Imagine you were reborn as a female queen ant with an expected lifespan of about 15 years (worker ants live about half a queen’s timespan), and had the ambition to make the most of your tiny new life. And you got to keep your current intellectual capacity and knowledge.

How much could you achieve as an ant?

    4 months ago

    I feel almost anything would be good, at first - just to show I had human like sentience…

    One small example would be “Don’t kill me. I have something to tell you”

    Or if I had plenty of time

    “Hello, I am the ant you can see. I was once human. To prove it, ask me a question and wait while I write the answer…”

    Something like that

    Once I’d been proven an “ex human” I’d probably demand to see my lord and saviour, Sir David Attenborough