i hope this is ironic
Honestly, do we really think America won’t invade canada as soon as its farmland starts to fail from climate change?
Canade already exports almost all it’s produce to the US.
Why go to the bother of invasion. Use trade to force them.
Canada has the ninth largest economy in the world. Yes, America is larger but not so large that they don’t rely on Canada for import/export. Starting a trade war with Canada would just see Canada move it’s resources to a more fruitful source.
So sick and tired of people talking about Canada as though we’re subservient or reliant on America. We are allies and friends. We work together because it works. The moment it stops working doesn’t mean Canada will come crashing down and beg america for forgiveness.
You realise there is an order of magnitude difference between US and Canada right?
2 trillion compared to 30 trillion.
But you are right, they are very close countries and using trade to bully is not something that will happen and would put USMCA in trouble.
Ukraine is small compared to Russia and look at them.
I realise the discrepancy but it doesn’t matter what size the bully is. You should always stand up for your rights. Sovereignty rights, Provincial, State, Human, Civil rights. There are always bullies out there.
Trans folks make up less than 1% of the fight. There are several orders of magnitude between their cause and almost any other, yet they fight.
Just because we’re smaller doesn’t mean we have to take their shit. America relies on Canada for large amounts of their lumber, construction goods, and energy. If Canada and Mexico decide to say goodbye then America is just as screwed.
They probably could just pull an annexation just by threat of invasion. It’s not like Canada could or would resist anyways.
Canada would resist. Saying anything else is defeatism and only serves to support this insane rhetoric.
I will see blood in the streets before I cede a single inch of my fucking country to fascist pig fuckers from south of the border. They may be the largest military out there but there will be American blood on Canadian hands.
The cornerstone of Canadian national identity: We aren’t American.
I’m not sure if this is sarcastic or not.
We share some culture. But, Canada has to fight for our own culture to remain relevant in the face of American oversaturation.
I’m Eastern Canadian. It wasn’t sarcastic, but it’s a semi common statement out here when relating to parts of Western Canada.
Just ship some bat soup down south and start COVID-25
“We will be welcomed as liberators” says every dictator ever.
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The Republicans would never win another election again lmao.
‘let’s just add ~25 million left wing votes’
They can put them all in a single territory and not give them the vote.
Gerrymandering goes brrr
The people in this country are not left wing. Barely liberal at best. Average voter-wise.
62% of Canadian conservatives said they would vote for kamala over trump
So like 75% of Canada would be considered left compared to American standards
OK, you fundamentally misunderstand left and right. Democrats are on the right wing. They aren’t as far right as Republicans but they support capitalism, the free market, private insurance etc.
But the American Left is the Canadian Center. There’d be a fair few Conservative voters who’d vote Democrat and not change their ideology.
I don’t think you’re correct. Kamala Harris is the exact same type of liberal as Justin Trudeau and nobody is happy with his style right now.
I like this one better:
Credit Atlas Pro
Only, these shouldn’t be united states, they should be independent nations.
You have put Atlanta in Florida and I cannot agree to that on any capacity, I’m sick just thinking about it
Spoken like a true Georgian.
As a Floridian, yall can keep your garbage state - other than Savaannah, that’s a nice town.
OTOH, if this was real the band Florida-Georgia Line wouldn’t make sense and would hopefully also drop off the map, so… maybe?
Edit: I just noticed they renamed South Carolina to Georgia…
Y’all already have St Augustine so Savannah is off the table, we’ll offer Albany, Valdosta, and Phenix City. I can agree with you that Florida-Georgia Line ceasing to exist would be for the best of everyone.
I didn’t draw these borders, Atlas Pro did, and he drew these borders because they better account for geography, rather than just arbitrary straight lines. This isn’t necessarily meant to be a final proposal, additions and refinements would be needed.
Those sorts of lines would make sense if we landed here from outer space and it had never been populated before. Otherwise that’s just ripping cultural areas apart
Edit: Michigan and Ohio literally fought a war against each other over Toledo. They would start another if forced to rejoin
I propose Toledo be dug out and flooded by lake Erie. Nobody wants it.
Exactly this. If anyone thinks Texas is just gonna absorb most of NM, you’re gonna have a bad time.
As an Ohioans like hell I’m going to share a legislature with those freaks up north, no matter how much I wish my state voted like them.
I’d rather Atlanta burn again than be in the hands of a Floridian. I get it
This makes no one happy
If you want to call a state “Jefferson” you’re going to have to fight the crazies in Shasta county, (in northern California) for it.
Female person of color friend from the area ended my delusions of Calenbach’s Ecotopia within minutes of telling me about who she grew up with in that version of the PNW
Ez pz
Ahahah everythis is US but not mexico 🤣
Except for the Yucatan peninsula, gotta keep the old pyramids and cultural sites in our hands for the tourism bucks. Gonna put a hotel right at the bottom of Giza 🤢🤮
Na dude, that’s where the aliens are
I’d rather die than become whatever the fuck Caledonia is. Also giving Alberta to Saskatchewan is hilarious.
Most people in BC would wind up in Washington or Lincoln, looks like those go up to around Kelowna latitude.
Anyway, who do I start punching for this?
I get including belize but thats also like half of guatemala that belize doesnt even claim and also why is yucatan also included? Same with the cantral american islands? Also taking greenland(which is still oart of denmark) and iceland is seriously fucking with europe. At that point you are waging war with basically every continent that exists.
I like that they consolidated the Dakotas but not Best Carolina where my partner lives and Worst Carolina where Dylan Roof and Lindsay Graham are from…
They put the North half of North Dakota into Pembina, though, so I don’t know if that really counts as consolidation.
Having never heard or seen the word before, I still say that joining Pembina is a significant upgrade from North Dakota. Even if it DOES sound more like a genital deformity than a state.
“Did you hear that Carol’s baby was born with pembina?” "Poor thing! I TOLD her those lead enemas during pregnancy was a bad idea, though!“
Interesting to see them break up so many red States in this. Taking the time to make sure the Electoral College is balanced I guess?
Can’t even handle what they have now
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Map Source, higher res: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fd3giaas4jnq91.png
That’s slightly different. New Mexico exists in that one, and a region name is changed between Mississauga and Odawa
Reddit OP has made several versions of the same map as part of an alternate history project. The one I shared is the most recent update; I couldn’t track down the exact version from the tweet.