Ayrs…
I watched gladiator for the first time a few weeks ago and there was a few times where the soundtrack sounded very pirates-y. I have no idea if it was actually Hanz Zimmer who did that one though
Zimmer scored Gladiator and was the score producer on Pirates three years later.
oh shit that totally makes sense thank you
Well, did he give feedback or other input for the other songs of the soundtracks? Like, was he the leader and the others worked for him, or did he have no say in what the others did?
So, compare this contemporary review, which makes it clear (including a quote from Zimmer himself!) that while Zimmer, Djawadi, and others contributed leitmotifs and notes, the majority of composition was Badelt’s. Now consider Zimmer’s website’s description, which invariably paints himself as the main composer of nearly every track, even claiming the title of primary composer, and seems to erase the contributions of Badelt at every opportunity.
So, I take any claims of Zimmer’s greatness with a giant salt lick. I originally read another source (which I now am unable to locate) that claimed the only thing Zimmer wrote for the DaVinci Code was the main theme motif, much like “He’s a Pirate” for the first pirates movie. I now generally assume that anything excellent “composed” by Zimmer was some other collaborator’s work, Zimmer offered a chord or two, then used his ill-gotten fame to bully the less-famous collaborators to accept the title of second fiddle while Zimmer mimes the Solo in the spotlight.
I’d absolutely love a collab between Zimmer and Tallerico.
I used to really like the guy…
I’ve always heard he’s kinda of a dick to work with
The dude makes music. This is a paycheck. You are overthinking things.
He gonna reuse the dune theme 😂
I wonder how he’s gonna include the part about slavery and misogyny
“I’m going for more of an 80s pop vibe.”
He gonna thread in the Islamofascism, Human Slavery, and Misogyny?
Hard not to when rejecting a fantastic offer from MBS could end in an assassination. I’m interested in seeing how the West handles this loose cannon.
Wow, well, fuck that guy … shame
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He evidently does need the money, huh…
I would be down for a national anthem that sounded like a movie trailer. Opens with BWAAAAHMMMMM. Then another. Then narrator in a grisled and wise voice starts in, “We’re not a good country. We’ve done horrible things.” BWAAAAAHMMMMMM!
Weird news!
I always fucking knew this guy was a fucking hack. Fuck Hans zimmer.