I’m in sciences and the AI overview gives wrong answers ALL THE TIME. If students or god forbid professionals rely on it thats bad news.
I’m in sciences and the AI overview gives wrong answers ALL THE TIME. If students or god forbid professionals rely on it thats bad news.
bout tree fiddy
honestly i’m not sure lol. I prefer shows I don’t have to pay too much attention to but i always end up watching real life lore/geopolitic/news videos and get really wrapped up in them. I’ll probably classify them as shows that i watch in my own and not with my fiance.
Nebula rules I always make a point to check there first. Great for treadmill shows and stuff
Ya that game rules. I was also a massive fan of rainbow 6 Vegas 2 back in the day.
I’ve found that the world is indifferent to your existence so I’ve take the “we’re here for a good time, not a long time” approach. I enjoy traveling/seeing what the world has to offer. It can be super fun immersing yourself in different cultures. Then I go back home and escape in fiction however I can from books, tv, movies, video games. I work out, challenge myself, learn languages, have hobbies that I find joy and meaning in. I just do and surround myself with things that make me happy. Get a dog or cat, they’re awesome company! that’s all i’ve got. I’m feeling pretty down lately too due to personal circumstance but I take “me time” very seriously.
I’ve heard rumours of a buyout. Its sad I really used to enjoy a lot of their games and now they’re just not interesting at all.
I think the halo lore is pretty neat (except for everything the TV show and 343 touched)
I’m bracing for this right now. I’m working casual hours while I go to full time schooling but part of that schooling includes unpaid placements, I’m absolutely dreading not having income for basically half a year while i’m on the hook for tuition, bills/rent, transportation ect…
dude the raw milk thing alone is going to skyrocket preventable death and illness. Theres a reason pasteurization exists.
because I can’t use my favourite reddit app anymore
Its kind of tricky, the homeless are quite a diverse population from people just down on their luck to hard drug users with nothing to lose to violent assholes to people with mental health issues/impairments. There is’t a one size fits all problem. you can’t put such a mix of people together with the one commonality of them being homeless and expect everything to work out, they all have very different needs. Some people might make it out ok if you gave them a couple grand and temporary shelter to get them back on their feet, others might need long term care/support their whole lives and others might need institutionalization. I don’t know what the answer is.
I’m still using the audiobooks so I’ll keep it unless there is a better app for audiobooks specifically.
After 15 listening hours they let you finish the chapter then block listening until the next month and its a stupid amount of money to top up. Unfortunately I have all my music and podcasts tied to the base service and thats the only thing keeping me there. If I’m paying a monthly fee I feel entitled to unlimited anything.
I just want unlimited audiobook listening this 15 hours thing is bullshit. I nearly dropped spotify the second I got that notification out of spite.
I’m a big burger’s priest fan, holy smokes rules.
It has its flaws but I’ve never had more fun than playing halo 3 custom games back in the day. You could do and make almost anything! I haven’t felt that playing any game since.
our GDP would explode overnight lol
I was talking to my fiance about this, I’m about to graduate from my program and both of us can work anywhere there is a hospital. We were looking into houses or condos in the GTA but its just stupid expensive. I joked about bailing on canada entirely and just packing up/moving and that quickly went from a joke to our top option. I can’t believe its gotten so unbelievably to hard to live here, whats the point in staying?
I’d eradicate mosquitos and ticks in a heartbeat