Channel name

description of what it covers and why you watch it

    4 months ago

    Lockpicking Lawyer

    Short videos. Reminder that no lock is impenetrable. Also, April Fool’s Day videos are very special.

    Kaptain Kristian

    Video essays. No longer in production, high-quality reviews of some cultural artifacts. He’s moved his operation to Curiosity Stream. Made me realize it’s worth it to pay creators directly for their work rather than having advertisers and platforms like YouTube. Now, if only I had money to pay these creators. Aye, there’s the rub.

    Every Frame a Painting

    Expert film analysis. If it’s not, it sure looks like it is.

    CGP Grey

    Snarky educational. Fun! The best damn flag contest, best takedown of first-past the post voting, and best reflection on how to go forward after hitting YouTube fame. I still want to know if he and Roman Mars have talked flags.

    Kutiman ‐ Thru You

    Classic YouTube. 15 years ago, mans took a bunch of other YouTube videos and remixed them into each other, producing meta tracks.

      4 months ago

      Lockpicking Lawyer

      Short videos. Reminder that no lock is impenetrable. Also, April Fool’s Day videos are very special.

      I reply to this with McNallyOfficial. It’s Lockpicking Lawyers unhinged mirror.

    4 months ago


    I’m surprised no one mentioned this channel yet. Previously known for making top 10 facts of everything, but has since transitioned into long form documentary of mysteries. He takes a long time between videos, but its always an instant click whenever he uploads. Does his own research, cites them, makes the background music and all of the animations for it. Honeypot for react channels too.


    Motorcycle related videos. Does some motorcycle reviews, but the explanation type videos they mostly do are awesome. Even if you’re not a motor head, you can always learn/enjoy something from their videos. If not the knowledge and physics, then the excellent videography and story telling Ryan puts in there.

    Technology Connections

    The Youtube Appliance guy. I kid, but he does excellent videos delving into tech in general appliances or retro stuff. One of his best videos is about dishwasher detergents, so good he had to make 2 more follow up videos about it. Seriously, go give it a watch.

    4 months ago

    City Nerd

    Not Just Bikes

    Oh the Urbanity


    Rob Robinson

    Urbanism + transport transition + housing, …I like geography, cities, trains and environmentalism.


    Geology, chemistry, Martian LARP in Utah, mining, …I like ancient, low frequency, high effort, hobbyist YT channels. Will it charcoal?

    Primitive Technology

    Hobbyist, Bacterial Iron Age, Soothing. How many people can lite up a fire with two dry sticks and some dried moss in half a minute? Turn on the subtitles.

    Practical Engineering

    Civil Engineering, I like infrastructure + it being explained.

    Earthling Ed

    Veganism, I’m vegan.

    The Post-Apocalyptic Inventor

    Machine restauration, Anti-write off business, I like repairs and machine shop culture.

    Untitled Burial

    Witch House label, I like Witch House.

    Pop Culture Detective

    Extreme low frequency feminist video essaying, Clever person.

    4 months ago

    Not counting music, I assume - I have a gazilion artists I love if anyone’s interested.

    As for actual Content with a capital C:

    • PhilosophyTube Extremely interesting, well-researched and entertaining presentation of a wide range of philosophical and sociopolitical topics. From the UK.

    • Shaun Ditto, though with a different angle and a Northern accent.

    • Contrapoints Ditto, but American and quite a bit more… theatrical. Quite a strong focus on gender and transgender issues; check out her video on J. K. Rowling for one of the best treatments of the topic.

    • Dr. Geoff Lindsey - Linguistics and phonology stuff, deep dives into pronunciation, fascinating as fuck.

    • Middle Eats Really damn good middle-eastern cooking channel, no-nonsense presentation.

    • Brian Lagerstrom - Baking / cooking - good recipes, sensible treatment.

    • J. Kenji López-Alt of Serious Eats fame - damn good cook, nice guy.

    • Tom Bates Creator of Nigel and Marmalade. Dumb, stoopid, awesome.

    • Adam Millard - The Architect of Games - video essays on gaming

    • Noodle - very funny animated video essays on gaming

    • Ice Cream Sandwich - stoopid funny little cartoons about dumb shit.

    • Jaiden Animations Animated little essays about stuff, she must be protected at all costs. See for instance Things about Relationships I wish someone told me about.

    • Tom Scott has finished up his Things You Might Not Know series, but there’s like a decade of them and they’re amazing. Little investigative videos on everything from programming to wasp farming. You need to watch all of them.

    • Taylor Tries Videos on juggling. I have the hugest talent-crush.

    4 months ago

    I’ll second a couple of other things that people have mentioned, like SmarterEveryDay and CGP Grey.

    Hmm. What would I consistently watch new material on?

    General-audience military history. It’s not especially flashy, and you’ll see typos and such, but it consistently shows maps, which is somewhere that I think a lot of military history stuff falls over. And the guy has read the material for the stuff he covers, at least the stuff that I’m reasonably familiar with. There are much larger military history channels out there, and much blingier ones, but I’d rate this well for actually helping someone accurately understand the material covered. He does a good job of highlighting what I think decent books on the subject matter consider the important, salient bits. I’d say that he’s probably reading – and understanding – the major recommended books on a battle prior to doing a video on it. I’d recommend his videos on battles over any commercial documentaries that I’ve seen.

    There are other military history channels that I do watch, but I think that of them, that’s probably the one I’d recommend being worthwhile as a watch the most.

    Drachinifel – does naval history, especially gun-era stuff and British stuff – but while Drachinifel is pretty prolific, I wouldn’t rank his output as highly; he’s basically taking some high-level stuff from a quick read and putting it in video format. He’s not doing all that much reading per video. But he’s got a lot of stuff.

    The Operations Room also favors maps, but I feel like they tend to pull more of their material from personal accounts from individuals than I’d like.

    Kings And Generals has covered a lot of different conflicts, is flashier, also puts stuff on maps, but I’ve definitely seen stuff on there that I’d call erroneous. I’d watch something from them due to the scope of their material, but take it with a grain of salt.


    I don’t really follow channels much, repeatedly intentionally come back to anyone. Like, to have a Web analogy, there are websites out there that I like, but very few to which I’d subscribe to an RSS feed, because even for places that have good content, I rarely want to watch a high proportion of anything that they’ve done.

    I can’t think of anyone that does software that I’d recommend watching (or, honestly, in general, video for that). I haven’t been all that blown away by video for international affairs stuff, not to the point that I’d explicitly recommend someone.

    • theslowmoguys does a lot of well-filmed very slow motion stuff. I wouldn’t go back to see something just because they’ve put it out, but they’ve got some of the better slow-motion footage of different things that I’ve seen. Fun watch.

    • Oh, forgottenweapons. This is pretty well-known in the firearms world, so it’s probably not a huge surprise to people who are interested in firearms. It originally focused on unusual firearms mechanisms, but I think that they’ve done a video on darn near every firearm out there now, so it’s kind of a nice place to get a video overview from an informed person of most firearms, short bit history, highlights unusual mechanisms of the thing. I definitely would not go out and try to watch through this whole thing unless you are some kind of absolutely rabid firearms mechanism person, but it consistently has good-quality, informed material. There’s a ! community on the Threadiverse.

    • PerunAU is also probably pretty well-known. Guy in defense economics, good for a level-headed, high-level look at the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Shows a series of Powerpoint slides. If he comes out with a new video, I’d watch it; he generally doesn’t waste viewer time, and insofar as my knowledge extends, the information he puts out is pretty solid. I don’t have the knowledge to evaluate the validity of his opinions, but he’s pretty good at explicitly stating that something is or is not his opinion. There’s been a lot of people making a lot of videos on the conflict, and I think that he’s one of the more-worthwhile people to pay attention to.

    I feel kinda bad to heavily list military- or weapons- related stuff, as I certainly watch plenty of other stuff on YouTube, but honestly, while I watch other material, most of the cases where I think I’d watch new material from a particular individual falls into those categories. Like, there are channels spanning a wide range of things, that have put out great content, that I think is interesting, but they also put out a whole lot of other stuff that I’m not interested in. I might recommend a particular video, but not the whole channel.


    • primitivetechnology9550. Guy goes out into the woods with nothing but his shorts and just using what’s available, constructs a “technology tree”, starting with something like a stone axe and moving up to iron production and increasingly-sophisticated structures. Pretty well-known, but I’ve enjoyed every video I’ve ever seen on there.
      4 months ago

      I wonder if CGP Grey will ever upload a non-flag based video again. Not to say I don’t love the flag content, I just hope everything’s going okay with him.

    4 months ago


    He is bald at 2D Platformers and does funny coding stuff with his Chat and/or AI

    Papa Meat

    Hunter Hanckock (Meatcanyon). He can control fire and does lots of IRL Videos about strange/funny/gross Topics.


    YouTube’s worst Blacksmith makes dangerous Inventions, and videos about Australian Animals now and then.

    4 months ago

    GEOLOGY can be intriguing when much of it is set outdoors (in videos, no bug bites, no poison ivy) and being explained by a professor at a small college with a great love of the topic and a talent and desire to share it with a large audience. Yes, I’m talking Nick on the Rocks himself. Danger:He’s often accompanied by other interesting geologists. It might be catching.

    If you’re new to the topic or have children, then Nick also does short (under 10-minute) shows that are shown on PBS, which you’ll find here:

    4 months ago

    Preface: I know NOTHING about combustion engines and generally have never had the desire to.

    But the “Driving 4 Answers” channel breaks down how all kinds of different engine designs work, explaining the pros and cons of each. Some have tons of apparent advantages that make you wonder why they aren’t used in production cars and trucks. He digs deep to answer that question.

    Here’s a great video about the rotary vane engine.

    The twin rod Avadi engine is a very different approach.

    This one explains the crossplane inline 4. I had never even heard of such a thing before, but the way it’s explained is absolutely fascinating. He even demonstrates the different sounds so I feel like I could just listen to a car and know what kind of crankshaft it has.

    Highly recommended.