I often wonder if we could keep our population going if everyone who wanted to die did at that moment.
I often wonder if we could keep our population going if everyone who wanted to die did at that moment.
isn’t the problem with sisyphus that it rolled back down and he had to repeat. Like if it was infinitely high that would not seem quite as hellish.
oh. your right. I had to look again and I think my brain remembers it setup as standard writing rules. so I literally think there is small case in there.
see if it was small letters and the extra m and I would totally think that. why use capitals for a loose noise? makes sense though.
hopefully back to normalcy when folks hung out at a bar that jived with them.
depends on how concerned you are with the recievers. its nice when going through a feed to have topics spread out. at least to me. im much more likely to start just scrolling past more things when clumped together but if spread out then they get a bit more attention. That could just be me though.
yeah. I googled and have no idea what it means. I mean from context clues I feel that is refering to her. maybe a term of endearment?
so does this mean post dumps can be spread out? If so I hope some mods use it as it would help for each post to be like once an hour rather than half a dozen all at once.
I mean the cleaner the water the less often they need to be cleaned but yeah that is my experience to. Might prolong life to to use the filtered water.
domains don’t really block for me. I find I have to do each community individually. Annoying really since usually its a domain where for some reason the language preference is not working. anyway I get it was a joke but it made me want to comment as I wish domain blocking did work.
Most certainly. I find every business is striving to make their operations very smooth and the customers operations to be very janky unless they do as the company wants. Everything is done to make any deviation from the form of payment and the way things are done are highly discourage. Mainly by not devlivering any documentation. The website is the documentation. Places increasingly don’t even have an option to download a pdf statement of any kind. All are seeking to be the only option were you pay whatever price they charge for whatever quality you get. At this point I literally am not buying anything that I don’t just have to to get by even when I have the disposable income to do so.
I really wish I had something for this but im not the most artys or crafty of persona.
even just knowing the time. going to keep an eye out near the forest preserves although with the snow I have a feeling it would be hard to actually notice one.
to be honest Im kinda a creature of habit. so I will look the same all the time but that is also why she basically gets to to dress me up as I know the way I am. Your right on variety. I usually grow a beard in the winter (looking for work so this year is an exception) and vacilate between clean shaven and some stubble through the summer. She seems to like it when the season change comes and she gets a new husband. Summer husband and winter husband.
I have not intentionally lucid dreamed but you may want to look into it as maybe it would help. I used to have a reoccurring kidnap nightmare when I was a kid. The dream would start in my house so it did feel real and I would be chased by the kidnappers and eventually I would wake up. Well one day I think I went lucid as I stopped running and like somehow just summoned my family around me and we went and chased them off and told them never to come back again. That was the last occurence of that nightmare and I never had reoccuring ones after that. I don’t expect this to directly help or anything but maybe it will.
jeez even in the artic and space you have a few more folks around.
Hope this is kosher. Its not a picture but I saw it and figured I would share for folks in the chicago metro but also I assume this time period would apply to many places that far north or more in the US.
great but still none of my business or anyone elses. unless they are the doctor or parent.
I mean thats were its sorta the parents responsibility. I don’t see how the doctor is going to benefit if someone don’t pay.
me2. The dream of freedom, safety, and stability now and into the future rather than quite the opposite.