I honestly thought I had killed them last year, but here they are, popping up. There were several more that I planted under a fig tree in my yard.
Nice! My Egyptian walking onions share a similar story. They have been sitting in a 5 gallon fabric pot outside all winter, and just when I thought they might be frozen to the core, I see a couple green leaves shoot up the other day. Amazing!
That’s really great! Plants can be so resilient.
I had some walking onions several years ago. They’re so cool.
That feeling you get seeing the green peep out through the brown is honestly amazing. Congrats
Yes, def a great feeling. Thank you!
Very cool. I would love to grow ramps but I doubt they would survive in my climate.
Cool! Do you use them for cooking or just decorative?
For cooking, but they do look nice!
Lol. Nothing beats the enthusiasm of a good volunteer. Some of the best pumpkins I’ve ever grown were volunteers
One of the best tomato plants was a seed that fell in between some bricks on our patio. It grew like crazy and produced a lot of tomatoes.
The universe loves a good comeback story