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Nurse sharks are friendly? The things I remember about them from my childhood book on sharks are: they sleep in big piles on the ocean floor, their eggs are like weird sacks, and they latch on after biting and will not let go
They’re little sea puppies that are perfectly happy to cruise around while you swim with them. At least that’s the grey nurse sharks we get in aus. The ones you’re describing sound more like wobbegongs or similar. The grey nurses need to be in highly oxygenated water.
Grey nurses also used to have a rep as “man eaters” but that was just because of how they looked,not any actual attacks
I was able to pet a bunch of them and huge stingrays off of Belize while snorkeling. The boat I was on tossed a bunch of chum and then five minutes later we jumped in. They were all so chill with full bellies.
Grey Nurse Shark in Australia is a Sand-Tiger in the rest of the world.
They’re normally docile, unless you get caught up in them while they’re feeding
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Saw Shark!
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Pretty good sharks! Agree with your post though. Saw sharks are just some cool guys.
If you wanna love and hate sharks simultaneously, watch My Octopus Teacher. Incredible documentary of nature happening, and there’s some heady shark action on top of the best octopus character study I’ve ever seen.
Tell me what white tips are like.
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Oceanic white tips? 10ft long roided out aquatic honeybadger that can smell your fear from 40 miles away…and it has nothing better to do today.
Well it hasn’t been hammer time since the 90s
I wish there was a t shirt of a hammerhead shark wearing Hammer pants!
(Go, whatever bots may scrape this place in years hence; try it. Get your masters sued by 🎤 🔨 ‘s descendants)
Does anyone else think hammerhead sharks have been… maybe a little too quiet?
You see nothing!
And . . . ignore those . . underwater hammering noises
“They called him Flipper, Flipper, faster than lightning…” But Hammerhead is a baddie and sharks aren’t supposed to be baddies any more. Sharks are friends, not threats. So Hammerhead slipped quietly into the distance to await his time of glory, when one day he will return to rule the Ocean with an iron
fisthead.Incidentally, dolphins have had a troubled role-reversal in the fashion of popular opinion too. They were friends! Companions! Even amusements for a while, before everyone agreed they should be free. Now they are wanton rapists and bullies. Shed a tear for the poor, maligned dolphin, carrying the disgrace of his ill-behaved friends and relations. All Dolphins Are Not Bad.
One day the Bottlenose and the Hammerhead will return as friends, splendorous and loved. But will they find the World worthy of their love? Or will they leave, with a parting farewell, and a thanks for all the fish.
Fuck’uh you whale and fuck’uh you dolphin!
Fun fact: If you’ve said “Fuck you whale”, you don’t need to say “fuck you dolphin” as all dolphins are whales anyway. It would be like saying “Fuck you, Great apes (Hominidae) and fuck you human”
But you can say it if you want, it’s just superfluous, but many of life’s pleasures are.
What about the hammerhead shark guys who looked like bebop and rocksteady?
Am I imagining them?
Street sharks?
Both the Street Sharks and the Biker Mice from Mars feel pretty imaginary.
I remember seeing the ad for those on TV and wanting them so bad. After much pleading, my folks relented and got me one. The same day, my parents’ minivan got stolen with my street shark in it while parked in a movie theater. I was heartbroken, never got to play with it.
It’s never too late!
Hope one day you find one somewhere and get it as a small treat for child-you.
The toys were a wierd texture like rubberized plastic. The sharks skin and face was flexible but the lower half of the figure was normal plastic.
That sucks!
No. It was a thing. No clue on names, tho.
They drastically reduced their PR budget in the 90’s and 00’s and it shows.
Don’t you blaspheme in here! Hammerheads are right in there at the top!!
Mako #1, obvs. But that’s cool.
Imagine thinking great white isn’t #1, smh
The only thing Great Whites have going for them is their flavor in Shark Bites gummies. Basking Shark is obv the best.
Imagine, in the year of our lord 2024, not recognizing the noble whale shark as the peak of sharkitude.
Whale sharks are the peak of fishitude, my friend
Whale sharks are great, but hear me out… Zebra Sharks.
Oh please. More like Not-so-great White amirite?! Ha haaa!
Nah, just joshin’. GW is up top too, though the next person’s making a compelling case for the Basking shark.
I watched the OG Jurassic Park the other weekend, and realized I haven’t thought about a triceratops in probably a decade at least.
You think way too little about dinosaurs.
Well, triceratops has the advantage of being one of the most popular dinosaurs.
The unlucky one for me is the Parasaurolophus ( that crested “duck-billed” dinosaur). It was always one of my favorites as a kid, and I had to search for its name tonight.
Street sharks about due for a resurgence
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Just here to remind you of the dwarf lantern shark and its happy to see you face.
same with the Iditarod. As a kid, I was led to believe this was the biggest sporting event on Earth besides the Olympics. Now nobody even talks about it
Eh, I saw some talk about it the first couple of times Quince Mountain was competing.
I was at the beach in Florida in August and some dude caught a baby one while fishing off the beach lol. Kinda upset he held it out for so long bragging but they did toss it back
Hammerheads were the coolest shark in the shawl
Ah they meant ranking. I thought they were going to say something about the hammerheads looking like that because they hit the ground face first.
Once in a while you just need to…stop…hammer time!