I have the most hours in Warframe, but Factorio is on a different level. If you’re anywhere on the spectrum, it is pure crack cocaine. The only reason I haven’t bought the DLC is because I know it’ll consume a month of my free time.
By the way, Warframe 1999’s soundtrack fucking slaps.
Space Age is totally worth it though
Can confirm. It’s the only game I play at this point.
Finally got to Fulgora. I want that mech suit.
I skipped straight to fulgora first! Then vulcanus, then gleba. by far gleba was a rough factory style for me to adjust to… Then I tackled aquilo 😬 Good lord, this one is rough!
Loving every minute, though. So satisfying to find better ways to build in the different environments!
I’m currently avoiding fixing Gleba, so I’m making an Epic Mech Suit.
A month? That is not enough :(
When they say a month of free time, the really mean a month of neglecting the laundry, dishes, vacuuming, showering, and cooking at home. And probably also a month of being late to work too.
I’ve had Friday evening sessions that were ended by the morning sun. I wasn’t kidding about the crack simile. Time is just a suggestion when you have an assembly line to complete.
After playing with trains in factorio, then just staring at them go in pure ecstasy for 10s of minutes. I am now convinced I’m much further on the spectrum than I thought.
Ignore the expansion and just free base Space Exploration
How are the micro transactions on warframe? Do they shove them down your throat or do you need to pay them to play? Was considered trying it out but free to play games tend to be shitty.
Pretty good, and somehow getting better with time; especially considering how much you can get out of the game for completely free.
The game’s main premium currency is platinum. There’s no way to get it through in-game activities. You can buy it directly, it is included in most cash-only purchases, or you can trade it freely with other players. Most of the trading is organized on the third-party market board warframe.market, and the in-game trading chat… exists, I guess.
Most of the game’s items (weapons, warframes, companions, upgrades) can be farmed through regular gameplay from random drops, from specific missions or boss fights, crafted from gathered resources, or bought using in-game currencies. You can buy most of them for platinum, but don’t have to. The only payment-exclusive items are cosmetics (skins, helmets, color palettes), but not all of them, and inventory slots. There are also many late-game items that are impossible to buy and have to be earned. Some items are also sold in discounted packs. As of the latest major update (released literally a few hours ago), you get an additional discount for items of a pack that you already own.
The worst limiting factor for a new player is warframe and weapon slots. Your account can only hold a limited number of certain items, and slots are almost exclusively purchased with platinum (a small number can be earned through Nightwave, a free battle pass-like system). A new account starts with 50 non-tradable platinum – my recommendation is to buy 2 weapon slot packs (12p for two slots, 24p total) and a warframe slot (20p for one).
Good choice !
The factory must expand so the factory can expand so the factory can expand so the factory can expand so the factory…
The factory must grow
I am so glad I bought that game before the steam release, which means most of my hours are untracked.
It’s not a bad game but Rimworld is destroying my life right now.
unrelated but i just noticed that the playtime was 1234, that’s neat
I wasn’t sure if you could read the image clearly. Nerd out!
Now you need to make it 1,234.5 hours and stop.
I should get tested or something.
That’s more hours per week than I have to work.
But you can always do more. I have a childhood friend who, when some leagues were released, averaged about 14 hours per day for Path of Exile for two weeks straight. Like 180 hours playtime in two weeks.
Another friend of mine should be at about 8000 hours of Rocket League by now on his main account only. That’s over the game’s full lifespan though.
I had to ban myself from that game as I’d fall off the face of the earth for weeks at a time
Is it about rimming?
Definitely mine too. It doesn’t even run faster than 1x… which is sucky slow but my own fault for having too many livestock animals to support my ~60 pawns… (peaceful gets very out of control if you let it) but now I have an outpost mod and as soon as all my kids are adults, most of them are gone.
cookie clicker
fucking useless, highly addictive
my phones version is about as old as my cousin lol
Have you tried Stimulation?
My eyes started hurting and my phone got very hot.
I have the newest best iPhone and it crashed at the stonk market
This was fun. Then my phone started acting up.
Oh god, all the clicker games were like fucking methamphetamine to me. I remember there was this ‘city’ clicker one where you built roads, and I straight up played nothing else for three weeks, every moment I could when I wasn’t working. I’m glad I don’t even look in their direction now, because I know I could get sucked back in.
Modded minecraft isnt the worst ever
I started making games to make sure its not
One day I’ll get around to playing Nomifactory CE. I’ve somehow played the base one twice over the past five years.
I’ve been so alienated from friends playing the most popular game on the planet in multiplayer because I can’t play Vanilla for shit. Not since 1.2.5 probably.
I’ll play no Minecraft for two years and then immediately nolife a modpack for two months.
Good shit. The best value game I have ever bought, no question about it.
I’m split between Factorio and Dwarf Fortress.
Give Songs of Syx a try. One guy, who developed the game in a shed in Poland so he could get away from his family. You can try the “demo” which is the full game just one version behind. Once he gets tired of developing it he said he’ll make it open source. Think dwarf fortress but you’re capable of having a population of thousands. Oh, and nevermind the race riots or cannibalism.
I went ahead and grabbed the demo and I will give a try, thanks for the info!
I kind of miss when No Man’s Sky was an endless, empty expanse. That sense of loneliness and futility was an emotional experience that it doesn’t have now. It’s become a much better game, no doubt, but putting time and careful planning into that long crawl towards the galactic centre felt right.
deleted by creator
It has an empty universe mode in one of the updates
There was a shitty f2p MMO called GunZ online once upon a time. It was so badly programmed that glitches literally became the primary gameplay loop.
I loved it. For those few that could get into it, it was a unique heaven of fps and fighting game that filled a void an over caffeinated teen with nothing but hyper focus and time didn’t know they had.
Also just ridiculously horny people.
Don’t call GunZ shitty! I’ll double butterfly your face, or something. It’s been a while.
Fuuuuuuck dude haven’t thought about that game in a decade
I remember that, Nexon?
Also just ridiculously horny people.
So, average MMO player
Factorio. Do i need to say more?
Why aren’t you tending to your factory?
My factory is paused. I found Derail Valley Simulator, and have been absolutely loving driving trains
There was this spreadsheet masquerading as a space conquest 4X game called Stars!
I just looked this up and I’m definitely gonna try it out.
So I’m not autistic and these aren’t necessarily bad games, but for my partner this is definitely Dragon Age. She has put an insane number of hours into the first 3 games. She knew The Veilguard was going to be bad. She KNEW, she told me multiple times even the second before she told me she bought the game. She got 3/4 of the way through before having a crying, screaming meltdown over how bad it was.
but she was okay with Inquisition? I don’t get that at all. Dragon Age Origins is one of my favorite games of all time and I’ve beat it several times. Inquisition is straight trash by comparison. I beat it once and was immensely disappointed. Because of that experience, I haven’t even considered trying Veilguard. I just know it can only be worse.
I don’t get that actually, and neither does she lol. We both like Inquisition. It was a step back towards Origins in gameplay and the story was fantastic.
Even then, bad gameplay should be made up for (for her) by the story. Veilguard shits on everything David wrote and that’s what upsets her. It’s just flat out bad writing in every aspect.
It’s just disappointing to see how drastically the series has changed. It started as a top-down strategy RPG, and now it’s just a generic hack-n-slash game. Game publishers have shied away from games like the original Dragon Age, because they want to sell as many units as possible. And they think generic hack-n-slash games sell better. Games like Baldur’s Gate 3 have proved that there is still a large demand for more traditional RPGs, but the publishers simply don’t want to take the risk.
Quest 64 is my favorite “bad” game. It was a meme for like a week around here, I miss those days.
As a kid I was so thirsty for RPGs without fully realising it that I made way too much of an attempt to like Quest.
ITT: people listing good games they played a bunch.
The answer is clearly world of warcraft.
Having grown up on the MUDs and MMOs that release before WoW I think I was thankfully inoculated against its more gamified, addictive formula.
Me being in love with Hellgate: London, Fate (WildTangent), and Warframe be like
Oh man, Hellgate: London. That’s a blast from the past.
Well thanks for sharing! I actually found the Dvd and installed it again thanks to your comment. What a blast! I love it.
I still fire it up from time to time, runs great for me
Did you buy it from steam or you still own a CD copy?
I have the collectors edition on DVD, you put in a retail key and boom, installs super quick on modern machines
All I remember from that was the insanely cool art/concept and memory leaks. Did they fix the memory leaks or do we all just have enough RAM for it to not matter?
I never had the memory leak issue, but it can use a bit over 1 GB of RAM for me at peak, which nowadays isn’t that much.
Hellgate London was such fun, unique hybrid twist on ARPG and looter shooter, I was sad when I heard it was shutdown.
I woulda played it more if I had known it was about to be shutdown. There were some crash bugs and sudden difficulty spikes that made me quit, thinking Id come back to it later. That later never happened.
Yeah it’s a shame the official multiplayer didn’t last long. There’s some fan projects with that but none of them scratched the same itch for me. There were a few patches for the game and they’re still available, but the difficulty spikes are still there, it gets grindy in the last couple sections of the game.
I just spent 20 hours on the demo for the new game roadcraft. I’m just pushing dirt around in a tractor like I’m playing with Tonka trucks back when I was 5. I haven’t really done anything interesting, just leveled dirt. Anyway, ill probably put in another 6 hours today after work.