I am most assuredly suffering already, you’ll be pleased to hear.
I am most assuredly suffering already, you’ll be pleased to hear.
I’m not American 😭
bro really bro really’d
Are you George Lucas? Can you read George Lucas’ mind? Exactly, so don’t pretend you know what the point of Star Wars is. For the record, it is about lasers pew pew pew pewwww
Interesting and worrying co-opting of tactics previously associated with jihadism.
I wonder what their motive was?
When, as we all know, it stands for n-BOOOOOP
Can I stop seeing this kind of thing please.
It was The Stranger by Camus, whoops.
I also pledge to not be one.
Isn’t that the plot of that book? Maybe I’m thinking of another one.
Because he didn’t cry at his mother’s funeral, right?
Don’t be such a poopy!
Yes, and all the variations thereof. But you get the idea.
Mine has also been up to the wrist in vagina, with moderate colon (limited to the digits). I let people know this before they shake my hand, in the spirit of transparency.
I know where you’re coming from, but my mortgage-having peers are often little better off than I am. Though I suppose neither of us technically own a house.
Second house is immediately qualifying.
If this happens, he gets a pass. It’s the only reason I can think of to focus that much wealth in one place.