fuck those altoona mcdonalds employees.
Gonna continue not eating at McDonald’s.
I really don’t get the appeal. It’s the nastiest fast food, period. It doesn’t taste like food at all.
cheap, fast and consistant. big mac in california is exactly the same in miami or sheboygan. you know what your getting. also clean bathrooms on the road.
Clean bathrooms? Every mcds Ive ever used the bathroom in was because it was an emergency and they always look like a warzone.
always had the consistantly cleanest of anywhere I would stop on the road. Could be bad but generally that seemed to be from someone really recent.
cheap, fast and consistant
Cheap? no.
Fast? not particularly
Consistent? Not true. Sometimes they manage to get the patty in the bun.
also clean bathrooms on the road.
Very no. Haven’t you heard of hotels? Just walk in and ask where the restroom is. Whoever you ask is just gonna assume you’re staying there.
Hell, even if they know you’re not staying there, if you don’t look like there’s at least an 80% chance you’re going to both smoke crack and shit on the floor in there, whoever you ask isn’t paid enough to care. And anyway, if you’re going to both smoke crack and shit on the floor in there, that’s what Starbucks is for.
Im just giving my experiences and hotels are not common on the road in between cities. You have a point on cheap which has reduced my fast food consumption by like 99%. Inflation has greatly improved my diet as it seemed to hit the cheapest stuff most heavily so the healthy and better choices while still more expensive, are not that much more relative to years back.
Maybe this is different because I’m not in the US.
But the McDonalds here is tiny.
Like I pay ten bucks for a burger half the size of what you’d get at any other place.
Here in the US everything I’ve ever gotten from McDonald’s looks worse than its equivalent elsewhere. The burgers are always more smashed and soggy than the burgers anywhere else. The fries are always more limp than fries anywhere else.
that fillet o fish though. so good. extra tar tar
McDonald’s would have to pay me to eat fish from a McDonald’s.
There’s something profoundly wrong about square fish.
Wild. Caught with the fake ID used to check in to the hostel; the gun (ballistics likely to confirm if same one used in hit); and walking around in public while a multi-state manhunt is underway. The balls on this dude, lmao.
I thought he would have fled the USA by now using a ticket bought in advance. Guess he wasn’t as smart as we thought. Or just got complacent.
Alternative theory: he wanted to get caught, and put on a display in front of the courts and get a message out.
He has an engineering degree from an ivy league, so alt theory seems very plausible.
What a wild timeline this is. Dude sacrificed himself to life in prison to potentially inspire a generation of change.
A crazy twist would be Biden (shit even Trump) pardoning this guy not out of wrongful persecution but rather to deplatform him from giving the health industry a bad rap and possibly inspiring other murders.
A crazy twist would be Biden (shit even Trump) pardoning this guy not out of wrongful persecution but rather to deplatform him
If they’re going to deplatform him, it’ll likely be by smear campaign or “suicide” in jail at this point. There’s a zero percent chance they would release someone who attacked the upper class. Politicians wouldn’t want to upset the people they actually represent.
Maybe, but in my experience, book smart tends to = street stupid.
I agree to an extent, but not to the level of street dumb where you don’t dispose of fake IDs and the gun you used to commit a crime for days after committing it. Not only do you not dispose of it, you carry them around on your person as you walk into an extremely public space while knowing that the police are after you and know of your fake id.
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Maybe he thought it would be handled exactly like every other murder.
fuck that McDonalds in particular
So he meticulously planned the attack, ditched his backpack, kept the gun and fake IDs, and handed over a fake ID to cops when questioned. Seems dubious at first glance, but we’ll see how it pans out.
Yeah I don’t buy that this isn’t some random fool they’ve had an eye on and have just decided they’re SOL so it’s time to use the scapegoat.
I too was thinking this. If they can’t catch im they want the optics that they caught him.
My tinfoil hat says they used illegal means to track him down. That’s what they’re trying to hide.
Of course they use illegal means to track him down. That’s why our police state exists.
The internet romanticized this guy as some kind of mastermind based on not much of anything.
What piece of shit loser turned this person in? Class traitor.
Bet it was a manager.
Yummy corporate boot with delusions of grandeur as a side dish.
Luigi did nothing wrong.
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It’s too convenient, basically all the circumstantial evidence they would need to pin it on someone was found on the person who knows they’re the target of a manhunt? Not likely.
Having seen security from the place the police suspect stayed and the ceo video, it’s clearly not the same person. It someone who vaguely could be mistaken from a distance. Too much doesn’t match for me to ever vote anything other than not guilty.
The only thing that man is guilty of as far as I am concerned is having an extra sharp chin. And that’s not a crime last I checked.
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This reminds me of all those times police bust out the ‘jailhouse informant’ who claims their suspect miraculously confessed every single detail to them after sitting in a cell with this complete stranger for just a few hours.
Not guilty
Yeah, I don’t believe it for a second.
A person who vaguely looks like a photo that supposedly shows the suspect (despite looking quite different from security footage of the incident) was caught with incriminating things, knowing he was being looked for?
That’s about as convincing as the “Russian suicide”
Even crackhead Dave isn’t that stupid and he spends his time intentionally antagonizing every cop in town.
A shame. I had hoped this guy got the fuck out of the country and was living in peace in Zihuatanejo.
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Please don’t wish them luck in such an endeavor.
Google image results for “Luigi” are about to get a lot different.
I am Spartacus!
notice he’s luigi and not walugi
I’m honestly surprised that no one IDed him sooner. After that headshot went out, I assumed a name and yearbook picture would’ve popped up a few hours later.
I assume people really didn’t want to rat this guy out. He looks too charming and handsome to not make an impression on people.
I havent ridden a bike in a minute but how much is your back engaged? The xray of surgery looks pretty close to the hips. Could someone with major back pain ride a bike for an extended amount of time?
It was an electric bike, probably much easier than a pedal bike.