Oh, interesting! That’s the first I’m hearing of being able to configure more in Linux, seems like anyone taking ML seriously would be using Linux anyway.
Oh, interesting! That’s the first I’m hearing of being able to configure more in Linux, seems like anyone taking ML seriously would be using Linux anyway.
Maximum allocation of 96GB to VRAM on the 128GB configuration, but your point still stands. This desktop was absolutely designed almost specifically for ML-enthusiasts, and if you wanna run a game on it you can too. Describing it as a “gaming PC” is totally missing the mark.
EDIT: it has been pointed out that the 96GB limit is a Windows limitation, so wouldn’t affect any serious ML-enthusiast
I mean, I think the S23 Ultra is still getting updates through 2027, so it gives you plenty of time to get use out of it before upgrading in 2028.
I think you could sell it by being very vague and not claiming it actually does anything.
As an example, just rattle off a bunch of insanity as necessary to convince idiots that you “get it” like “keep your blood pure”, then do what lots of supplements do with super vague meaningless claims like “Contains Iron which essential for your blood to function properly”
Is this satire or is your brain really like this.
I mean, I think it’s specifically more targeted at freedom of the press, and the 1A really only prevents Congress from passing laws to limit free speech or the press. So while I agree with you 100% in principle, I don’t think what Musk is doing is illegal here, he’s just a fucking asshole.
Yup, vaccination isn’t reinforcements, it’s training. It’s having the other team’s playbook before they even step foot on the field.
In all of my ecology classes they were super specific about re-framing that concept as “survival of the fit enough”
You don’t actually have to be the best example of something to have your traits carried along, just good enough to consistently make it to reproductive age and then procreate.
It helps explain a lot of weird survival mechanisms - it doesn’t have to be the best way to do things but if it consistently works, then it’s good enough. Like the old saying “if it’s stupid, but it works, then it’s not stupid”
It says hCG right on the test though.
It was also pretty cool to see some actual positive news out of Palestine in recent weeks.
The fact that you think that has anything to do with Trump shows how disingenuous or ignorant you are being. The ceasefire was reached while Biden was president, and the only thing Trump has done is reauthorize even bigger bombs for Israel.
Somehow, Trump returned.
Not exactly. Also recently announced a child from cheating on his wife.
That’s because anyone with a basic understanding of human biology knows sex is a biological concept that is quite fluid - and gender has an incredibly soft scientific basis if any at all, within social contexts. If he had people who actually understood science helping his write this, they would only be explaining the ways it’s wrong.
AC Oranges
Was that the one set in Florida?
In addition to the community-aspects others have noted, the combat system is a bit slower-paced and extremely strategic. The jobs(classes) are all extremely unique and the sub-job system allows you to play them differently as needed. You can switch jobs on one character so you really grow attached to your specific character rather than making different characters for different classes.
You can swap-gear mid combat which gives you a lot of situational flexibility that makes it feel like you’re actively contributing to your success or failure. As an example you might have a set of great for a specific ability, or switch to defensive gear if you draw the enemy’s attention.
Additionally, the story is really nuanced and the side-characters are often very realistic in their choices, motivations, and there is a sense of consistency throughout the world that really makes it feel “lived-in” in a way a lot of other MMOs don’t bother with.
Honestly I could go on and on. It’s just a really special world and will stick with me for life. Even a few years out from playing I still get the itch to go back constantly. Vana’diel is like a second home for me.
FFXI ruined all other MMORPGs for me, because there is nothing like it and probably never will be again.
Final Fantasy XI and it’s not even close.
I am a stay at home Dad. The pay is terrible and my boss is extremely immature. Best job I’ve ever had.