30’s?? That’s rookie numbers, I’m nearing my 50’s.
Same. And I still game. Who the fuck quits when they pwnd everyone and still have tea bags to spare?
The tea bags are a bit saggier, but they’re still good!
It just means you don’t have to squat as far.
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Maybe it’s been an evolutionary trait all along!
At 45 my knees are hanging in there (even with the cycling and skiing). It’s my ankles that are becoming an occasional problem oddly.
You youngsters can eat my shorts, I’ll be gunning for you (in game f course). Excuse me, I need to yell at those damn kids to GET OFF MY LAWN
Godspeed you magnificent bastard
Nearing? I’m already there and I’m the young 'un in my group of gaming buddies. The eldest is in his 60s and we’re all playing most evenings.
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Listen here you little shit.
Everyone I know turned 30 and immediately turned to dust from their advanced age. So sad. Also, really messy.
Their poor grandchildren
Was this from the Night of the Comet movie?
Not the OP but it is, I’d know it anywhere.
It totally is! Such a great movie!
61 in about 3 weeks. I’m older than Pong, and I game every day.
I’m 50 and pong was my first video game. I had to play it on amateur with the bigger paddles because the small ones were insanely small.
Alright, we have enough to run a tournament. Who’s streaming!
I’m also 50 this year, and Pong was my first game as well!
So funny to think that it took an entire console to play one black and white game with primitive graphics and like 4 options… and now we have 3D rendered racing sims we can run on our phones!
Dude, that was my first game too! I kind of wish I still had it (and a screen it would play on).
I was 9 or 10 3 first time I saw a Pong arcade machine in a hotel in San Diego.
This was me (figuratively)
Gaming has been serious since
Then I wrote my first game
Now I seek my fortune in glory and plunder
I love this so much!
My dad is a couple of years older than you and he’s the one who introduced me to gaming on his Atari back in the 80s. We play Battle for Wesnoth semi-regularly together.
There was a space of about a decade where we didn’t and honestly I regret that. We don’t live close to each other but it’s how we stay in touch.
Honestly, that and grilling (and eventually motorcycles, but I was already on my way out of rural nowhere when that happened) are the only things we bonded over. I have always had hobbies that kept me at arms length from “normal” people and my dad is the guy you’d think of if you thought of a regular dude born in the 60s. I’m still pretty weird (and happy about it), but it’s nice that I can be close to him through gaming.
My oldest and (he’s 31 today) have copies of this on our office walls https://kagi.com/proxy/2434767_orig.png?c=Ux_Oi49zwrz_XQu8syTDi7pdjUAc4KO_wcuIYxcLBYVVdaF_ts2tNMrrB1335mt_48KAUH2poQelymJ7a7PDGRjG4y4c-aoE0yr1F9vp67s7qwBYQtyX4UprxCe0g5r5
My best gaming time ever is when my sons and I make up a 4-man fire team in any game.
That is so cool! Tell your son I said happy birthday from another gamer son!
55 here, and I got to play lunar lander on my dad’s lab PDP-8 even before my grandparents got Pong.
Currently working my way through Fallout London.
I’ve got unplayed games older than you!
Nearly 60 and a grandma.
Grandma is over 60 and I recently had to upgrade her to a 4060 instead of my old 480 just to play Guild Wars 2 lol.
You are good grandchild, and I hope she knows it!
30s are rookie numbers. I’m 52 and still game regularly. I started out playing pong clones in about 1975 hooked up to my tv. I played a lot of zx spectrum games in the 80s, failed my degree in the early 90s because I spent far far far too long playing civ1 on my Amiga. Etc etc.
Fellow Amiga civ veteran, eh?
I blew most of my youth, and a chunk of my degree, on football manager too.
I regret nothing.
Need to get on over to !amiga@sopuli.xyz
The 512KB or the 1MB version of Civ 1?
Remember when Lemmings finally made it to PC and all us people who had Amigas were like, “I know, right?”
Yall GOTTA stop pretending 30 is old
ive only been an adult on my own for like 5 years, relax
Same. I’m 35 and I’ve only been independent for 5 years as well. This is the new norm. Adulting is expensive. 30 isn’t old; you’re just starting your life.
i got married last year
im literally a level 1 husband.
Im a level 32 human but only a level 6 Adult, really. I moved out at 22 but spent the first 3 years partying and barely making rent
I think 25 was the year i started actually trying to do a good job at life, so im still pretty new at it
As I said in another thread, I’m 37, I’m not old, I’m lower middle age. I make noise sitting down but I don’t make noise putting my feet up yet.
I’ll be 37 soon, I was doing well untill my motorcycle accident. Even in full gear a lot of stuff broke that shit aged me fast. That being said my best friend is 22 and I can still beat his ass at most games.
I turned 37 recently, and fortunately both of my motorcycle accidents were relatively minor lowsides at ~20mph so I think most of me is 37 and my right knee is 41 years old.
Some lady on a phone basically ran me off the road and fled the scene. 4 ribs broken, fractured scapula, and a partial lung collapse along with soft tissue damage all on the right side. Oh and my left thumb broke and needed surgery. Kept the helmet though, did it’s job admirably.
Oof, every piece of that is a deep level of suck. I’m sorry that happened to you. Except for the helmet keeping your brains in, that’s a good thing.
Damn! Ease off on the aging there, gramps. I’m 50 and I can still touch my toes without groaning! The only “old person noises” I make are exclusively of the “get off my lawn you whippersnapper” type. ;-P
(And I’ve been gaming since Pong)
meh i don’t have s future worth staying young for. my main goal is to die relatively quickly instead of rotting alive for years like my grandparents did.
my first video game was Freddy’s Rescue Roundup on MS-DOS. It was a bit like Lode Runner.
I’m 38 and I’m extremely anxious about what to expect from adulthood in two years.
41 here. PC master race gamer 4 lyf.
I’m 46 and a PC gamer, but I don’t give a shit what platform anyone plays on. This “PC master race” stuff is infantile bullshit and needs to disappear.
Technically, the members of the subreddit claim the name is ironic, but you’d be hard-pressed to tell by the way they often act.
It ceases being ironic when you lean into it.
PC master race is about knowing it’s the best gaming platform, not about owning one. “it’s not about the hardware on your rig, it’s the software in your heart.”
You’re being ironic, aren’t you? I can’t tell. At any rate, the best gaming platform is the one that plays the games you want, the way you want to play them, at the price you can afford. For me, that’s the PC, although many pcgamingmasterracers would look down their noses at my setup because it can’t do 60fps in all games at all times. But I’ve learned enough about how personal preferences work to actively avoid associations with elitist crap like ‘pc gaming master race’.
I know that some people take it ridiculously seriously, but for me, it’s just a preference.
I have a Wii that I don’t use anymore and a PS4 that I only use for playing Rock Band rarely, so it’s not like I’m a real purist or otherwise extremist about it 🤷
Same on both counts! Awkward fist bump? 🤜
Bold of you to assume I’m capable of a fistbump that isn’t awkward. Emoticon goes here, I can’t be arsed figuring out how.
30s? My steam account is about to turn 20! My first computer was a C64 and my first console was an Atari 2600… I remember the video game crash… hell, I still have my copy of ET!
There’s a bunch of young whippersnappers in here. I’m around your age.
You little shits today know nothing about gaming.
This is a Star Wars game:
It even had audio from the movie.
I remember playing the original Lemmings and SimCity without a mouse.
Ooh, look at Mr Showoff with his games in colour!
C64 crew represent!
We had the disk drive and it put out so much heat that I’d leave my food on top of it to keep it warm.
Heck yeah!
I still remember ruining our first copy of Impossible Mission by accidentally overwriting it! God was I in deep shit…
You get a sweet badge when it turns 20.
posting this on lemmy of all places is hilarious, i have a hunch that half of the userbase is 40+
Yeah probably - I mean I just turned 50 and moved over to Lenny due to the likeness to the old internet forums and BB’s of the 90’s and early 00’s before the normies discovered the internet via social media……
In those days you’d keep an onion on your monitor, which was the style at the time.
I know an 84 year old man that has played WoW since vanilla.
Im 60 and been gaming since Wolfenstein 3D.
I am pushing 40 now and I doubt I’ll ever stop gaming. I introduced my mom to Ragnarok online 2 decades ago. She introduced her dad to the game and they played together. My grandpa played that game until the day he died and he loved it. My mom still plays it too with the same group of people. This idea that gaming is a young person’s thing… is so weird. My mom is in her late 50ies and she and my dad started with playing Pong. Both my parents and my brother and I grew up with computers, consoles and games. We all love it. That’s not something age will suddenly change. In about 20 years those same people will be typing posts like these themselves. ;)
Even most people in the 50-64 years range play videogames: https://www.techopedia.com/video-game-statistics
The artist: https://www.instagram.com/psychosuzanne
Look, it’s a cheaper hobby than drinking, or outfitting my vehicle. I don’t have the time to retreat to a fishing hole and there’s no hunting nearby.
Yes I play video game, geez.
Turning 50 this year. Still balling. Love a drink when I play. The combo remains cheaper than going to dinner
People act like video games are some niche hobby, while it’s a bigger industry than movies and music combined. And it’s not even close.
Yeah it was bonkers learning that video games are no longer niche and are now cool
They’re definitely not niche, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.