If you want to help make OSM better, there are a few apps that make it really easy to add details to your local area.
Street Complete has gamified quests to add details to things, including hours to shops.
Every Door is a step more detailed, but makes it really easy to add new things to the map.
Organic Maps is a nice Google maps competitor that does make it easy to make edits while in it.
Also, if you use maps in any other app, like bike share or fitness tracking, they probably use OSM data, so it can be worth making improvements where you can since it’ll make those services better too.
acid rain was legit, then the world’s governments actually did something about it and it became not a thing. Much like the hole in the o-zone (at least until Elon’s vanity satellites start failing at a high enough rate to decimate the o-zone) and how we could mitigate climate change if there was political will