you know, that the end of history crap is what that song criticizes, making it a really strange way to reply to someone saying something is on the right side of history.
you know, that the end of history crap is what that song criticizes, making it a really strange way to reply to someone saying something is on the right side of history.
that’s the fun part, they actually don’t, most middle managers are the controlling instance already, and any case where they aren’t is because the corporate structure has multiple upper level management layers further reducing contact to the CEO
I beg to differ, how the modern shareholder capitalism works is nothing but squeezing profit out of society
most CEOs don’t organize anything, that’s ironically what middle management does. the CEOs job is to maximize the amount of value extracted for the feudal lords
can you fit his cock any deeper?
not like it was actually reported on
No, in fact he then came out and called for Ukraine to surrender, has actively used Starlink at the behest of Putin, while yes keeping in contact with Putin, openly repeated the Russian blood and soil propaganda calling Krima “Khrushchev’s mistake”, and of course as we later learned SpaceX was indeed under orders off the pentagon, making these sanctions irrelevant, not that is stopped SpaceX from selling to Russia anyway, and of course the Pentagon taking over control of Starlink above Ukraine to make sure Musk couldn’t pull this shit again.
quite frankly, the only reason the man is not behind bars is that he has too much power, and too much lobbying
lol, no one cares if people start asking questions. like, I’m sorry, but that’s not how this shit works. what, you think people are going to rise up against the system or some shit like that?
The only time anything like that happens is when the very few who have actual power decide something needs to happen, and those are the very same people who don’t care, or even are glad the guy is gone.
I swear, everyone confuses living in a democracy with the powers in charge actually giving a crap for some reason.
why would anyone bother paying them off? they own the media, you think anyone will care about what the examiners say when no one hears about it?
please, the free speech brigade only protects important speech, like calling for minority executions
that is the worst excuse I have ever heard
IDK, maybe that whole thing where he likes to selectively turn off Starlink, or maybe that time he literally went to visit Putin and then spouted some Russian Blood and soil?
ya, but the CEO was people, no one of value dies to drive by.
to be fair, corruption will always exist, but without the strongest forces of corruption present (yes the rich surprisingly) it will be a lot more manageable
so much work, when in reality all he has to do is not give his name and never mention it
they may be friendly with the notion of communism, but apparently don’t know much about communist ideology, because according to dialectical materialism, yes everything is political, from where you work, what you have/use, the food on your plate, and even the thoughts you think are all inherently tied to politics as politics is the ordering of society, and society is a core and indispensable part of the human condition
I guess the idea of material reality isn’t part of communism, good to know.
material conditions mean everything, every action you take, every opportunity you have, every thing you buy, literally all of it, is influenced by politics.
Politics is simply the organization of society, and as a human without society you have nothing, you would have to slave away for years just to make a standard no°2 pencil, and even that is influenced by politics because it takes a society to raise a person.
that’s some literal communist thinking there mate.
I’m sorry my fellow left wing, but the hats were cringe and weak, we need the CEOs and fascists to fear us, as they fear for their safety. the conservatives found it works, why are we supposed to be the soft and cuddly ones towards them? we need to bring back the left tradition of violence.
a lot of Americans really don’t understand that people don’t cater to the customer outside the US, you just get perceived as arrogant, doubly so in France and not speaking a lick of French.
that’s not even mentioning the Chinease cards from manufactures like BYD (outside the US)