I have a chest freezer that has operating temperatures down to -15C. I want to leave it on the balcony, which has a roof and it is shielded from the elements. But for shorter periods of the year we get weather colder than -15C.

Will it damage the freezer? Will the freezer just stop running temporarily? If the ambient temperature is -20 and the inside is -5-10C then atleast it won’t get hotter, so the food won’t spoil if it gets colder inside.

Edit: I could connect a smart plug and disconnect it if below -15, if that would help

  • evasive_chimpanzee@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    It depends on the freezer. Some are “garage rated”, so they are designed to operate in a greater temperature range, while normally, they should only be used at room temp (plus and minus reasonable swings). Check your manual to see if it gives an operating range. I suspect that the more important factor is when it’s too hot outside for the level of insulation and compressor to keep up with, but too cold could be a problem