The legal standards you mentioned seem to disagree with you
The legal standards you mentioned seem to disagree with you
You’re kidding right? Self defense? How?
Yes, the CEO is a mass murderer, still makes Luigi a criminal murderer because -and I can’t believe I have to explain this- TWO WRONGS DONT MAKE A RIGHT
What you’re doing is mental gymnastics to justify something that is obviously wrong and it’s something I see way way way too many people do. What you’re doing is the exact same shit that that killed CEO does when he justifies his killings only that guy likely knew he was wrong, you don’t even seem to understand that part of it
Yeah and that is something everyone already is doing anyway, I never said anything about not doing that.
I said that lowering the amount of days to 6 won’t do anything to increase security. Then why not lowering it to 1 day? That ought to be super secure now! Why not 1 hour or 1 minute? Super duper secure?
What is the actual added security benefit here? Because so far all I’ve seen is security theatre, something unexpected from let’sencrypt
Indeed not, it’s how real life works, as there is more to lige than just SSL. If someone has access to your SSL certificates you have a ginormous set of issues, your easily replaceable SSL certificates being one of the lowest priority. I don’t see how a 6 day limit on that is going to do anything at all to help you with safety
Missing bthe point that of they got access to that, they likely have access to a lot more and that you likely have bigger problems than just your SSL certs
Good point.
After the inevitable mass deaths, People like rfk should be held accountable for mass murder
U hate it when companies start with those mental gymnastics exercises to pretend they’re open source so they can get more people that way
You’re open source or you’re not. In this case, you’re not, so stop pretending. It makes me want to try your app even less.
The guy hasntneven started his presidency yet and he already is crashing the economy
I’m not even mad, I’m just amazed.
In other news, sky is blue and after a twenty years long study with different control groups, a peer reviewed publication claims that water has been found to be wet
Wouldn’t surprise me that instead of offering the current owner something nice and real that he’ll just spend 10 times the amount on lawyers to just sue the guy into oblivion to get it.
Fuck Musk
I love how naively you think that you’ll be able to get your hands on a vaccine in the US…
If you’re not in the US, lucky for you!
Huuuurrrr duuuuurrr PHP bad duuuurrrrr
Very mature opinion rit there
SpaceX is ran beyond stupid and useless. Under control of a sane independat CEO it might actually produce something useful .
I had a 20mb hard drive
I had a 1gb hard drive that weighed like 20 kgs, some 40 odd pounds
I use csf which isn’t GUI, text only, but the configuration is so straightforward and simple that it’s been my default for years now on server and desktop
I never understood why there isn’t anything even remotely close to it in Linux. Kde has Gwenview which is awful slow, bloated yet barely has any features at all.
There is a way to run it through wine but that is awful. Cane e start a GoFundMe for the dev to make a Linux KDE release with Deb and rpm files? I’ll happily contribute.
Mind you that a lotmof that no longer works
In the past traffic could be routed over whatever. If one node went down, the traffic would go over another
Now we have a few very fast backbones and if even one goes down bye bye internet
What you have cached locally or on your doesn’t count because it’s only that which you’ve seen before.
… Seriously?
If someone got a hold of your certificate that is the security equivalent of the entire company being on fire. If they got my certs they likely will have my credit cards, my birth certificate, and my youngest daughter.
Thank God though that I can renew my certificates every 6 days, that will definitely help sole the problem.
That makes little sense. If they can get my certificate then I have different problems that ,a 6 day turnaround isn’t going to solve
If you mis read anything can be anything