Former President Donald Trump’s supporters say they hold him as a source of true information over their family, friends, and religious leaders, according to a new CBS News/YouGov poll out on Sunday.
Former President Donald Trump’s supporters say they hold him as a source of true information over their family, friends, and religious leaders, according to a new CBS News/YouGov poll out on Sunday.
My father is one of them. Because of his idiotic glorification and idol worship of trump, my family has told him to fuck off. Haven’t talked to him for almost 3 years now. He even believed the big lie
Pretty much the same for my family. My parents were always hard right conspiracy types but it used to be that they still had something redeeming about them. I don’t like to remember the Thanksgiving Dinner of 2009, the last time we got together.
Hey mom I am dating a girl and it is getting kinda serious. Also I finished that engineering degree and loving working in a big city. Plus you know I flew out here to see you guys. Can we maybe talk about something besides Obama being a Satan Muslim for like a minute? No?
same shit happened with my biological half-sister. i drove 16 hrs one-way to visit her. what does she want to talk about? making fun of transgenered people. i left early. never again will i visit her. i rather go to the beach.
My sister called me today, and I didn’t answer because I was at the beach. I said it. I meant it.
Yeah, tore my family apart too. So bad now that I’m pretty certain it’s irrepairable. Guess there was a lot of underlying issues but there always is with family right? This shit really just scratched the scab off and the pus came pouring out. Still though, I think family is fragile in many cases and you just make it work, but when something this polarizing comes around it can shift the balance enough to start a casastrophic cascade. The GOP is an ice-9 motherfucker right now. They turn everything they touch into complete shit.
I’ve found political hatred is actually one of the worst traps to fall into. Personally I thought some of obama’s policies were good, although implemented incorrectly. I was hoping trump would be similar, but he turned out the complete opposite. If it doesn’t involve making the rich richer he didn’t want anything to do with it.
That’s really sad
True, but I’m a firm believer in the motto of you made your bed now lie in it.
I mean I get it. I don’t talk to my own dad (not political reasons). However I am a father myself and it would be really sad to raise my kid for him to just say “later” and never talk to me again. Then again I wouldn’t believe Trump and his cult. Still sad to think you could be alone because of something that has nothing to do with me.
I agree, I feel sorry for the man getting lost like he did. But I will not raise my family around such a narcissistic attitude.
That sounds about right.
I have a sister that’s the same.
I would have never guessed she’d fall victim to such a thing… she’s intelligent and Trump prior to running for election was the type of person she’d despise. I don’t know what happened. It’s like the person I knew got taken over by a sick, alien virus that’s destroyed the person I remember. She’s angry, condescending and downright hateful to anyone that tries to talk to her about the lies and real evidence she ignores. It’s sad, and I miss the sister I remember.
Same with my father. He was a great guy until he jumped on the Trump train. Now he is a hateful, bigoted racist that thinks if you don’t think the way he does you aren’t worth his time. I learned my thought process from him where you don’t blindly follow someone else. Research, research and more research before you commit youself to something. Make sure you are making an informed decision, hell he is a retired cop, he was a detective, he knows how important it is to look at the evidence and make the right decision. But not since Trump, he even started looking up Qanon shit to base his decisions on. I miss who he was, but I won’t join his beliefs just to keep him in my life.
Your father is still probably following his process, but one of the most dangerous things Trump did was sew distrust of trustworthy sources. If you throw out government agencies, the mainstream media, and what scientists say, then doing extra research ends up coming from rightwing sources and just pushes you further right. And it’s a hard thing to defend against because government agencies can and have been dishonest and the mainstream media usually is.
Yea they have and the media is pushes a narrative that only focuses on the negative side. Back when I was younger the media at least reported some positive news, but now it all sensationalized and antagonistic rhetoric
The media shows us what we want to see.
They are looking for eyes and for clicks and it’s what gets the most of them.
Part of the reason I look at more than one source for my info. If I see a blurb of something that catches my eye, I’ll read an article then search up other sources of info.
I trust nothing the media says without researching multiple sources. If all the sources are getting their info from the same place, I look for outside means. Like world wide news mentioned her in the states, I will go to local sources for the info. As long as it’s in English language.
You didn’t read my previous comment.
I did, sorry was tired and responded incorrectly. I do agree with you though
I’m sure he was a good father to you since you miss his old self, but being a cop in no way implies that he’d be intelligent or competent in any way. In fact, it would provide some of the explanation as to why he’d be joining the cult of an authoritarian figure. Not only are cops often required to not be too intelligent, they also already belong to an authoritarian organization, so it wouldn’t be a big change to jump on the Trump train. It’s not exactly a coincidence that he has such strong support among law enforcement people.
Again, I know that people can be good fathers regardless of their professional lives, and I don’t doubt that he was good to you. I’m not looking to be offensive or attack you, I have nothing at all against you personally. It’s just slightly jarring to see someone’s status as a former cop being held up as evidence of competence. It is not now, nor has it ever been a good thing to be a cop.
No no offense taken. My dad wasn’t your normal cop. He actually showed empathy as well as sympathy towards situations. He never had that billy badass mentality like most do. Hell even when he went to talk to someone in inherently bad parts of town, like the Watts in LA during the riot era or even like Harlem as the gangs started getting bad, he would leave his firearm in the car. And he stood in solidarity with those that looked at cops like they were the devil themselves. His outlook changed drastically during the trump administration.
He didn’t believe socialism was a bad thing, unless it turned into violent rhetoric. He was always a progressive conservatism. Everyone had the right to voice what they believed in as long as they didn’t push their narrative to being the only right answer.
Now the only narrative he believe in is conspiracy theories, such as engaging with a gay person WILL make you gay or that everything is evil unless it’s the far-right wing way. My father has even gone to the point of denying the innocent until proven guilty, now you are guilty for even thinking that it might be a good idea. The man has changed for the worst, if I didn’t know any better you’d think he had Alzheimer’s and only focuses on the wrongs of people, no matter what, even if they didn’t do anything wrong, unless they believe how he does. It’s actually scary. If you don’t think like him you should be shot on site, that’s not the man that raised me.
I’m actually ashamed to call him my father.
Admitting she is wrong about a single fact would bring the entire house of cards tumbling down… Imagine having to admit you are wrong about everything you have come to represent. It would come with soul crushing pain to your ego, and these people can’t confront that.
It is sad to hear how we let the wealthy class and politicians divide us on culture wars and identity politics.
We should be talking more to the people we don’t agree with and come together over class lines, working class vs. wealthy class.
Trump and Sanders were both able to create a grassroots movement for a reason.
Talking is the way to get to what we share in common, instead we focus on what we disagree on.
That’s a nice sentiment, but there’s no talking to these people. They WILL NOT listen to their family or friends. Any information they absorb must be from Fox News, Trump himself, or the other far right information platforms.
They don’t live on the same level of logic that the rest of us do and approaching them with logic only angers and confuses them. They become belligerent, obtuse, and steadfast in their views. It can’t be broken through logic because it’s a cult and they’re not operating with logic.
My father is also one of these people.
Makes me wonder if deepfakes of tucker carlson is the only way to unfuck things at this point
Unfortunately you are right. But haters and bigots don’t want to talk about bettering themselves, they want destruction of what they don’t like.
I miss the 80’s and 90’s where people had their differences but listened to the other side without whataboutisms or evil rhetoric.
Jesus. Imagine sacrificing your family for that orange traitor cunt.