Inspired by the linked XKCD. Using 60% instead of 50% because that’s an easy filter to apply on rottentomatoes.
I’ll go first: I think “Sherlock Holmes: A game of Shadows” was awesome, from the plot to the characters ,and especially how they used screen-play to highlight how Sherlocks head works in these absurd ways.
I just looked up Event Horizon and it only got a 33%. I love that movie. It genuinely really creeped me out. Few horror films do.
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Sure it’s campy and way over the top. But I kinda like it for that. Plus the characters are awesome, the designs were pretty cool, and Sean Connery was great. Currently at 17% on rt.
Constantine - 46%
Predator - 34%
Ghost in the Shell - 43%
Hellboy - 17%
Robocop (2016) - 49%
Well, it seems like I have poor taste in movies after all.
I liked Hellboy
Predator came out in 1986 I think. But I totally agree about Constantine and Robocop 2016, I liked those a lot.
I believe they’re referring to “The Predator” from 2018 (because why should movies have logical titles) where the aliens are here to
harvest autism from our children before climate change destroys humanity.
I wish I were joking.
I was not aware of that. Oh dear, that sounds like the kind of plot studio execs would come up with in the 80’s while high on coke, except they are all woke now.
Rotten Tomatoes has both a critic score and an audience score.
If your pick has a low critic score but high audience score, that means it was formulaic or unoriginal but probably lots of fun.
Movies with a high critic score and low audience score are usually more artsy, film-festival stuff.
Kung Pow only has a 13% critic rating and I love that movie. 69% audience score though so that might disqualify it.
I remember quite liking Slackers when I saw it (haven’t rewatched it though, so my opinion might have changed). I think if this movie every time I hear the song “She’ll be comin’ 'round the mountain”.
The Big Hit
Movies I saw 20 years ago it seems when maybe my tastes (and me too let’s face it) were a little immature. Still love Kung Pow though
Tron: Legacy
This is one of my favourite movies of all time. The story, atmosphere, and music are absolutely amazing!
Titan A.E. only got a 50% and it is incredible and still holds up!
Terrific film. One of Don Bluth’s best. It’s right up there with NIMH for me.
One of my favourite animated films ever. Also love the soundtrack.
Chappie (32%)
I love that movie and have seen it several times. Directed by Noel Blompkamp (District 9) and starring Die Antwoord.
It’s extremely original and entertaining sci fi.
Passengers is a pretty cool sci-fi movie. I like the first half in particular, the way it shows how “dumb” A.I. will be the bane of our existence feels very accurate as far as futuristic predictions go. I’m also a sucker for “lost on an island” stories, which this ultimately is. I will never understand how so much was made about the decision the main male character makes at a certain point, because the movie very clearly shows that a) he really struggles with the decision for a long time, knowing it’s wrong and b) finally does it after almost killing himself and being heavily intoxicated, immediately regretting it. The only real gripe I have with the movie is that Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence have zero chemistry, which kind of kills the whole romantic element of the film.
Hook (29% TomatoMeter).
But it was released in 1991, so it wouldn’t count for the XKCD version. Also the audience score is 76%, so not really an unpopular opinion I guess.
Iron Sky!!
Who doesn’t love a movie about Nazis hiding for 60 years in a secret base on the dark side of the moon?!?!
Tank Girl. No one liked that movie when it came out. I left the theater with the biggest grin on my face. Absolutely awesome. Still one of my favorites.
It was completely different than the comics but it was still very fun. Especially in 1995.
Genuinely surprised Sherlock Holmes was rated that low, I really enjoyed it.
I actually like:
- Hackers (31%)
- National Treasure (46%)
- Bandits (64%)
Okay, so I hit rotten tomatoes, checked movies that were both critics rotten AND audience rotten, and started perusing titles for stuff I thought rocked.
abraham lincoln: vampire hunter
hellboy (how is this in here? I thought this was universally loved)
mars attacks! (56 and 53, I also feel like this shouldn’t be on the list. It’s too good, and not in a bad way)
x-men origins: wolverine (again, is this not considered awesome? I thought it was great)
daredevil/elektra (I enjoyed both movies)
and now for stuff I’ve watched at least five times:
the ninth gate
planet of the apes (2001)
prince of persia
green lantern
van helsing
I’m dead serious, I was looking forward to MORE green lantern movies along the lines of that first one. I bought it on amazon having heard nothing about it (I was in a societal black hole for a few years there), watched it, loved it, and was like “sweet, when’s the sequel coming out? I wanna see sinestro do his thing…wow, this did not do well. Fuck.”
I wasn’t super happy with ALL of the writing, but that’s comic stuff in general and I thought the whole thing was still quite enjoyable. Like, multiple rewatches enjoyable. Seeing Hal Jordan on screen and having Ryan Reynolds do it was great.