Kelsey Hatcher, a 32-year-old mom of three was born with a rare uterine anomaly called uterus didelphys, or two uteruses. However, she was not diagnosed with the condition until last spring, when she discovered she was pregnant – in each uterus.
Hatcher said her husband almost didn’t believe her.
“He said: ‘You’re lying,’ I said: ‘No, I’m not,” Hatcher told NBC News.
Uterus didelphys affects about 0.3% of women. The abnormality forms in the female embryo very early in development, around eight weeks gestation, according to fertility researchers.
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Merriam Webster says either is okay.
We’re speaking English, so no, although it’s commonly accepted. If you’re speaking Latin, though…
Both Britannica and Merriam-webster list ‘uteri’ as the primary option.
Because dictionaries reflect how people use words, and people use the words that way.
Webster also lists “octopi” as a plural of octopus, which is completely wrong because the plural of pus is podes. But people say “octopi” anyway, so you’ll find it in the dictionary.