They really didn’t go with homicidal hornets? We actin’ like fun alliterations just come around all the time now?
They really didn’t go with homicidal hornets? We actin’ like fun alliterations just come around all the time now?
You doubt the power of my kissies?!
Wait, is this image from the latest movie?
I still don’t get why the higher ups pushed this and Ivermectin so hard. Like, they clearly aren’t anti big pharma, so it must be someone getting their beak wet. But who?
All I have to say is this is absolutely the right channel for this post.
If this is real I have a lot of sympathy for this guy. There’s no way he will be getting the medical attention his chronic pain deserves.
Gabe has like 7 yachts doesn’t he?
Seems like it may be a workable patch for this timeline?
We going full V for Vendetta? Are we finally fucking doing this?!
Everything about this photo is top notch. Truly a superb owl.
De Beers enters the chat
Even with perfect messaging on the economy I don’t think it would do much. Hell Trump fucked the economy the first go around, Biden mostly fixed it.
IMO we need to tap into fear and lean on social media or non MSM sources. It’s sad we can’t appeal to better angels and a bright star, but we are passed that now.
Talking about the economy? Yeah I don’t think the majority of Trump supporters care. That’s way too abstract for them.
I initially voted for the haha… Then read your comment and downvoted. Thanks for the alternate perspective.
They do not respect your sovereign lands. This is a declaration of war!
Once they have AI bots it’s game over.
Woke just means bad now to the less mentally inclined it seems.
Take him deeper Elon!
This seems like one of those fun scenarios you imagine in the shower the next day.