This is different and much worse.
This is different and much worse.
You really don’t have to be such an asshole. Shit talking potential allies until they give up is not helping.
You may want to take a look at this if you have time. It may look suspect because it’s just some guy’s blog with a stupid cartoon image at the top but the data is quite real. If you want you can scroll to the bottom first where the author gives his credentials. I wish he’d put that at the top.
Surely kidnapping and murder were illegal.
Absolutely. Even I believed and repeated the jokes about Gore inventing the internet, and I voted for him!
Karl Rove, Roger Stone, the right gets all the genius ratfuckers and the Democrats have to always take the high road. It’s disgusting.
I agreed with you completely until last week when I read this
Yeah Democrats suck, Kamala was a shit candidate, etc. But the election was quite literally stolen. Over two million mail-in ballots trashed. If you are black, your ballot was nine times more likely to get trashed than a white person’s.
Please take the time to read. The author lists their credentials at the end.
Nothing the Nazis did was technically illegal
My father-in-law, now a diehard MAGA, was prepared to vote for Bernie in 2016. He’s not an idiot, he was an electrical engineer back when they used slide rules and computer punch cards. It just shows you how people can truly not give a shit about policy and just vote on feels.
Sometimes those eyes over your shoulder will cause you to screw up something you’ve done a hundred times.
I first heard it on NPR. They were referring to Trump’s lies in the 2016 campaign. Two weeks later his team had co-opted the term and used it as a two word reply to anything going against their narrative.
I’m totally amazed that they pulled that off so well. It’s sad of course, set us down the path to “alternative facts” and is still used as complete dismissal of an argument without even giving it a chance.
I assume it’s mashed up beans reformed into the shape of a giant bean. I’d give it a shot with some seasoning.
Eraserhead, the first? movie by famed genius/madman David Lynch.
Thank you for not saying FASFA. I’m a grammar and spelling square in my soul, but this is one of the mistakes that absolutely drives me up the wall. Teachers, students, university staff; I’ve heard them all say it this way.
Testament to his genius that I have only watched this movie once and I immediately knew it. It bothered me. Movies don’t bother me.
I watched it about 20 years ago and I don’t think I will ever again.
Fantastic movie.
Wow. That’s a take. Thanks for responding in depth, I certainly learned something from our interaction today.
If you get a baseball bat make sure you get a glove and a ball and keep them together. 😉
Very interesting info, thanks. I just mentioned them because they’re fun to shoot and wondered if they were illegal. I know you have your own problems with AFD but the situation here is a bit more dire.
When will he or his successor ever not have that power?