Somehow this is the only country on earth where this seems to happen. When talking about shootings involving guns, okay, fine, the US is certainly an outlier there, but every country has cars and police.
This is murder.
So some neckbeard republicans are going to come out and say “She should have just complied”, but honestly what is the absolute worst scinerio if she WAS shop-lifting? In what world is it not a better option to just get her FUCKING CAR’S license-plate number, track her to her house, then arrest her there when she’s clearly cornered? Or just boot her car when it’s found again and force her to come to you to get it off?
Because now you’ve killed a woman and her unborn baby over some God damn groceries.
The headline “Pregnant lady caught shoplifting groceries; arrested” would already be telling of a society that has gone far over the edge.
In this timeline, the edge is so far gone that it’s faded into myth.
I thought it was alcohol?
If this is a jurisdiction that says embryos are people then that cop executed a completely innocent person.
Shhh… don’t point out their own hypocrisy
That would require logical consistency. I would never accuse a republican of such a thing.
What I want to do is make a satirical video game about complying perfectly with a police officer’s requests, and show just how hard it is.
Throw in mixups where the player might be confronted by armed criminals, just to make sure players instill themselves with a sense of self-preservation.
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Okay but at that point shoot the tyres??
The argument will be that she was trying to use her car as a deadly weapon because she accelerated into an officer standing in front of the car.
Which falls apart when you watch the cops body cam footage and see that never even happened
Unsurprisingly you have downvotes too.
Or, you could deal with the issue when and where it arises? Seriously, some of the commenters here are trying to rewrite history.
She drove at a police officer dude.
She drove away from a police officer who intentionally stepped out in front of the car.
Also that’s some grade a level hypocrisy right there.
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She should have complied for sure, but non-compliance shouldn’t mean execution by firing squad.
Sorry, I’m just gonna repeat that for the folks in the back…
I pretty sure she drove her car into a wall because she was bleeding to death. I don’t think that was really a decision.
Probably thought they were going to kill her anyway, since cops be doing that on the regular.
she should have just complied,
I’m surprised there isn’t an automod bot to filter out cliche comments exactly like this
Is nit that she shop lifted, is that she tried to run over the officer
If she was trying to run him over, she did a really shitty job. The cop put himself in front of the vehicle and she turned her steering wheel the wrong direction and didn’t slam the accelerator. I think if anything the cop was trying to be run over, not the other way around.
Its not about “doing a good job” or not. She had the intent. Its all it takes for an officer or even a person to defend themselfs
You’re not getting it. He wasn’t trying to defend himself, he was intentionally putting himself in a place of danger to justify murder in the name of defense.
Amazing how cops are put in that position. Putting yourself intentionally in a place of danger to do your job. We have to thank every single one of them
How’s that boot taste?
She clearly did not have intent. The cop just placed himself in front of the car. If he wasn’t there she still would have driven forward. She didn’t drive forward because he was there. It wasn’t intent to run him over, it was intent to flee. The cop had intent to be in the cars path though.
“Yes, sir, officer sir! How many licks?”
How many items you took aithout paying?
I thought it wasn’t about her shoplifting? Make up your mind.
Oh, I’m sorry. It’s not about any of that, is it? It’s just about whatever you need to excuse a government agent murdering an American citizen without a proper trial by jury.
Do us all a favor and never pretend you respect the United States Constitution ever again.
When did that become a death sentence without a judge and jury?
She clearly didn’t try to run him over though, so what’s it really about?
She does not have to.
You can clearly see her turn the wheel away from the officer, and she doesn’t slam on the gas, she just accelerates at a normal speed. Not that that matters to you, you just love jacking off to pigs murdering people and don’t want to question for one second how shoplifting and resisting arrest is supposed to justify murder
The hell is wrong with this country. Shoplifting is not violent crime. If they flee put out an arrest warrant and they’ll turn up later, in a lot more trouble.
Cops are well aware standing in front of a car gives them a free pass killing someone who attempts to escape. It’s totally unnecessary pointless murder.
It’s totally unnecessary pointless murder.
It’s an execution. Someone accused of a crime doesn’t get a trial or a chance to defend themselves. Someone with a gun makes a decision to end their life on the spot.
Cops are well aware standing in front of a car gives them a free pass killing someone who attempts to escape.
Not to mention, standing in front of a car driven by a POC who has every reason to expect the cops to shoot them anyway. That person is already frightened and likely panicked and not thinking clearly. Putting yourself in front of a car with a panicked driver who is justifiably in fear for their life is incredibly stupid.
Also, what is with cops just repeating the same command over and over again and refusing to otherwise interact with the person. Are they trying to make the situation worse? Why not try and de-escalate the situation. Oh, that’s right, they want a reason to shoot people.
Are they trying to make the situation worse?
Yes, because it lets them use lethal force like the jack booted thugs they want to be.
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Cops are well aware standing in front of a car gives them a free pass killing someone
This “technique” has been demonstrated enough that frankly, I think that any rational person would conclude that in any situation where a cop walks in front of your car, you’re better off just gunning it before the cop has a chance to extrajudicially execute you first. If they walk in front of your car, it’s clear they’re just itching to murder you. The threat has been made, you should fear for your life. It’s you or them.
That’s not unreasonable. Maybe under Montana common law argument would work.
I think that any rational person would conclude that in any situation where a cop walks in front of your car, you’re better off just gunning it before the cop has a chance to extrajudicially execute you first.
Who upvotes this crap? This is worse than reddit.
Debate it.
Running from police in a high crime area used to be considered probable cause.
That’s changing now because running from police in a high crime area is an eminently reasonable thing to do even if you’re innocent.
If the tactic is demonstrably employed as a pretextual justification to kill nonviolent criminal suspects, than it’s reasonable to say that statutory law of resisting arrest should be the thing that breaks, not the natural law of self defense.
You want me to debate against someone saying you should floor it any time police walk in front of your car??
I can’t think of any other reason for a cop to place himself in front of a car. It’s dangerous and it’s not going to stop a car. It really only can be to provide an excuse for deadly force.
So every time a cop steps in front of someone’s car they’re planning on executing them…
Nah. If a pig wants to kill me, I’m doing my damndest to make sure it comes with me
If you floor it and run into a cop just because they walk in front of your car, you deserve to get shot because the cop would be defending themselves.
If dude’s aiming a gun at my face cause of some groceries?? He deserves what he gets.
Maybe try de-escalating instead of over-escalating. In NO situation should a suspected shoplifting end in a murder.
If she tried to run, guess what? They can literally just track her down and move to arrest when lives aren’t in danger.
He unnecessarily and intentionally put himself in harm’s way, in an intense situation with a terrified suspect. He knew what he was doing.
Fuck off with your tyrant apologia bullshit.
You’re a violent moron.
Holy fucking irony.
Oh, oof, owwie
Why do you all care so much if you’re upvoted or not?
Yeah it didn’t take long, every thread is filled with this bullshit
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That’s what happens when your cops aren’t trained in de-escalation.
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Also keep in mind, businesses usually have insurance against theft.
To anyone saying she tried to run over the officer, please watch the body cam footage. She is turning the wheel as much as possible to steer the vehicle away from the officer. On top of that, she pulled forward very slowly. If you were trying to run someone over, you would not give them every opportunity to avoid being hit by the vehicle.
Stop licking boots
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I do not understand why it is so common for police in this country to stand in front of a car and then shoot the driver when the car moves. It’s a manufactured danger and really does not seem like a smart idea to use your weapon to put a corpse in control of a heavy machine.
What’s not to understand? Their goal is the expression of power, the suspect’s escape is completely non optional to them. They are not trained in de-escalation.
So, by placing their body on the line (in the path of the giant metal machine), they are essentially saying “obey me, or you are willing to kill me if you try to escape”. So if you try to escape, you are willing to kill them. So if you are willing to kill them, they are free to defend themselves.
It is crazy, but consistent logic.
Remember they aren’t there to help, or protect, but to enforce.
They stand in front so that they can shoot the driver.
You can’t play chicken with someone and then shoot them if you get scared. You have to either swerve or get hit, that’s why it’s called chicken.
They don’t care as long as they get to murder someone.
You do understand why. What you said is exactly why. They are manufacturing a danger so that they are legally allowed to use lethal force against anyone for any small crime. All the police do in the USA is escalate, escalate, escalate
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Because they can, and bootlickers will make excuses for them
Getting shot over shoplifting is insane.
The usa is fucked beyond saving
American fascists continue to prove their belief that property damage isn’t an acceptable response to murder, but murder is an acceptable response to property damage.
Couldn’t have said it any better
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The social contract is breaking.
Woman scared for her life because officers immediately pointed guns at her for no reason is proven correct when killed by officers for no reason. Just another day in America. Cops just love pulling their guns and using them for no good reason. The only time a cop should be pointing a gun at someone like this is if their life is in immediate danger from that person.
How would society feel if these weren’t cops? If a guy just runs up to your car pointing a pistol at your head you aren’t going to be calm and rational. It’s bullshit we expect anyone to be.
You can’t justify her running from the cops, that was wrong but no where near as wrong as killing her for doing so
I mean, I kinda can. We’ve all seen too many videos where police officers pull people out of cars in these situations, she was pregnant… People of color end up dead on the ground outside of that car even if they did nothing wrong, all the time. Even more commonly they get thrown around and beaten. Pregnant woman don’t normally want to get thrown around or beaten.
OK, but what’s plan B? Running from the police just makes them angrier.
I want to posit first that this is a satirical answer, and I am not encouraging this in the slightest, just that this might be the “cornered logic” equation that is given to suspects being confronted by police:
Plan B: You whip out a pistol you bought from the gun store, shoot all of the cops that are about to shoot you, and drive off to go live in a different state so it’s hard to follow you.
I would hope and predict that most people committing petty crimes like shoplifting or drugs would not want to hurt anyone, much less a cop, but when that is THE ONLY answer you can give that has a strong chance of survival in the face of the articles everyone has seen, it begs the need for a different answer - one in which there is ZERO chance of a cop killing an unarmed person for petty crime, and attempted evasion of arrest for said petty crime.
But one has a decent chance of getting away from them…
Uhh no I can 100% justify running from cops. Some of them are totally unhinged with a total lack of accountability.
This incident is exactly why that’s justified. Her life was in danger, that cop was clearly itching for a reason to kill her or he wouldn’t have stepped in front of the car. She ran because it was probably her best chance of not getting killed
When the police are increasingly known and proven to kill people for next to no reason at all, it’s quite difficult to blame a person for being afraid of them when confronted.
Your best chance regardless of race or economic status is to comply so they don’t get hot headed, not to mention its the legally correct thing to do
when killed by officers for no reason
Besides trying to run one of them over, you mean? Kinda leaving out some details here.
You watch the video?.. Cars get closer to killing me in a parking lot once a month or more. He easily moved out of the way after murdering her. The car was barely moving.
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Tasty tasty piggy boot rubber, mmmm, taser me daddy law
How should this have been handles instead? If she really really doesn’t want to comply, You write down her license place, and you let her go.
That simple.
You have her face on video, you have the license plate, it’s trivial to then go visit her at her home and have a talk. Hell, follow her if you have to, but not in a high speed chase. Just keep your distance, let her go where she wants to go until she’s done.
Worst case scenario, you just let her go.
This extreme focus on that every petty little thing MUST be stopped, every small time offender MUST comply only ends in this. Suffering.
Instead focus on fixing poverty and you know, making sure that pregnant women have all they need so that they don’t need to steal? That is why we banned abortion, no? Because we care about babies?
Oh yeah that’s right. We care about unborn fetuses, but born babies can get fucked.
Let this woman have an abortion if she can’t afford a baby. Now she doesn’t need to shoplift, at least not for the baby
Lift people out of poverty. Push people to be better educated. THOSE are things that will actually lower crime rates but then it means they ml o longer are the common pulp that can stand on
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I wonder if the cop will be prosecuted for providing an unlawful abortion.
I mean, could he not just have taken the license plate number then sent agents to go knock on her door later? This is shoplifting, not armed robbery.
Is this where society is heading? Rampant theft resolved with murder to save corporations?
To them, this probably sounds easier than lowering prices, reducing CEO’s millions in pay and propping up stock prices.
The governor of Florida and presidential hopeful said looters will be shot on sight. So no, it’s not where we’re headed because we’ve passed that destination and it’s normal. Property is firmly above people.
There’s a reason why Militech and Arasaka are the biggest players in the cyberpunk rpg universe. Once corporatocracy reigns supreme and public funding is gone they reap profits off private security, as intended. We’re just now seeing the horizon of “defund the police” becoming “hire a PMC as your ‘police force’”
this may surprise you, but the police started out as PMC union-busting operations
Oh lol I’m totally aware. There was a time in history where striking didn’t mean you’d be fired but instead fired upon. Just sucks to see it now coming back full circle
Reminds me of the news in cyberpunk 2077 telling how “warning shots to the knee” became legal for police
Yes. To get back to normality, we must pass through this extreme, which is the necessary counter to defunding and demonizing the police as opposed to holding only the bad ones responsible for their actions. We’ll be in this state until we remove qualified immunity. So it will probably take a while.
that’s some nazi ass bullshit right there holy shit
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Oh yeah, sure, they increase prices because of “theft.” They’re honest corporations who would never increase prices for another reason like greed or price gouging.
That’s fucking horrible.
First off, I wish they would show the full uncut raw footage. People need to see the reality of getting shot.
Second, he literally just pulls the gun out and says “get out of the car.” Like, what the fuck man? Get out of the car or I’m going to shoot you? For stealing from a fucking kroger? One of the biggest businesses in the US?
Dude. This is bullshit. He needs criminal charges.
If you want this to stop, force your representatives to finally vote this into law.
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You don’t even need to shoot them, just get a couple dozen of ya boys and arm up and open carry.
Black Panthers did it and cops stopped patrolling their neighborhoods, which is what the BP wanted.
Republicans got so fucking scared, Reagan, their fucking NeoLiberal Gawd, passed gun control laws!
Seriously tho, we need more open 2A leftists
Is there a carry focused community here on lemmy?
I had found ! when Lemmy kicked off during the API scandal, but it seems to never have really caught on.
How do you think this approach will end, genius?
We need some real brave mothsfuckers for that… But it is something I want to see too… some real push back against the bullies… I can’t understand how it hasn’t started yet
As someone who lived in Dallas at the time, shooting back does effect change. It’s anecdotal but encounters with police really seemed to be less confrontational following this
Are you really that far off the deep end?
force your representatives to finally vote this into law.
Lol. We’d have to vote for new reps. And as soon as we do, the ruling class just spends more money on campaigns to make sure we don’t get any power.
Just the fact she has to shoplift probably also means she has very little money or is struggling to get buy on her sallery. She’s getting a baby soon and is maybe trying to save up because the US has no proper help to offer. Being shot and murdered by the police for a relatively harmles crime is beyond crazy for a society to accept. The policeman should be arrested for murder and abuse of power and Final put behind bars