The entire Tales Of series EXCEPT Arise
The entire Tales Of series EXCEPT Arise
Unfortunately, you want to see Twitter win, because if the music dudes win, Twittwr won’t be the last platform they attack, and you might actually like the next one.
Manifold Garden
Massive Chalice
The Pedestrian
Solar 2
How much of this is a free update to the base game vs locked behind yet another payment?
The whole Xenofranchise. Xenogears and the 3 xenosagas and its anime all have fantastic scores.
fnaf and amnesia and ddlc. I’m not into horror
I absolutely adore my kinesis freestyle 2. I have the 15° tilt attachments, and my wrists dont feel uncomfortable at all at the end of the day like they used to.
Same, though my single exception is FF7R. Worth a watch if you haven’t played.
Yep, soon as the calendar came up in P5 I quit. Same with FE3H. I did eventually go back to P5 and followed a single playthrough walkthrough, but it far overstayed its welcome.
I forget which game unfortunately but it would tell you what junk you picked up but then autoconverted it to a gold value and gave you that instead.
This was why MGS was so good.
it can be easier to just put them all back in their pokeballs until you need one.
Oddly, AC Odyssey did this for the most part. There are exactly one or two major obvious decisions that impact the outcome, but there were a lot of small visual but otherwise meaningless world changes that can occur as a result of decisions in side quests.
IDK if this is possible, but can the downvote button be removed or hidden if I’m part of a community that disables downvotes? I’m afraid that every time I misclick it the admins are gonna boot me for being a negative nancy.
It’s not murder if food is suddenly eleventy bazillion dollars and you starve to death, unless you’re irish.
What are the tankies?
Mass Effect: Andromeda
On the one hand, I hate the right’s bullshit. But, on the other hand, there was some comfort in having the ability to keep tabs on them. If they pick a different space, it’ll be harder to anticipate what they’re planning.
I misread this as “give Reddit a try” and thought you were insane.