both sides are not the same
both sides are not the same
everybody getting their panties in a bunch over 1500 non violent prisoners ALREADY on home confinement since the COVID pandemic having their sentences commuted, lmfao. with the absolute destruction of democracy that’s gonna start … i dunno, tonight with the shutdown of the federal government at midnight brought on by trump directing his republican minions from palm beach, it’s pittiful to me, that the lemmy crowd thinks this is even in the realm of things to get upset about. shine on you crazy tankies, you’ll get there, keep on pluggin.
he’s shutting down the government, until he and his republican congress take over, then he’ll act the conquering godking and revive it as if he were voldemort. dark brandon should have an oval office address on all the networks before the shutdown starts to say “bring it on motherfucker, everyone knows you’re calling for this, you want the smoke, you got it”
Fifteen Million Merits - Black Mirror - 2011
i use ublock origin
reddit still good for something: Filter Lists–>uBlock filters–>uncheck the “ublock filters - quickfixes” box and then reload the page.
this worked for me
I think i’m having a stroke, because I have no fucking idea what’s going on here
It’s a trade off, if you want old school butcher store service, you’re gonna pay old school butcher store specialty pricing (which is usually at least double what you’re going to pay for the same cut in a supermarket)
suffering and death, it seems, is the only way god shows his love, but sometimes, he really leans into it
You’d have thunk the Born Agains would’ve made the connection between voting for Trump and being smitten by God with plague at this point, right?
“If we buy them all nobody else can use them hahahahahahahahaha” ~ Satya Nadella
look up preprepared pasteurized food, it will be an eye opener. you can pop a can of campbell chunky soup and eat it cold. science is amazeballs.
lol, all you can do is laugh. crying, yelling, pleading, recitation of observable fact, nothing will move the needle for the morons who think that any solution which assists both white people and brown people equally must be evil to be defeated
Approved claims, and no profits. Once you start approving claims, the hospitals and healthcare companies will continue charging whatever they want to. The Insurance game is a losing proposition if claims must be paid, it only works if they’re allowed to deny claims. It’s a nonstarter. Which is why in a nation with a functioning public healthcare system, Insurance companies aren’t necessary. Healthcare costs will always outpace the income an Insurance company will charge.
Europe has had since the 40’s to build up their forces to counter the Russian threat (and German threat, the Germans always fucking turn), and though it had a rock solid partner in the United States and NATO, most chose to invest in their social safety nets, and mandatory months long paid holidays, using only the smallest amounts in their budgets for defense, some almost none at all. Well.
This is excellent, though I have no doubt Trump’s incoming FCC is going to try to kill this deader than Dillinger. A Fascists worst nightmare is the cheap free flow of information, which might foment protest against their rule, especially and primarily giving that access to the poor and underserved.
Almost as if Pedophilia and Pederasty was built in to the Catholic Church as accepted practice for the last 2 thousand years, or something. If it were any other organization, it would have been shuttered, and banned from the United States a very long time ago. The fact The Catholic Church is still allowed to have churches in the US shows just how very little we care about the welfare of children, no matter what we tell each other, this lack of action speaks so loudly on it’s own.
wild. hope this one proves more successful in the long term than the previous attempts.
if i told you republicans give ordinates less of shit to the point of actively targeting you than democrats, would you believe me. what if i told you to wait until March 20th, and then we can discuss this “both sides are the same” thing again