Mine are raspberries. But I wanna hear about all kinds or routine and exotic berries (like the superberries from Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia pyramid scheme)
Who’s the rainbow guy, Indigo/purple?
Edit: I wish I was berry-y enough for the Berry Club :(
Put your text inside the brackets…like this:

Whats the purpley thing, Indigo?
Mulberry. Australian classic. Best. Berry. In. The. World.
I know it as Lum berry from Pokemon
Shhh don’t tell them! I’ll have more competition while hunting!
(Btw I didn’t know you guys had them too, do you have the white ones or the purple ones?)
Ah, the origin of Pokémon’s Lumberry
Betchya can’t eat just one?
Strawberries. Where I was a kid I looked like I had a constant rash but I was eating strawberries 24/7
Do they actually turn you red if excessively consumed (like carrots/carotene -> orange) or did you just need a good wash?
Fav berries in no particular order are raspberries, blackberries, cranberries and blueberries
Banana. Heard they’re botabically berries.
So crazy
Raspberry. Both the fruit and the computer.
Wild blueberries. I love frozen fruit in general (like a healthier version of popsicles), and wild blueberries are my favorite. They’re smaller and way more flavorful than normal blueberries.
Glad that resonates with another soul, I always feel like I’m just “weird”
deleted by creator
Rubus chamaemorus or cloud berry. I had it when we stayed over night in the northern Swedish mountain and it’s sweet, fruity, soft and creamy at the same time. Heaven in your mouth!
Is it available in NA anywhere?
Not sure what NA is, but it’s difficult to get and only grows in the northern parts of our planet:
On top of it each plant only has one berry.
Like, can you buy it in North America likely? I wanna try this now.
What berry would you compare it closest to in terms of taste/experience?
Ikea sells cloudberry jam, or at least they used to a few years ago when we impulse bought it.
Ah, according to Wikipedia there are some few states where it grows:
But not sure if you can buy it there. It’s normally not cultivated but just a wild plant.
Experience I’d describe like very soft blackberry but creamy and with honey taste in it.
Very cool, obscure. Thanks!
Tayberry, it’s like a better raspberry.
Or the Marionberry, the Tayberry’s tart younger cousin
Imma need you to elaborate on that extremely provocative statement lol. Show your work, damn you
big and long
…Go on…
Avocado. Definitely the best one.
+1 for huckleberries. Especially plucked off the bush in the middle of a PNW alpine hike.