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What happens when one of these legal gun owners shoots a cop? 🤔
Still allowed?
New headline: Louisiana legislation poised to allow dueling between police and CCW holders.
What would happen if a cop shoots another cop who’s off duty? Does the media blame the victim as usual, or is the one who’s on duty simply become “one bad apple”?
They blame acorns
“One bad acorn”
doub zewo sèt, lisans pou touye.
Haitian Creole is not the same as Louisiana Creole. Just fyi
What is the proper way to say it?
Well I don’t know. I actually recognized it hat you wrote as probably being Haitian Creole but I had to double check with a translator. I don’t speak Louisiana Creole and Wikipedia says there is only 10,000 speakers.
I saw your Creole response and was wondering why someone would respond to an English post in Creole and went to your profile to see if you were Haitian. Then I realized your joke lol
Well I’m glad your “fyi” was based on personal knowledge or intense research instead of thinking google translate could actually figure out the difference. 🙄 Maybe I’m one in 10k. Or maybe the dialect is really similar. Ou se yon moun parese wi!
What if the gunfire causes an abortion? What if someone drops a frozen embryo due to the gunfire? What if a librarian accidentally orders a banned book due to the gunfire? What if the gunfire makes someone transexual?
We’re going to need some clarification here.
You’re not supposed to think about the configuration of shit GOP is building, I know they haven’t.
They have, they purposely leave a bunch of holes in the law so they can always be on the right
Following the Bible plan then
Not sure. For one I belive the Bible is misrepresented (just like the quran) because it’s full of well meaning paragraphs (not all of course), but christian nationals use it to shield themselves without actually reading it.
As a non american I’m getting this wild west vibe from recent guns legislation news.
It’s more Mad Max given the increasing incidents of road rage
This has to be the most deranged law in the history of laws. Murder being a crime is probably one of the few things you can count on everywhere if there’s a working state.
Hey America, how’s it going?
Jesus Christ
Of course.
This is absolute insanity. Goddamn Louisiana republiQans are off the fucking rails.
All I can do is laugh and shake my head. This is insanity.
I think that what started this was the effort to go after firearms manufacturers – who really don’t have much to do with how a firearm is used – for wrongful deaths. That got blocked back in 2005.
So I figure someone looked at that law and figured “okay, extend to the person using the firearm”.
Sword owners are being forgotten again, it’s an outrage!
Hard to know all the details from this article, but it seems like they are raising the bar for civil suits as a result of an action with a firearm to the same level as a criminal action. Basically changing the standard from being a preponderance of evidence to beyond reasonable doubt. essentially, if you’re found not-guilty after using a firearm in a self-defense situation, then you are also shielded from a civil action for that event.
This is probably in response to “robber sues homeowner after being injured while breaking into a house” stories that float around occasionally.
Heck, I could be way off base here, but that’s how I read it.
Louisiana saw the attention Alabama was getting for making IVF illegal and got jealous so they made their own stupid law.
I wonder how something like that can be constitutional lol. Just take that paper and wipe your ass with it already :D Trump should issue a new constitution branded toilet paper, I bet the morons would buy it!