Kill imperialist aggressors. Has Daddy Putin taught Diaperload Donnie nothing? The war in Ukraine demonstrates how a small nation can bloody the nose of a so-called superpower. Herr Drumpf must realize this is not fiction. So after Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq (twice) hasn’t America learned ANYTHING?
Two Ohios, this truly is the darkest timeline :(
If Americans try it, they better be ready for the snow banks to talk. I will die before I become an American
Michigan sends its regards, they have an snowplow to grind and they just might indulge you maple syrup drinking leaf bastards!
…do I really need the /s?
New Upper Michigan
oh for fucks sake, now i suddenly remember how the timeline in the fallout franchise included the US annexing canada…
yep. we’re in the darkest timeline.
Yeah, but thats only after China invaded.
China invaded Alaska, so the US forcibly annexed Canada because they wouldn’t let troops cross the land border due to natural resource disputes. With the exception of “oops, no transistors”, the prewar geopolitical fallout lore is
extremelysomewhat realisticEdit: I haven’t thought about the lore in a long time, it’s less realistic than I remember. However the progression of the resource wars is very solid
Nah man one Ohio to the south of me is enough. We don’t need a second.
It’s not a second, it’s a different thing. North Carolina is a different thing from South Carolina. We’ll be North Ohio. And what we used to call Northern Ontario, we’ll call New North Ohio.
I would certainly vote for Trudeau for POTUS in 2028
Well your chicken now gives you twices as much eggs and you get 2 caps per egg instead of 3$ per egg, so inflation got owned
How’re ya now?
Because we are going to pillage Canada for everything they have to reward trumps voter base
But then you’ll add a bunch of left-leaning citizens to the voter pool, which screws the Republicans in the long run.
You know what, this is starting to sound like a less bad idea