This is a cognitohazard
Honestly I do wonder if anyone who reads shit like this is actually convinced and tries it
Most advertising works about 15% of the time.
Eventually in that industry you come to the realization that 15% of the population is just extremely suggestible.
And of that 15% there’s people who ate TidePods because of TikTok.
So yes, if this was shown widely enough at least one person would eat a packet.
Yeah, but statistics are made up 73% of the time in online forums.
The temptation is strong I’m relying on a description of what happens when a peraon does this and how dangerous it is Dont do it its bad but… 😱 I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna
Silica gel is inert. It’s not harmful, but the packets are a choking hazard. It’s basically glass.
That’s probably not how you escape the simulation.
Oh Well if its safe th3n its worth a shot righ…
I knew a guy in high school that would do self destructive stunts for attention.
I saw him eat silica gel on several occasions. I’m sure it’s not good for you but it’s not like he died or anything.
The main warning is because it’s commonly shipped with food, and even though it’s not toxic, it’s certainly not edible. So it’s to stop people from eating it.
Yeah, I did some googling after I commented and apparently amorphous silica gel is actually a safe food additive according to the FDA
We have extensive data on this.
As long as they are not of the blue type they are apparently not toxic or poisonous. Might increase ones chance to get cancer, but that is about it. You’ll just shit it back out and if you eat a few dozen it might clog up your intestines.
I’d still avoid eating it though.
The paper is gotta be a problem, there’s no saying what’s in it or in the paint.
They will also increase in size and dry some parts of your body, so try to keep your consumption moderate.
Please enjoy responsibly
It pairs well with tide pods
Put me back in. I don’t want to remember nothing. NOTHING.
That’s a thought provoking storyline, because he says he doesn’t want to remember anything, and he also tells them he wants to be a rich rock star. So if they put him in, wipe his memory, and give him a different life than he had previously, is it even him anymore? Not that it matters, since they wouldn’t put him back in anyways. They’d just kill him along with everyone else when they attack the ship. You don’t do favors for glitchy batteries, you throw them out.
So, you want to remember everything?
You missing the reference:
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I have a pillow that says “silica gel do not eat” and I love it
Because it tastes delicious?
Prettt sure it’s tide pods not silica gel
Well obviously they aren’t going to let the secret out like this. Silica gel and tide pods actually just drop you ome level deeper into the simulation. Really what you need to eat is removed.
I’m not sure if this is correct, I ate removed bu
Can’t even tell if censorship or joke removed
There has to be some good reason people eat those
I mean all the people who tried them didn’t do it twice so either they were replaced by the simulation because they were free or they didn’t like what awaited them outside the wire.
We must investigate further!
Guys, to escape the simulation all you have to do is open your mouth and
Congrats on escaping
They just have their mouth open and can’t talk
Some kid is definitely going to try this now.
Don’t bother, it didn’t work for me and won’t for you
The real hero.
That’s exactly what they would say to keep us in the simulation.
I’m out of here bitches !
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Now I kinda want to see acid sheets that look like mattress tags
Did you know there are upholstery cops that come by and make sure you’re putting those tags on? They don’t come around often but they do exist. I know an upholsterer who got fined for not having any. The stuffed articles act is Real Shit.
Thanks for sharing, I didn’t know. Wonder how you get into that field and what other super niche jobs there are out there
I got into upholstery because I went to art school and got a textile degree. I imagine you become an upholstery cop because you like bureaucracy. In Canada they’re the TSSA- Transit and Safety Something Something. They regulate airplanes, busses, boats and roller-coasters. And mattress tags.
Apparently they aren’t that poisonous, it’s just that it’s commonly shipped with food and it’s certainly not edible. But for most adults, it’ll just pass through you.
In fact, it’s recommended to ingest one pellet a day to boost your immunity against wise decisions
I think chubbyemu on YouTube did a video about someone that did this.
Indeed he did
Do we have oral covid vaccination already? 😈
I guess it could work, you can’t get covid if you’re dead
I hear it selectively pulls the COVID out of your blood stream, you can tell it’s working by the popping sound coming from your stomach.
So i should eat one ?
The people who ate tide pods escaped, this is just the second way out.
Anyone ever read “A Dirty Job” by Christopher Moore?
Minty Fresh is bae
It’s good with some Tide Pods on the side.
Damn I hope that doesn’t work otherwise we lost Michael from vsauce. Need him in the simulation.
I knew it