Did anyone else think the final frame was going to be the hobo having already died, since they took so long discussing WHY giving him the bread was the right thing to do, that they never actually GAVE him the bread?
Did anyone else think the final frame was going to be the hobo having already died, since they took so long discussing WHY giving him the bread was the right thing to do, that they never actually GAVE him the bread?
Ack! He grabs me by the bush??? Bad touch! Bad touch!
…I’m out of the loop here. Elaborate on “stupid shit”.
I feel like there’s some article here I’m not seeing here.
Pez never went anywhere. The thing is though, I just looked at my pez the other week. The ones still on sale (as of a few months ago when I bought these) contain red dye #3.
That shit’ll give ya cancer.
So those pez will just never be opened.
I must have missed Mama. I know the rest. Kinda weird that you didn’t include tripod, angelfire, or talk city. Or message boards. I mean, Lemmy and reddit are essentially just message boards on steroids, but there used to be ACTUAL message boards.
Ah yes. A userbase of 45 global users, all of whom are argueing over linux distros, and none of them will speak one word when a woman walks into the room.
Ok, here’s how it works. You and me, we’re going to care for each other, and be there for each other, and support each others dreams, and hug each other, and have wild kinky sex!
What? You too are also male?
disappears into the bush homer simpson style
…wait, that bush thing could be taken out of context…
GETTING worse? No. They hit rock bottom like 5 years ago. You’re just NOW figuring this out???
Oh no. Imagine trying to use a map app, and you have to go to the gps coordinates of the maps location, in order to solve the geocaptcha.
It sounds stupid, but thats exactly why someone will do this. We live in the dumbest timeline.
I’ll sign that petition.
Historically speaking, SOMEONE has had to have licked the mona lisa. They may not still be alive, but somebody has experienced that art with their taste buds.
No no no…you got it all wrong! Nobody has any rights, corndogs are the only food, and only infant babies are allowed to be mothers.
That is EXACTLY what happened. And whats worse is there are people on Lemmy, who left before that started, who say things like “nobody is banned for nothing. You probably deserved it.”
And yet I’ve had countless encounters who seemingly fit the same criteria.
Long time regular user, didn’t buy the reddit IPO, many were offered but not all. Then one day, permanently suspended and all appeals fail. Most instantly, but none so far taking longer than a day.
Orrrrrrrr, and hear me out…you decided to do AI banning, where bots ban humans, with no human oversight, and you assume that somehow the humans will flock to this platform that becomes increasingly hostile towards it’s users.
Then you sit back and wonder why you’re not growing.
Humans like staying where they’re appriciated. You’re showing that you appriciate money over humans. Now you blame google. I’m not one usually to root for google, but I hope they pimp slap spez across his stupid little face.
Many of my exs were fat when I met them.
This should be an ad for untitled goose game.
Step 1: get young actress with big boobs who wants her next big break to wear a bikini with their logo to jump on a trampoline to shoot a commercial to be shown at the superbowl.
There is no step 2. This is how easy marketing is. Take a logo, slap it on some young tits, have them bounce. People remember your brand now!
Oh no, it’s worse than that. I’ve explained several times to several people the terrible business practices that nestle use.
I’ve named off some of the bigger products they make.
90% of people I’ve explained this to gave zero shits. The other 10% feigned interest but didn’t change their behavior.
So, the people I’ve explained it to can’t feign ignorance. It’s apathy.
In other news, Lake Erie is still haunted by ghost pirates that nobody cares about.