Democrats on their way to do nothing for 4 year then have the most free possible election to do same shit as Trump in less unhinged then rince and repear
And somehow theyll manage to lose.
does it matter? 1) he wasn’t even elected 2) he’s already in power, so he doesn’t give a fuck about ratings 3) he’s not going to give up that power for anyone.
Man, if Musk is tanking this hard, I am not sure he’s going to get re-elected.
He doesn’t care about being popular or unpopular. He’s the king now, he can do whatever he wants.
Oh idk, musk/zuck definitely have masculinity and self confidence issues. They have to buy their “man” card and seek approval from everyone. I think trump is similar, he’s melted down before over dumb shit.
Dictators generally don’t concern themselves with what their subjects think.
Oh no! Wormtongue isn’t popular amongst those that didn’t vote for him?
Say it ain’t so!
He doesn’t care what people think as long as he has power. He could steer a ship into rocks, sink and his die hard supporters would blame Biden/Obama or anyone else.
So? What you guys gonna do about it? Nothing probably.
Same as you?
Isn’t ca “canada”?
Lol, so, literally true, but not for the reason they thought…
I love it, I wouldn’t even have thought to check…
We are boycotting everything the us makes. Plus when you guys get here, I’m not gonna lay down and take it and neither will the rest of us. I plan and fighting tooth and nail to stay canadian.
It’s not “you guys.” I am not my government any more than you are yours.
Sorry, you’re right. I know not all of you are to blame for this. Shouldn’t have included you in that. No excuse for that.
Wow, you guys really are super nice. I like the cut of your jib. :)
There’s dumb people all over. They’re not just here in America. Some people won’t see nuance or reason, but instead, what they want things to be.
If Trump thinks in ratings, spread the word that ever since this musk character got introduced the ratings for the old Trump character are plummeting. If Elon is in the picture there is no room left for an old deal making business guy and they should write him out of the script. Although I bet ratings would skyrocket on this show if they had an episode where the tension between Trump and musk boils over while they are isolated in a bunker stuck with each other. Talk about great TV!
So does “tanking” mean being laid in front of a tank and run over multiple times?
Because I can get behind this.
Time to start a other shitty TokTik trend!
insert shitty AI voice “Only billionaires can afford to do this challenge!”
43 percent support what Trump has done in his first month
43% would touch a hot oven burner
The entire point of Musk being so visible is to pin all the unpopular stuff on him.
Thing is that Bronzo the Clown looks like a cuck even to a redcap when you watch fElon and Hannity talking over him, or fElon and his kid in the WH doing more talking than Bronzo as he sits there looking like he’s sundowning.
Every dictator needs toadies to do their dirty work though. Hitler had his Himmler, Stalin his Beria.
It gives Democrats an opening - in two years, if there are still elections.
Assuming they get off their asses and vote this time. Also they need to learn their lesson and focus on a few issues and more on working class American economic issues and less on identity politics.
Lol elections. You don’t think they’ve planned for that? There won’t be elections in 2 years. He’s gutted half the government already.
I keep seeing this… folks really think we’re gonna get to vote again.
Oh, you will. In the same sense that Russia has elections.
America follows the course of Nazi Germany. The US had their Machtergreifung, and if they might get the next Democratic elections in (1949-1933)=16 years, after the Americans came in and stopped the Nazis. Oh, wait…
How are they going to stop it? Republicans have been trying to stop elections since 2017, they’re not smart enough to figure out how. They couldn’t even figure out how to schedule a press conference about it at the four seasons.
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They gerrymandered my state and the courts said it was ok
If you piss off enough people, gerrymandering stops mattering.