Vladimir Egorov, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, was found dead on Wednesday, according to Russian state media. Tobolsk City Duma deputy Egorov, 46, a member of Putin’s ruling United Russia party, fell from the third floor window of a house on Kedrovaya Street in Tobolsk in the Tyumen Oblast, Russian Telegram channel Baza, which has links to Russian security services, reported. Russian daily newspaper Izvestia also cited a source as saying that Egorov could have fallen out of a third floor window. Newsweek couldn’t immediately verify the cause of Egorov’s death and has contacted Russia’s Foreign Ministry via email for comment. The press service of the Investigative Directorate for the Tyumen region told Russia’s state-run news agency RIA Novosti that investigators are “establishing all the circumstances of the incident.” Last year, Egorov became one of the richest deputies of Tobolsk, with his income amounting to 9.1 million rubles (about $100,500), Russian news outlet RBC reported on Thursday.
I don’t know what is more dissappointing: the lack of creativity in how these murders are covered up or that Russia is in such a sorry state that the powers that be see no need to bother.
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It might have simply been a matter of under-performing. It’s been a long three days, and Ukraine still has Nazis, after all.
Not only that, having the MO as an open secret allows any of the few investigations that get past “declared suicide” can be declared a false flag.
“We don’t actually do that. We never have. Our enemies spread these rumors, then attempt to frame us with this preposterous crime.”
The propaganda has redundancy layers.
It’s a fine line. They don’t want people to conclusively prove that it’s them, but they want people familiar with them to know that it most likely is them.
The interesting thing about this one is how low it was. There’s a decent enough chance of surviving falling from the 3rd storey, which suggests they would have ensured his death some other way.
Perhaps he was already dead by the time he left the building
Maybe he told them to park the warship in the wrong spot…
Yea the comments are always the same tired defenestrate or hand-rail jokes on these articles but honestly it’s just sad to see that accountability has fallen so far that the despotic government of Russia doesn’t even try making these look believable
It’s like a serial killer signature at this point. They want people to know.
Russian dexter
They know they don’t need to, it sends the message perfectly.
They were creative!
This was a third story window, not a second story one.
Russians could make bank with a hand rail industry.
Just like the Empire in Star Wars.
Sounds suspiciously like forbidden western technology. Throw him out the window!
And in other news, Russia has banned the use of hand rails. Video at 11.
Russian windows are just giant holes in the wall with no glass and every room has random banana peels thrown around. It’s the only explanation. Unless…
No “unless”, that’s exactly what it is… unless you want to trip and fall out of a window.
Or, and hear me out, the Russians developed a breed of super predator windows that seek out people (who just so happen to have annoyed the overlords), sneak up on them, gobble them up and shit them out the other side of the wall… just a theory.
Reminds me of the first episode of The Continental: we kill your family and ruin them, or you locate the nearest balcony and we leave them alone.
Russian NPC’s aka general population: “Must’ve been the wind”
Hey, not cool comparing Russians to NPCs; I’ve seen game NPCs with more capacity for independent thinking
“Good work, 47. Now locate an exit.”
A useful word for situations like this is defenestrate. It means to throw a person or thing out of a window.
Angry upvote
Being reported as autodefenestration, the act of throwing ones self out a window. Although your word is the more accurate one, and everyone knows it
there’s a famous song with this word i can’t remember exactly
Very surprised that he didn’t shoot himself in the back of the head before he accidentally fell out of the window.
Nope, the blood pattern clearly shows he shot himself after he hit the ground. Clearly, this man went above and beyond to kill himself. A Russian patriot.
World heavyweight champion of suicide
Russian windows seem to be nearly as dangerous as American guns.
As an architectural professional, I kinda want to skim over Russian building codes on the off-chance that they just have really shitty practice around fall protection at windows, and all of our jokes about it misunderstand the situtation after all.
All floors must slope at least 6 degrees towards windows (or 5 degrees if the sill is greased) to reduce vampire invasions.
They say the building code is written in blood, and hoo boy did Vlad Tepes leave a mark in that part of the world.
Everyone talks about the impaling outside of window stats but no one ever brings up the low impaling inside of window stats.
I believe that Navalny had fallen out of a window long ago if there were any without bars in the Gulag.
Not exactly a hot take given Putin tried poisoning Navalny once.
I know. Maybe he was weary of upstairs windows back then so Putler had to use the other method.
Interesting that’s it’s an ally and not a foe - that suggests (if it’s not a true accident) that the top is beginning to jostle for position.
That, or fate loves irony.
Must not have been a good enough ally.
That, or more interestingly, maybe Putin really is losing control in Russia.
Allies quickly become foes when they forget their place.
Yes, often known as “When I want your opinion, I’ll give it to you”-syndrome.
Windows seems to be a severe infrastructure problem in modern Russia.
Was banana peel (/russian accent)
It’s like headline madlibs.
Vladimir _______, Putin _____ found dead after falling from ________ window.
Take out the spaces and that’s a damned good headline.
Lmao good one
It’s raining men
I’m gonna go out, I’m gonna let myself get
absolutely soaking WEEEEET!
As long as it’s the elites, hallelujah!
Why is it always such low windows?
I think it’s like a villain calling card. As a whole this war has been great for consolidating power
… was found dead after falling from a daylight basement window
It’s about sending a message. Also a lot of Soviet era buildings don’t have working elevators, so why drag the body higher than necessary?
'Cause they have to be identifiable right away … not a splatter stain that takes days/weeks to identifiy.
Gotta get that message out quick.
This one was the upper floor of the victim’s home
Less time to yell out that he’s being murdered
Marvel just should’ve called her “black window”, it’s more realistic that way.
For a while there I thought “moved to Belarus” was going to become the new “fell from a window”, but I guess they’ve decided to stick with tradition.