Pretty sure he is exactly that though, venal and stupid. Putin bought a president on the cheap.
Pretty sure he is exactly that though, venal and stupid. Putin bought a president on the cheap.
Lied to yes, but also stupid and arrogant enough to believe it.
Do you reach into the bowl and eat your own poo? Is making unsupported statements followed by question marks a reasonable thing to do?
I’d say that’s the most likely thing actually, just employees being dumb after hours.
She’s an idiot but why is nobody from the venue watching and stopping her? It’s not like she was being sneaky.
Well we do have laws against fraud, deceptive marketing, etc. It’s hard for me to imagine what we would be arresting someone for unless it were one of those already illegal acts.
It’s nice to say it should be illegal to take advantage of someone, but who decides if that happened, and by what criteria?
Many states require a separation period before divorce, which means it’s not necessarily for repairing the relationship. That being said, with no plan to actually get divorced, I think we need more details to make any judgment.
They do controlled burns, but the ability to do that safely has been hampered by years of drought conditions. At least Democrats admit climate change exists I guess?
Leaky bucket watered flowers along the path!
That’s typically what you get in return for an investment. The only question is if it’s enough of a share to give control or at least influence.
Oh sorry I thought you had a point that you were trying to communicate! Like, it’s not for me, but for the people.
What a disingenuous deflection! Explain again how we’ll see “more of this”, which might be interpreted as banning harmful substances, so there’s an easy out for you! If only you would or could support your assertions…
Oh yay, you learned a native phrase! Your handler must be so proud 🥰.
Oh, except for the part where you put it no effort and just look like an idiot.
“The wheel is turning”, cool bro but towards what? “See much more of this”, but when asked what was meant by “this”, you responded, “this”.
You’re right, it’s my reading comprehension at issue.
Blah blah blah, and yet you still haven’t made a coherent point to respond to. Do you get paid by the word?
You people just don’t even try anymore, do you?
More of what?
It depends! America bad? Then yes! America good? Then no!
No because he’s just a troll.
He sounds overly sensitive, I wouldn’t worry about it’