neurotic mess
I see I’ve got something in common with him
And if it gets out of the box it is shot
deleted by creator
This was an interesting read:
Wait what? We switch?
IMO, it’s not the same ship; end of story
That’s right. More cum than you can imagine.
Depends on how strongly you value your relationship with your brother. He may be a fuckwaffle, but he is your fuckwaffle. It’s big of you setting your differences aside. If you don’t go, and he means a lot to you outside of his political views, then you might regret not going. If you don’t really care for him and political ideology is more important then dont go. I think not going is kind of crossing the Rubicon, but I don’t know the situation part from your details
Harold and Kumar reference
See spot. See spot run. Spot has a gun. Run from spot, run!
Is it fat shaming if I’m shaming my own fat ass?
That’s a big step. What is your degree in?
The NDP need a new leader too. Singh has the charisma of week old fish.
Who says satire/shitpostery can’t cut close to the bone? The best ones are the ones that make us evaluate ourselves under a critical lens.
And that username; double oof.
Wheel of time movies or TV show THE RIGHT FUCKING WAY