get help. Be an adult.
get help. Be an adult.
could you take your pity party somewhere else, you went there in bad faith, and were going to be a shitbag there or get removed and now you are a shitbag in like 30 communities.
the DNC already is full of ‘moderate republicans’ they are looking for those trying to pull a trump for them.
so have any of you played blackjack with hookers?? They can play, and no tells, you will lose your shirt there. Best to just stick to the casinos.
I mean they make HDMI over CAT extenders, just get a pair
Sounds like you need to take a weekend with a linux live distro and just try it out see if you are more compatible with that. Here is a place that has a bunch.
She stated on the floor that there were pictures, if this is the case then that is easily verifiable or at least shown to be logged in (as there is underage material listed in her complaint) if this is just grand standing and using her position to gain an upper hand against a political rival then it could help lead to laws that would curb this BS ‘political speech’ freedoms that they abuse (in reference the idea that they can say any lie they want to as long as they say they are stumping so the voters know they would never actually do the things said).
I thought it was clearly stated that they were not going to pursue charges so this doesnt effect anything.
its like they are all 3 years old. I cant get over the idea that these are lawmakers.
I get your feeling, but as someone who is there, I dont, I just wish we didnt worry about anyone elses bedroom unless we were invited in. Its so fucking weird that all these right wing males have to think nonstop about fucking everything, and if it even confuses them or they think all other males are thinking of fucking them they are freaking out.
while its thru the fabric on the left and right do they also go thru it or is it just to wrap the middle? if the former then it would also look like a simple flower pattern (I would think).
in general I get why banning the word just because people wanna be edgy, but I fell like it should at least goto a mod list of like is this acceptable as there was more to it then just the word.
see I knew it had to have the roots in that term (bundle of sticks) the image I saw didnt have the back up and over three stitches, I guess that is what makes it more embroidery then just a sewing stitch.
I feel like the mods should be able to be like, no in this instance the word is correct, but I dont know what kinda tools they offer for them or if this is just a full on instance thing. either way I now know what it is.
I just wanna guess from what I understand of the word, Would removeding in this mean that you are doing a stick or hatched type of stitching?
removeding refers to ladder like stitches made with threads across an open area between fabrics.
Really, isnt that just a whip stitch?
WOW they auto censored that, come on now, I get that the word is used by cretins, but this is actual term and I was even learning.
I was at a rally, were you?
Crying infant gets its way (even when it already had those things) cries again, more at 11
Have you just tried seizing all the wealth of the nation for you and your inner circle so when you do crash out you can at least move to a place that is ok??
ok still the last gen kept up with those, and there will be uplift. But really until we see benchmarks we will not know how well they compare to the 50XX series. I still think your statement is in bad faith.
You are sitting here making this your whole identity, and as your name says you have some depression issues. Get help, And be an adult.