Oh let me clarify - I’m sure this terrorist act wouldn’t impact Musk’s endorsement of the AfD one bit.
Lemmy needs user tags so I could have “has ADHD and frequently miswords things” floating by my name.
Oh let me clarify - I’m sure this terrorist act wouldn’t impact Musk’s endorsement of the AfD one bit.
Lemmy needs user tags so I could have “has ADHD and frequently miswords things” floating by my name.
Alternatively, there’s always Shellac - it’s kind of a lost artform now but it’s a really awesome material to use.
X is a channel for disinformation and hate speech. The US should take down the platform (and tank Musk’s value). Come on Biden - you could sneak it in in your last weeks!
I’m sure that if this happened before Musk’s endorsement it totally would have impacted his (Edit for clarity: Musk’s) decision.
Absolutely certain.
Pardon me, I’m choking on all this sarcasm.
May we all have the pleasure of shitting on his grave one day.
If you managed French Spanish is a fucking breeze. You know most of the nouns already and the pronouns are incredibly straightforward.
Birdman (with Michael Keaton) - nothing in the actual movie but the absolute soul crushing sadness when I realized that they weren’t making a Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law movie.
It’s funny that for having such a full career I still think Fresh Prince was an absolute masterpiece and unequaled by anything else Will Smith did. (Second place was probably the original Men in Black).
Maes Hughes’ big action moment in Full Metal Alchemist - either version.
Alternatively, the scene this music https://youtu.be/EL7e5XrzanA goes to (Ep 5 of Cowboy Bebop) - far more of a tear jerker for me than the final episode.
Cats are extremely dangerous for their size but unless you were infirm or a child you’d have no trouble defeating a cat - it might leave you scarred and injured but if it’s you or a cat you win.
In Florida corn syrup isn’t taxed at 0% it’s taxed below 0% because it’s already gone through layers of subsidies.
“Repeal farm subsidies” is one of the few things you could walk into congress and have overwhelming opposition to from both sides.
So you’re supportive of Canadian sin taxes on sugar? Obviously America is broken as shit but let’s look at a less fundamentally awful example. Canada has a (granted smaller) issue with obesity and the costs of supporting long term care for it - a sin tax on sugar that helps support the Canadian healthcare system due to the outsized costs obesity causes.
Sin taxes are an incredibly effective way to reflect externalities of actions… sin taxes on offensive goods with no healthy malady are dumb as fuck - but we should be making sure that consumers are seeing a more accurate cost for expensive consumption habits. In an ideal world those revenues would be earmarked for programs to counter the societal harm (i.e. buying a pack of cigarettes would come with essentially a payroll style tax that’d fund smoking cessation programs) but America is currently deeply dysfunctional.
I’m not - my original comment wasn’t talking about whether the US was acting in a morally correct manner but rather if it was seen as a reliable mediator. It is certainly not the most trusted nation in the world but it is highly trusted. Becoming a despotism would break a lot of that trust as “being a democracy” is highly valued internationally and, traditionally, America is essentially the judge of who is and isn’t a democracy (or has control of the organizations that do).
BRICS is in a really interesting place right now because China continues to prop up Russia and India and South Africa are intent on reinforcing good will with China. They have a real tangible power internationally but Russia is still an extreme pariah. I was disappointed that they didn’t adopt an alternative trade currency as that’d provide (imo) a lot more global stability in the long run - but that may still come together. Also in my opinion if China either dropped support of Russia or supported a coup/revolution to depose Putin it’s likely they’d rapidly overtake the USA in the few western spheres the US still politically dominates - I’m not a political strategist but I absolutely can’t comprehend why China is spending so much potential reinforcing a highly unpredictable government like Putins but that may just be down to personality quirks of Xi.
Is the US currently treated as a bad actor internationally?
America exports a lot of tourism dollars and that’d likely come grinding to a halt.
If the US became an international bad actor the first crisis to resolve would likely be the outsized environmental impact America has. I’m pretty sure the rest of the world could sanction America into oblivion due to how unnecessary American exports are but it’d put China in an unrivaled power position.
It’d really fucking suck but that may be where we’re headed.
Musk isn’t acting alone because he doesn’t directly have much money.
Let us not lose sight of the banks that offer wealthy individuals zero interest loans against hyper pumped stock portfolios that are only worth a mere fraction of their on paper value.
Musk is absolutely a villain but we also have a fucked up system ready to empower a replacement. They’re both problems.
Laughing at dad jokes.