Star Citizen is that the grift, I mean, game- that still has thousands of people fooled that it will actually be released?
Star Citizen is that the grift, I mean, game- that still has thousands of people fooled that it will actually be released?
ROFL…. this is exactly what I’m talking about. You people love making up narratives, but all it does is prove that you don’t know jack shit about who you’re talking about or to.
My comment history is public bud. I suggest you read it.
It really just comes down to whatever helps the narrative. Empirical truth is no longer required anymore. All everyone really needs now is just a good profound meme-
and this dude is destined to become one. His entire message is going to become lost amongst all the edgy salivating kids, climbing over one another to see who can make the coolest cartoon out of him.
We always see what we want to see.
I’d urge you to look up a guy named Timothy McVeigh. There’s tons of images of the army of police officers walking him. And it goes all the way back to Lee Harvey Oswald. Remember that guy? TONS of cops around him.
Think they were afraid?
Also, I’d urge you to read this, as it explains how exactly the purpose for the perp walk.
Trust me- no one is afraid.
Don’t mistake fear for precaution. I lock my doors every night not because I’m afraid, but because I’m aware of what could happen if I didn’t.
Until now, people didn’t randomly murder CEOs in cold blood. Now they do. So adjustments are being made.
This isn’t the movement you think it is and I’d be willing to bet it’s going to have VERY negative consequences for us all.
It’s protocol for any high profile perp walk. It’s how things have been done for a long time.
I’ll guarantee you they’re not.
Based on content? I’d say… 14-16.
The fun is in trying to figure out how this will be profitable for him.
Wrong. As I have said in a similar conversation:
I’m going to argue that Die Hard is NOT a Christmas movie. It’s simply a movie where the events within it, happen to take place around Christmas time.
Die Hard is to Christmas movies what Top Gun is to romance movies, or what Casablanca is to war movies. Just because it contains a thing, doesn’t mean it’s about said thing.
It’s not at all how brains work. This person has no idea what they’re talking about.
As a musician of 30+ years, I can safely and accurately say this is not at all true.
In fact the opposite is true. Hope you’re able to understand the article.
When did he become an idiot?
It’s rather interesting to see trump falling for the same bullshit he feeds his devoted minions.
are there any left leaning subs that aren’t delusional?
Not on lemmy, no.
Weird Al did what?
It’s pretty sad that not only are we at a point where this is a very legitimate question, but that the answer is something that should be taught in schools.