Oh this is about Israel. I thought it was about Ukraine and I was very confused
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Well, I mean, Hamas is funded by Iran. Iran and Russia are good buddies. So…
It only makes sense. Russia financing start of another conflict that takes attention away from Ukraine and has 110% certainty of making Jews (Zelenskyy) look bad because of the batshit cracy fascist Israeli government, and USA look bad because their history in middle east and they’d probably get involved directly in some way again (happening right now). Oh also Hamas attacked on Putin’s birthday or some shit
Call me conspiracy theorist but it seems so damn obvious
Conspiracy theory doesn’t mean false or crazy. Some conspiracies are crazy/false. But not all. There is a way to generally pick out the bat shit theories pretty quickly though. The more people that are required to maintain a conspiracy, the less likely it is to be a thing.
So for conservatives where they insist that the world is conspiring against them and that they aren’t just assholes. They’re just assholes. In the case of Russia and China running foreign influence operations. We have evidence they do. We know America does. And we know ML or people generally from .ml domains are generally just anti American hypocrites eager to play along just to bash America.
That said, if they are doing this. And they are. Pelosi just gave them plenty more ammunition. The United States is making a lot of unforced errors when it comes to Israel. All we had to do was step back for a little bit and act cautious.
Pelosi’s claim is that protestors have Russian ties, because, you know, opposing genocide is anti-American.
Blood hungry government officials, who would have thought
Ya’ll are mixing up two separate stories, but it’s entertaining so I won’t get in your way. But if you’d like to understand the mechanics driving this geopolitical nightmare, this may have some answers.
Oh also Hamas attacked on Putin’s birthday
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (born 7 October 1952)
Sonofabitch, you’re right they did.
We don’t hate the Jews. We hate the genocide. Love the sinner. Hate the sin.
I saw a video of an Israel official on RT blaming Russia and vowing revenge. I also saw some analysis that some of the weapons Hamas had were from North Korea and Russia would’ve had to have helped get the weapons there. There is all kinds of disinformation going on about the Israel war, so I take everything with a grain of salt.
Calling for a stop to an ethnic cleansing campaign is not pro Russia. If anything, Israel’s behavior has greatly increased the threat of harm to its civilians, and its image on the world stage may never recover. Same for the U.S. ever trying to claim moral superiority.
If I was living in Gaza right now, I’d be transforming myself into a human revenge machine. Even if nobody I knew personally had been killed. Just seeing my neighbors being slaughtered, I’d be quietly and coldly calculating.
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An FSB time traveler going into the past several decades to start kicking Palestinians out of their homes and restricting their general access.
Whoa dude Russia could be behind ALL CRIME EVER IN HISTORY
Got any more big brain takes to share?
I don’t know how making an almost pedestrian (in international relations terms) idea sound incredulous and fantastical is supposed to refute that idea, but it certainly makes you come across as, shall we say, suspiciously out of touch.
“oh right, and you’re just going to beam me that message over the “airwaves” like some kind of “electronic mail”? Haha try pulling the other one, it has bells on.”
Well gosh I wouldn’t want to come across as pedestrian. That’s clearly your turf, so humbly excuse any perceived intrusion.
A terminally online existence sure makes for some USDA choice paranoia.
Blink twice if the time travelling Russians are in your room.
When you set up the false premise that Russia would have had to have planned this long ago, as opposed to the stultifyingly obvious possibility that they are simply stoking and taking advantage of a decades-long situation, then of course this seems like tinfoil hat territory.
But if you do choose to occupy the same reality as the rest of us (even just for a few brief moments) wherein Israel and Palestine have been at odds since Israel was dropped in Palestine, and wherein Russia has a long history (like most other superpowers, my home country included) of meddling in the affairs of other countries to their own strategic advantage, then, well, this all seems pretty straightforward.
But you aren’t engaging with my actual words before lazily dismissing me as “terminally online” (whatever you think that means), and I’m not sure you’re even reading them. Case in point - you are reacting as if I’m calling you pedestrian, when I’m clearly calling the concept of one nation meddling in the affairs of another nation almost pedestrian.
But I’m done wasting words on someone who doesn’t know what to do with them - or who intentionally misuses them. Good night.
Sorry I don’t speak Chat GPT.
Try again.
My advice would be read more. Not for explicit knowledge, but for refinement of your overall verbal model. Fiction is best. Why not read all the Stephen King books? He’s written like 50 and they’re fun.
Hey pal, if you spoke to me in real life the way you speak to people online, I’d slap the shit out of you.
No comment on the topic of your conversations but you’re sure a smarmy little fucker. Stop that shit. The internet’s already chalked full of dick heads.
Do you feel like a big boy saying that from behind your keyboard?
Go back to Reddit, you fit in there.
That has been Russia’s game for more than a decade now: stoke existing tensions. Brexit, political polarization in the USA and internal division in nearly all European countries.
Bringing the already uneasy situation between Israel/Palestine to a boiling point in order to distract from Russia’s war in Ukraine is not a big stretch.
ITT: People who know nothing about the demographics of Israel or the history of Russia providing Palestine with aid.
Crack a book ya’ll
Prove to us that you learned something from that book.
In your own words, what is it about the demographics of Israel or the history of Russian aid to Palestine, that would alter people’s opinions in this context if they knew it?
Exactly. I swear, at this point Lemmy.world is just another Reddit propaganda zealot parade. From what was once the leader of the idea of enlightenment, the US now is like an alternate dimension where the average IQ is just 20 points lower. And it shows here, it really does. War is peace and the cold war is back on, yeehaw boys 🎉
Anti Zionism is propaganda now LOL okay dude. And if you really want peace then you would want this ethnic cleansing by Israel to end.
Sorry, I see now how my comment wasn’t clear. I meant it the other way around, and was trying to agree with snipvoid. Like the poster in my window indicates, I very much align with anti zionism.
Oh okay no worries it happens
Yeah, it’s fucking sad. I’ve mostly dropped out because of it.
Dropping out makes it worse.
Narrow your focus for sure but please do not drop out.
Well I’m still here and posting am I? But I ain’t got the energy to pick fights everyday, multiple times a day.
It’s all orchestrated by big, bad (simultaneously weak, cowardly) Russia - never mind the fact that Israel and Russia are pals. As long as it can sow fear and confusion in the population to hinder a popular peace movement, anything goes.
It is not like Israel needs any help, and I don’t think that we are all incapable of following two different events.
If we are talking about theories, it can also be that west created it so that people’s attention goes away of Ukraine since it is just a big fiasco.
Attention is actually a limited resource
If you’re curious as to how they are related, it’s because of over-accumulation of capital.
I’ve said it before: Every Democrat I know in real life seems like an empathetic person, so it’s astonishing they choose these ghouls to represent them.
My running theory from observing from across the Atlantic is that participating in American politics is mentally destructive. You are confronted by two frankly terrible options, so you either accept you live in an undemocratic country or you have to convince yourself that one of the parties is actually good. No matter what choice you make, it breaks something in you.
Maybe this is what leads to so much cultlike behavior and unquestioned loyalty to one party or the other. And if you’re anywhere outside these parties, or you so much as criticize a sitting politician, then you’re hated from all sides and accused of being a Russian bot, which is especially disappointing when you’re someone who does hold your nose and vote blue, but that’s not good enough – you have to fully toe the line, or else it’s perceived as interfering with a campaign, a campaign which never ends.
We’re not really a democracy, are we?
Also, I love your username. I have two shiba inu.
See the thing is for the most part the only people who question the loyalty is Democrats who only choose Democrats because the other choices more terrible and then the Republicans are in questioning because they’re filled with hate and propaganda.
Yes, I know you could say the same about Democrats but that’s not what studies show. Sorry about your feelings. (Not to the person I’m replying to specifically, but anyone who takes offense)
Democrats who only choose Democrats because the other choices more terrible
Literally me, and it’s super hard to do this when I have family and loved ones being detained or deported by a system that Democrats uphold, and neighbors suffering from lack of access to healthcare. Imagine seeing and experiencing all this and then being told that voting’s not enough – that we also can’t complain about it, lest we be dismissed as “Russian bots” or “Chinese shills.” Imagine never seeing certain people again, and then being told that I’m the one who’s privileged because I have the audacity to complain about it.
and then being told that I’m the one who’s privileged because I have the audacity to complain about it.
Yeah and I tell them and I’m using my privilege to protect those without. Exactly what people with privilege are supposed to do.
Imagine never seeing certain people again, and then being told that I’m the one who’s privileged because I have the audacity to complain about it.
Dad had a heart attack right in front of me. He was complaining about chest pains a few days earlier but didn’t want a hospital bill. I’ve never been the same person since.
I’m so sorry. I can only imagine the pain.
We have the ability to provide access to basic healthcare to our citizens, but we choose not to. And we have very few politicians who support universal healthcare. It’s unconscionable.
We’re not really a democracy, are we?
You nailed it
That’s because Congress has been piss-poor at being representative of the people.
It’s usually not about who shares the policy positions of the electorate as much as who can scrape together enough money to buy enough ads to convince them that they’re the one most likely to beat the other team.
That’s how Pelosi became Speaker in the first place in spite of having no legislative accomplishments to speak of nor seniority: she was simply the best at collecting fat checks from rich people and their corporations.
Our “democracy” does this by design. Looking at history, it’s hard to believe we can ever fix this.
Yeah I know. All the rules are written and being written by the already rich and powerful. Based on the world’s oldest national constitution still in use.
Who would have thought that perpetually basing society on the opinions of a bunch of slave owning WASPs would lead to inequality ‽
And then we’re supposed to feel enthused about voting for the candidate who’s gracious enough to harm fewer marginalized groups, rather than feeling perpetually depressed and miserable about the whole situation, which seems like a normal reaction.
I wouldn’t say it’s by design. It hasnt had any updates in quite awhile. It’s like a Commodore 64 trying to play Skyrim. When it was designed, the world was much different. We have not updated our government to catch up.
Pelosi had literal decades of political experience, and was co-authoring legislation in the late 80s concerning the AIDs crisis. She became Speaker after Democrats won control of the house with her as minority leader – a position she won in 2002/2003 after being directly under it for a couple years.
I get not liking Pelosi, or fundraising I guess, but it’s bizarre when criticisms are spun seemingly whole cloth.
decades of political experience
Yeah, decades of effectively soliciting bribes in exchange for being one of the most pro-corporate democrats in all of California and that’s saying a LOT in the neoliberal utopia of Hollywood, a huge chunk of the music industry and Silicon Valley.
co-authoring legislation in the late 80s concerning the AIDs crisis.
So was many other experienced democrats who didn’t pander to the rich as effectively as the queen of fundraising.
No matter how little you like admitting it, that WAS the only way in which she excelled over other prospective candidates for minority leader and then Speaker.
So now we’re saying she actually did have both signficant political and legislative experience, but won because of a penchant for fundraising. Which is something you see as soliciting bribes. That’s a fair interpretation.
From your original comment:
That’s how Pelosi became Speaker in the first place in spite of having no legislative accomplishments to speak of nor seniority: she was simply the best at collecting fat checks from rich people and their corporations.
My gripe is why invent this idea that her taking a bunch of bribes and being good at soliciting more is the sole reason they made her speaker, with no other qualifications? She had held prominent positions within the party for a while (decades), and was minority whip (second in command essentially) for some time prior to becoming Leader/Speaker. She was minority leader when Dems took the house, which automatically makes her a major contender for the position and she was comparable to her opponents on the whole. A cursory search of her career casts a ton of doubt on your claims, and they’re obviously flawed to someone who lived through that time.
Getting caught up in bashing Pelosi waters down the legit criticism you have, and makes your viewpoint seem biased. We should be upset that her penchant for fundraising is such an asset, not that she was good at it in the first place.
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They’re convinced that they don’t have a choice.
You dont really get a choice on who the party chooses to prop up and runs. See, Bernie Sanders. But, hell, I’ve seen it ag the grass roots level in my state. The people with the power in the party decide who goes on the ballot.
It’s really not very democratic, in the strict sense of the term
It’s exclusionary by design
Bernie Sanders almost won, though. I’m holding out hope that the Democrats can be reformed, but I’m still voting Green.
In my experience they appear to be until you bring up some issues, then they turn into bloodthirsty monsters.
For example, my my goes completely Ooga booga genocidal when Isreal is brought up.
Or on housing: She won’t even entertain any solutions that don’t let landlords keep exploiting people’s basic need for homes. She gets all “why should they have to give up property? They worked for it! Shouldn’t they be able to make money?” She can’t possibly empathize enough to value the basic needs of most people over the right for people who already own more than they need to profit off of others who have less than they need.
Honestly, I think most of them just don’t like the aesthetic of the Republican Party more than they’re actually opposed to conservative politics.
Yeah, that’s probably why these horrible people end up in office. Most Democrats I know are my father, who says he’s socialist and actually used to teach history, and local politicians who seem pretty good, but I imagine they’re not necessarily a good cross section of the party.
That’s why it literally surprised me when Biden won the primaries, like what
Not sure how that was surprising to anyone paying attention at the time lol
Well then it’s a good thing you’re able to pay attention to all things at all times and look down from your high horse. Maybe some of us are paying too much attention to too many things at once, so solid advice, I’ll try to fix that.
I’ll start by blocking you.
A prerequisite for being a politician is also being a narcissistic sociopath. The few that aren’t/weren’t are the deviation from that, and usually get hamstrung if not just killed anyway.
I’ve actually considered running for local office, but I decided against it for a couple reasons, one being my unusual work schedule, and the other being the fact that I can’t imagine being around politicians that much.
Anyway, it’s pretty clear we need more than elections to fix whatever it is this is.
My dad ran for local office and only served one term because he said it was fucking awful.
Yeah, I can imagine
He was in office when they approved a new development nearby, and being an old-time hippy he tried to make it walkable and full of trees. When I saw the monstrosities of houses and apartments going up I asked him why the hell it looked so awful. He said that was the best plan that he was legally allowed to approve. So now we have a bunch of ugly apartments next to really ugly houses next to extremely ugly strip malls, all with parking minimums. And my dad had to vote for that one because all the other ones were worse.
Sound familiar?
But, hey, they painted a bike lane on a deadly five-lane road so that’s progress, right?
People in public office don’t get a say in how the houses look in any municipality I’ve ever worked in. They can have a say in the total layout, but not how the houses specifically look, unless it’s something special like a historical district.
Clearly. These things are hideous. My dad would never willingly approve them, and now I have to see them every damn day.
I can’t wait until I move so far out of town that I can’t see any other lights.
This does sound familiar, sadly. But it also makes me feel like my city council rep is doing her best in a very bad situation.
Sadly, local politicians can’t even address the really impactful stuff, like trans youth being denied access to healthcare, or refugees being detained or deported.
Sometimes I really want to fucking off myself, this world is so hopelessly hateful and grim
Jeffries is toeing the same line.
There is a huge generational divide in the democratic party between those who benefit from the US police state and those who are suffering from it.
This seems to map very cleanly onto whether people support the Gaza genocide.
Jim Jeffries? I knew that cunt was up to no good!
What has she done?
What ceasefire? Which one, of the numerous conflicts now on Earth, is referred to here?
Pretty sure it’s in reference to this past weekend she got approached by someone demanding a ceasefire, and Pelosi’s response was for that person to go back to China because they are also genociding Uygurs. She later claimed she thought the reporter was a Russian plant or some unhinged bs.
So, not even the usual ceasefire bad because right to defend. Just ceasefire bad because whataboutism.
The news source of “menzmag” is reporting about her freak out on the pro Palestinian protesters on her driveway this weekend.
This still does not answer which ceasefire you’re referring to. Could refer to Ukraine, for example.
Pelosi said that pro-Palestine protestors should be investigated by the FBI for ties with Russia
Allow me to explain what they were going for: demoncrats bad, orange fan mad
Ah yes because anyone that doesn’t like democrats must be republican!
Libs are such a joke, but you don’t even understand the punchline.
Oof, wildly off the mark there, but go off
What’s the mark, do tell.
Oh no, I don’t think so. Please continue your baseless guessing game.
I notice no one answered the question in the root comment. Care to give it your best shot?
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So the next election cycle is when it will be OK to criticize democrats? Promise?
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It’s a meme about the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people and Russian interference becoming a political tool like McCarthyism.
If Democrats want this to be their primary message for perpetuity, then people are going to stop giving a shit about supporting the party. It’s hard enough motivating young left leaning people to vote, it’s gonna be a lot worse if the official Dem position is “vote for us but you don’t fucking matter.”
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Meanwhile does more shady stock trades while everyone is looking the other way
Let’s hope the trial is handled swiftly before the The Hague invasion act is activated.
She told activists to ‘Go back to China where your headquarters is’ which uh. Is interesting to say the least.
The propagandists aren’t even trying to pretend here lol.
Right? I can’t believe this blatant disinformation is getting upvoted. She said it was Chinese propaganda smh.
She also said it was Russian propaganda that should be investigated by the FBI in an interview on CNN.
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No, she literally replied to a protester who asked her if she would call for a ceasefire fire, and I quote, “Go back to China where your headquarters are”. Stop defending people who are complicit of genocide (an actual crime btw).
Russia benefits from this conflict. If the US wasn’t supplying Israel with weapons, they would give it to Ukraine.
She didn’t call the protesters violent
Ukraine gets their land back excluding most of crimea yes they get armiansk but a Crimean state for the non Slavic crimean people that is peacekeeper and Russia gets a part of tuzla island for a border checkpoint
She’s right, but in this rare situation the Kremlin’s propaganda is pushing for something good.
She’s right that some of the vocal criticism of Biden over Gaza is probably pushed by Russia. The Kremlin’s propaganda is pushing for chaos and dissent in US politics. It’s not because they care about Gaza.
She is wrong complaining about Russia interference of domestic and international affairs since she takes money from Israeli loppyist to shape the foreign affairs policies disregarding the good of tax payers.
She is also never pushed back against US government support in other countries such as meddling in China bussinus, went to Taiwan, meddling in Russian bussinus, meddling in Iran bussinus, and many many other countries that doesn’t get coverage.
She want to throw rocks at people and complain when someone throw a rock back.
Exactly, minus “probably.”