The fucking bar was on the ground and he didn’t pass it what the hell
You didn’t expect him to have a shovel.
The bar was on the ground but you didn’t suspect he had descended into the underworld. For all the questions he dodged, one of the only ones he actually answered was trying to commit to the lies he’s been telling about the appollo dev, even after the leaked phone call audio proves it is a lie
what lies were he trying to tell? Sorry, I’m out of the loop
Basically there was a miscommunication on a phone call between Reddit and the Apollo dev where they briefly misconstrued something the Apollo dev said as “threatening” Reddit. The miscommunication was cleared up instantly and amicably in the moment, but then spez went out and started claiming that the Apollo dev had been threatening Reddit and acting in bad faith. The Apollo dev responded by releasing an audio recording of the entire phone conversation (lol) which made it abundantly clear that Reddit were trying to attack his character.
From his responses you can see reddit will continue their path. and if you think about it, everything is going well for them.
the probability that a critical mass of users will leave is still quite low. they will get rid of a lot of moderators that don’t fall in line. what is left will be a community that won’t mind the direction reddit is going.
reddit will turn boring, but the shareholders won’t care. as long as they manage to keep enough users after the api change the site will recover.
the only positive thing here is that a lot of dedicated people may join other platforms and start building new communities.
Yeah. It’s like a toxic workplace. The old dogs might leave but those who hate change or new guys who don’t know how it used to be will stay
I just find the whole thing really false and shut off.
The answers provided by spez are completely useless and don’t really further any discussion. This is all about damage control for the upcoming IPO in my opinion. Without users, active moderators and people willing to engage and discuss… the product is going to burn at IPO.
Here’s hoping enough people can get into some simple Lemmy instances and help the 'verse grow. Time for me to find communities for LEGO and watches!
Oh there’s a Lego community right now!
What’s the Lego community called? I haven’t been able to find one searching.
I found one at !lego@lemmy.ml
It showed up in community search for me.
He was initially let off his leash and posted this. I’m sure his legal and PR teams then reigned him in.
That’s what I expected as well. My guess is that it’s mostly somewhat tech savvy people that care about the changes. The more casual users will probably keep using reddit. Basically the lifecycle of most social media tbh
Basically the lifecycle of most social media tbh
I’ve seen this word so many times today yet never before
I would venture a guess the more casual user’s window into this is only the handful of posts on Reddit that bubble to the top of r/all of third party apps shutting down. If they are uses of those apps, they probably scroll right on by and are none the wiser about the larger implications of all of this. And why should they care? If it doesn’t directly affect the way they use the platform, they will never even feel the impact of this.
Hilariously, it appears he’s copying from a list of precanned responses. It’s been fun reddit.
I understand that Reddit needs to monetise. It’s not a link aggregate site anymore, hosting video/image files is expensive, Reddit operates at a loss and the 3p users cost them even more. They have reason to be dismayed that they operate at a loss while 3p apps using their API do not.
And I understand their concern with adult content. They can’t control if 3p apps will display it with or without checks, but Reddit hosts it; limiting it on 3p apps is probably the better choice to them than removing it from their site entirely. After all, they’re operating at a loss; they can’t afford the fines and fees. Sexual content is heavily legislated.
But goddamn. Limited negotiation with devs, adversarial communication (to the point of outright animosity), frankly absurd timeframe, the use of accessibility as negotiation for the blackout… there’s no good faith anymore.
Reddit is user-generated. The users are the content, their engagement is Reddit’s product. Users that don’t want to engage with their platform give them less sellable product. The users that engage the most (commenting, contributing, moderating) are the minority, and also the ones most likely to use 3p tools.
Reddit has good grounds for wanting to monetise. There are good reasons for bringing devs to the plate about how to do that. Devs were readily agreeing to covering their costs in calls, and expecting to negotiate what the revenue margin should be. Mutually equitable arrangement.
But this was handled so fucking badly, communicated so fucking badly (by one of the devs too tbh), that an equitable arrangement cannot possibly be reached anymore. Nobody wants to bargain in good faith anymore.
Now all the users want Reddit to cancel all the changes, publicly apologise, and remain operating a loss. Now Reddit wants devs to shut up and pay up, and blame them for the situation they’re in.
Now everybody loses, because devs close apps, high-activity users contribute less or outright leave, and Reddit decays down into a pit of low-interaction lurkers picking over ad-bleached bones, until it’s considered so unprofitable and unrecoverable that it is shut down entirely.
Looks like spez is done with the AMA. His responses constitute 0.07% of comments in the thread.
I only saw one sarcastic answer. Did he actually say anything of substance?
Few political not answers, some f-you answers, personal attack to Christian.
I would say that PR was disastrous, people rage that he wasn’t prepared for obvious questions and 0 informational value of this AMA.
that’s a moment
Probably the thing that disgusts me the most in all this is how spez has been constantly trying to drag Christian Selig’s name through the mud when it’s crystal clear that he (spez) is the problem.
Love to see the downvotes; wonder if he’ll beat out EA’s legendary disaster.
It seems so bizarrely personal at this point. It’s strange.
He’s the one that blew the whistle which made the whole thing blow up.
He’s jealous that the Apollo app is nicer than his app.
Feel like this would be the one to do it if any of them beat it. So out of touch and slimy
#1 sin to corporate America is recording ur conversations lol, dude is pissed there’s audio
Yeah how DARE he look out for his rights and protect himself by knowing what he’s legally allowed to do! Don’t you know, this is America where corporate interests trump individual rights?
Oh wait, you’re from Canada? Shit.
(Just kidding, in Canada, corps fuck us just as hard, if not harder)
(Just kidding, in Canada, corps fuck us just as hard, if not harder)
Ain’t that the truth. Just look at the cartel that is the telecom companies.
Anything that ensures accountability, especially personal accountability is looked at negatively. Its not an american thing uniquely. But it is embraced, especially in the last 20 years by companies. Its why general support is so poor, especially technical support.
I am actually amazed he answered it. Massive ego and a fucking idiot.
This really makes me want Reddit to sink fast. Disgusting behavior.
On top of it all… What joke? He “misinterpreted” a serious statement…
What a shit show
So the Now for Reddit creator says he’s been flat-out ignored for 3 months and he’s panicking, he doesn’t want to lose 10 years of work. Spez replies "Apologies for the delay. We are responding now.
If others have apps they would like to be considered for the paid API tier, please reach out here and select “This is a partnership request.”
The sheer incompetence of this man, holy shit. Now for Reddit is the app I have used for years, no way will I use the awful official app over that, ever.
That one rubbed me the wrong way too. On one hand they’re trying to convince everyone that their announcements gave devs plenty of time to adapt, but on the other they’re ignoring the devs that want to cooperate. There’s no way that response backlog is 3 months long.
Lmao from spez’s comments it would seem that iamthatis is well and truly off the christmas card list
Spez is absolutely malding over him having the receipts. There’s no other explanation, he’s just pissed he can’t get away with plausible deniability.
so far the AMA has been up for about 20 minutes, and he’s answered 3 questions. heavily downvoted as expected.
And he’s already started with the personal attacks against Christian Selig, the Apollo author. Already. Barely 10 minutes into the AMA and he’s already personally attacking someone. What a piece of shit.
spez has never struck me as particularly capable of reading the moment, so i’m hardly surprised by that.
deleted by creator
It’s like some fantasy Silicon Valley episode playing our in real life.
I can’t even find the questions that he’s answered
you’re almost certainly going to have to browse by his profile just to see, given how nuclear the reaction against him is.
To me it sounds like this AMA is more to appease the mod community. The relationship with 3rd party app developers is already in the mud and they are fine with that but they can’t lose their mods if they want Reddit to continue to function.
In saying that, he’s doing an awful job and is making things worse. :popcorn:
They definitely know that if enough Mod’s jump ship then their communities will suffer heavily. I’m going to guess that we’ll see quite a few quit. There will be some that stick around holding on by their fingertips to for communities based around helping others.
But most mods aren’t going to be willing to put in extra free labor especially for a company that keep signalling with actions that helping them isn’t a priority.
Especially when losing 3rd party apps loses them a lot of mod and bot tools/support. The power hungry mods will stay but those that were just doing it to be helpful are gonna feel burned.
Exactly. Probably going to be some rot in the communities. I wouldn’t be surprised if a few months from now we see Reddit offering more incentives to be a mod in order to entice others to take up the reigns.
Calling it now, free coin drops for moderators to show how “valued” they are to reddit.
Effective July 1, 2023, the rate for apps that require higher usage limits is $0.24 per 1K API calls (less than $1.00 per user / month for a typical Reddit third-party app).
Effectively forcing app devs to become middle-men collecting on reddit’s behalf. Mob boss behavior. ’
I guess it “looks better”, to cut someone off at the knees before murdering them outright.
It’s not murder if food is suddenly eleventy bazillion dollars and you starve to death, unless you’re irish.
They really love pulling the “stop hitting yourself!” thing that bullies do don’t they.
And nothing of value to the Reddit community was gained.
I’m liking it here
Same. This reminds me of old school (10+ years ago reddit). Where you could just find something cool and jump in the comments and talk about it. It wasn’t an argument fest or people plugging their shit or an army of bots it was just people talking about something they all happened to see and like.
Based on the answers I’m seeing, I’m positive that this change is a result of changing for their IPO. Lots of none answers, but they also aren’t backing down on the absurd pricing.
Having been a manager at a Fortune 500 and getting announcements from Executive level leadership / giving announcements to my reports, this is surprisingly the level of competence I would expect.
Unfortunate, but also a symptom of Reddit being too big for the team to handle. The outflux of users caused by this might actually -help- Reddit in terms of figuring out their revenue stream and getting better leadership.
Sad to see this happening in real time though.
My only thought about this is that I wish people would stop using awards on comments lol. You’re giving the site money! Feel like I gotta spray users with a water bottle like no, no, stop that
I mean, I have a stockpile of 8000 “free” coins to get rid of before I nuke my account. Might as well go towards depriving reddit of ad revenue.
Using up free coins doesn’t give them any more money though, right? I just checked and I apparently have 550 coins to “spend”.
It doesn’t but it gives the illusion that people are spending money on these things, and gives credibility to marketing teams raining awards on comments that they want to promote.
When more than gold first came out the primary response to awards was disgust and disdain, giving out a butt load of free coins normalizes the awards and makes them more palatable.
I hope spez isn’t a cat. Mine flees when she sees me pick up the water bottle and is back up to no good as soon as I turn around.
like spez, cats are little assholes, but unlike spez, we still love them
Archives to some of his “answers”
This is going as well as expected lol
Really appreciate these links! I’ve been curious to see what he’s been saying but didn’t want to give them any traffic.
Here’s another. It’s hard to get them all because the archiver is really backed up right now lol
What a fucking joke
This is the best one yet! He accidentally copy/pasted the “A:” from whatever document he’s pasting his answers from: https://archive.ph/X6EJq