This issue here is who buys it if this comes to pass. There are likely even worse owners, which may be why the junta is still going for this.
Green energy/tech reporter, burner, raver, graphic artist and vandweller.
This issue here is who buys it if this comes to pass. There are likely even worse owners, which may be why the junta is still going for this.
Pihole on a Zero W is an absurdly cheap solution to a lot of irritants. You set it up once and then can SSH into it if anything’s going wrong on the dashboard.
It does seem photonics are unavoidable, as copper only gets you so far, which is not c.
Good thing I have a passing understanding of Spanish and lived in Germany. I’d challenge you to find more than 20% of Americans who could grasp Alemania.
And if you’re living off of solar power, the sun doesn’t give shit what time it is (this is true even if you’re still on the grid). It shifts the production time, which is admittedly worse when we fall back to standard because of the extra hour before I’m charging the LFP again.
I will never share my first column. There’s a reason I start here. I’m 30 pieces into this morass at this point.
I was sent to a conference for college journalists at U.Ga. in 2000. In the goodie bag was a copy of a prof’s book, When MBAs Run the Newsroom. Let’s just say he wasn’t off.
Distancing admin from ops while letting people with no actual knowledge of the field run the show ends poorly no matter what field you’re in. I mean, it’s so obvious as to be insulting to even point out.
Another week of having things look up and then not going anywhere. I think I have a trajectory; this would not be the first time the timing was off. So now I await whether I run out of money or not. Historically, the universe steps in on deadline.
There are two problems here, fitting for the Second.
First, the people stocked with ammo are the ones thrilled that we’re in the Fourth Reich. Second, any sort of widespread uprising will let use of the Insurrection Act sail through any hurdles, and now the military is being used internally.
The Constitution is not in play at this point. Second is the only thing being defended by the junta.
You win the internet today.
Isn’t IBM at this point a consulting firm toying with hardware?
I have thick enough skin to usually let comments like this slide, but if you believe treating Beehaw users like this is appropriate, this may not be a good forum for participation.
Which is all well and good but changes nothing about Forbes. Why not, armed with this new information, update your post to make my comment look irrelevant by sourcing something reputable?
I get that you don’t live here, but there’s nothing like a national initiative process for amendments. That you would like there to be reflects a likely majority view of the voter base, but this does not make it so.
If you’re referring to the 14th, that was shredded already. The Constitution is irrelevant to the junta, as juntas are wont to do. Voting harder in a mythical election that can’t happen is simply not an option.
I would encourage you to know about the U.S. Constitution before spouting off about it. I don’t wander into Canadian politics because I don’t know how it works and can admit that.
He’s not wrong. Getting to 18A was ambitious and happened, after the 14nm fiasco. We don’t yet have products in the wild, but Gelsinger refocused a chip manufacturer on chip manufacturing (the necessary TSMC outsourcing notwithstanding).
An MBA would not be an improvement over an engineer.
We do, but we don’t have two-thirds of both houses of Congress ready to fix this mess, let alone 38 statehouses to ratify. The clusterfuck will continue apace.
Wouldn’t it be nice if that sarcasm didn’t reflect reality?
Important to note that Forbes at this point is a blog site. It can’t be considered news anymore; they’re using the name to conjure prior panache.
Bold statement coming from someone with a Chili in their name.
But think of the CEOs! They need another fucking yacht.