Steam does suck though? It’s hard to use, and most things are better boiled/blanched or fried.
Steam does suck though? It’s hard to use, and most things are better boiled/blanched or fried.
Sounds like you’re describing something like the Monowalker
There are some people who have done DIY hiking trailers by chopping up youth bikes too so maybe look into that as well.
Given that a four wheel design spreads the weight to four wheels instead of just two, four wheels can obviously move more weight more easily than two.
Gonna have to disagree just on this point. Unless you’re worried about sinking into soft ground or something, two wheels can take the weight just as well as four. Fewer wheels is often more maneuverable and there’s less friction. I mean, you specifically mention wheelbarrows which show this trade off; stability for easier rolling/maneuverability.
Plus, there’s a disincentive to take proactive action in religious institutions because that’s basically acknowledging that God isn’t actually as involved as they think.
I’m not sure about that… Probably just caught a whiff
Property taxes is the answer
Characters, not keystrokes
That’s my concern as well. Seeing what happened with the cheap hoverboards and ebikes makes me wary of being too lenient on these.
No issues for me either. Galaxy S20
Maybe a stretch as it’s not parodying a song but parodies Star Wars kinda sorta? Seagulls! (Stop it Now)
Lonely Island has a few (Jack Sparrow) comes to mind but again not a direct parody of a specific song.
Richard Cheese does straight up covers but they are so stylistically different that it’s basically a parody. Chop Suey
Then there’s the classic comedy music duos: Garfunkel & Oates (Loophole), Flight of the Conchords (Business Time)
Bo Burnham’s whole Inside special is fantastic too.
Looks like I’m mostly listing comedy music and not necessarily parodies, but oh well.
With everything going on, I’m surprised overdoses are going down. Hell, I’m considering taking up drugs to help deal with it all
Expanded polystyrene
I believe they call it “flooding the zone (with shit)” when it’s this particular orange flavour
Neat! Too bad we don’t crush cans anymore in my neck of the woods, it can be really satisfying.
It’s actually for another reason