Isn’t this just Chrono Trigger?
Best damn game of all time!!!
Worth playing even today?
Absolutely. It is a very short JRPG that wastes no time and has no filler. I finish it about monthly.
The only discernible flaw is that one dialog box is missing a closing quotation mark.
The game mechanics and pixel graphics (not to mention the great soundtrack) aged amazingly well. I’m super biased though
Caveat: the graphics were fairly low-res even for its time, and that bugs some people.
Everything else though… it is made by the people who did the early Final Fantasy series, who were given the free reign to do as they pleased so this is how they wanted games to be. e.g. battles aren’t random but you can see them on the screen before you fight them, which increases the level of immersion. Most are also skippable if you wanted, though if you fight each battle once then you need do no grinding at all unlike most early JRPGs.
It is super short, but has a New Game+ feature with >15 different endings. So very replayabile. It offers very little difficulty, but that’s not what it’s for, being a story game. Especially the first time, set battle mode to “Wait” so you have all the time you want to think through things.
And I wasn’t exaggerating saying that it’s a strong contender for best game of all time - again caveat those gfx but otherwise… The reviews it got were phenomenal and as you see it has a cult-like following!:-)
Not sure why people would be funny about the graphics.
Those SNES era 2D games have aged much better than the PS1 era 3D games.
Get a good CRT filter set up and it’s just
But actually though, all the SNES graphics were designed for CRT screens and universally look a bit ass on modern displays. A proper CRT TV is hard to get these days but display filters for emulators have come a long way.
I can hear that screenshot.
Literally, we all can!:-)
I went and saved the queen from that war that happened long ago. Then it appeared I had nothing left to do. I stopped there.
There are many paths forward from that point. The spacetime rift has most of them, and the old man there explains what to do then.
You don’t have to do any particular ones of them. But you can:-). Especially with the powered up pendant that you got from the Mammon Machine (necessary to even get to the area where the queen is), you can now go back and open up all the doors and treasure chests scattered throughout the game that were locked with “a mysterious power”. Hopefully you wrote them all down in your notes taken while you went through the game!? Or just consult a guide, even if only for that one thing. Plus I thought the game showed hints to remind you.
There’s SO MUCH to the game past that part - you are missing the absolute best of it!:-) But yeah, seriously, use a guide for that part - no reason that each person has to do all the discovery entirely on their own. Or just muddle through the boss fight using items - that will take awhile and be frustrating as you get confusion put onto you (hint: there are multiple types of helmets that protect against that…), but it does work, as that is how I beat it the first time myself without a guide.
Do as you please, but it’s a fun project to see what’s beyond that point in the game!:-)
In part bc damn is that music great to listen to!!:-)
I like your enthusiasm. Can’t say I’m looking forward to figure out that part, but I’ll try. Thanks
Best. Game. Of. All. Time.
Music, storyline, has great replayability, etc. Gfx suck but even that was a deliberate choice to focus on the playability fun and storyline enjoyment, plus it’s kinda a “cartoonish”/manga style (although even then notably low-res).
It’s worth a look, yeah. 👍
But the world refused to change
Either that or Azeroth.
In DnD I believe it is called a Tarrasaque
There was a Dr who episode with this plot, but the insect inside the earth was a spider.
Also, basically, that episode about the moon.
She got what she deserved
Insect + big + magic as caulking for the highest-level plot holes, then let the geopolitics trickle down.
Bam. World created.
Fun fact: lengths of cicada cycles are usually prime numbers to minimize overlap between emergences of different species.
Somewhere in the universe, the 2^136,279,841 − 1 cicada bides its time
I thought it said Canadians at first and I was confused.
Beware the coming of the World Canadian.
This year they came out in droves, to the point where their sound was ear-splitting and drowned out most of the cars on the major road I live on. The sound is one of the worst things I have ever heard (intense bug phobia)… so yeah, fuck everything about this.
Isn’t this the twist to Darkest Dungeon?
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Chrono Trigger is fun!
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Yep. Early game, you accidentally time travel to the past. You fix what got broken by the time travel incident, get back, and go through a kangaroo court. You escape from that, find another portal, and after fighting your way through some futuristic ruins, you find out this mountain-sized porcupine-looking thing with a graboid head erupted out of the ground shooting lasers everywhere, and the rest of the game revolves around preventing that.
The court was one of the best moments!
Nah the game is about friendship and time travels. The boss is kinda irrelevant.
In fairness, the power of friendship, being the real treasure found along the way, beats everything!:-)
Someday someone will discover the Cicada Highest Prime Number
World of Warcraft fans seething right now.
At this point it might be doing us a favor to just put us out of our misery.