This would be funny if it wasn’t so accurate
This would be funny if it wasn’t so accurate
My roommate doesn’t
I almost strangled him last night
Kyle you stupid son of a bitch where did you learn that shit
I wouldn’t mind some tin snips and turpentine
I think the word you’re actually looking for is “Republican Party”
Ive seen clothes bleed like twice, once was a set of dark sheets I washed for the first time, which bled a shitload, and the other was a cheap promotional shirt I bleached which turned the water black.
Is it a headset? They .ight just be cheap headphones, but you don’t really see those anymore
I can’t decide if this is AI generated or if bro has size 38 shoes
Woke left won’t even let us say boob anymore!
/s because some people actually think this shit
I think it would be more targeted towards people who haven’t experienced it in real life as a sort of empathy-building exercise.
What’s wrong with the picture?
Republic era lightsabers used neither. They held themselves together kinda like jointing in woodwork.
Also the image doesn’t show a lightsaber? It’s a bo-staff built out of literal scraps?
I thought we got over Bricks and Screws years ago
The only right answer
We need Year of Luigi 2 right fucking now
I blame my peers who didn’t vote just as much as my peers who voted for Trump for what is to come.
I’m done giving a shit. We had a chance to stop this, and we sat on our ass.
Where’s the one guy who had “good” insurance but still almost died because his employer was being bought out when he got sick
Lots of Minecraft