And now we have memes to help us simplify our thinking back to that level. Say it with me, “There is no nuance, only Good and Evil.”
If you use it as a like/dislike button, sure.
If you use it to bump relevant stuff to the top and non-relevant stuff to the bottom, maybe not so much.
I’ve never understood this idea of having an etiquette telling people how they “should” use their vote. If voting means anything, then people get to use their vote however they want. They can do it by dice roll if they feel like it.
Now remember, if you dislike this comment, according to your own logic, that’s not a good reason to downvote it.
What’s more relevant to a baby than like/dislike?
Boob juice?
That’s practically the definition of ‘like’ to an infant. ‘This makes me feel how boob juice makes me feel.’
So that would be more relevant, then.
That’s the definition of like for me. 🤷🏻♂️
They sure love to downvote vegetables off their eating tray.
That explains the downvotes - infants!
Ga ga goo goo ;)
There is some truth to this in that one of the first distinctions infants learn to make is “good/bad” or “pleasure/pain,” in terms of its ability to analyze its own emotional states.
That being said, it’s still an increíble oversimplification of even an infant’s mind.
And then some of them learn that downvoting is obnoxious and toxic, while others never grow out of infancy.