I haven’t played Minecraft since 2015, but I get the feeling I might again in the new few years as I wanna find new hobbies. I know that game has changed a whole lot but I don’t have any official online data on it.
I’ve had this Microsoft account for over a decade and its probably full of personal information that I wanna let go of, I’ve already exported all my data. I would need to pay $30 for another copy of Minecraft, same price I paid in 2013. I just did a bunch of searching and its not possible to transfer my Minecraft license to another account.
Nothing will unharvest your data. Do your best moving forward.
Take this opportunity to prune your Microsoft data and inject false information. Become a trans man liberal vegan who thinks Trump is great for privacy. Algorithm does need good data after all.
Deletion is probably not necessary. People change all the time, let the computer think you changed into something else.
Unfortunately this is pretty much useless. They collect so much data from so many people that they will simply not use your data for training.
They will continue to sell it though.
I dunno, although pirating Minecraft is rather easy, I’d be a bit wary of deleting an account you spent money on like this. Doubly so if you used Hotmail.
Nothing worse than finding you need access to an old account, then realizing it’s registered to an old email address you deleted. Headache!If I was you I’d delete all the data you can from the account, set a new very strong password, enable 2FA and leave it dormant. Never know when you might need it again ya know?
this is the way. you will be glad you didnt delete it completely.
use this opportunity to delete all accounts you can that are associated with that email that are actually useless.
Luanti is quite good https://www.luanti.org/
Also, check Vintage Story https://www.vintagestory.at/
Seconding vintage story. I can never play minecraft again, VS is simultaneously more stressful AND more cozy. Just got a big update recently, too.
1 - I don’t believe you can use Minecraft without Microsoft any more - Mojang accounts were discontinued in favour of Microsoft accounts, and unmigrated accounts were deleted in 2023.
2 - Many updates have happened, but the launcher still lets you download and play every single version released, from major (x.), minor (.xx), to snapshots and one day specials, to the very first working version. Note: the first version is also available to play online for free. The last non-Microsoft update was 1.7.2 I believe
in retrospect i’m so glad i pirated that shit.
I still find MultiMC/it’s forks much better for the sole reason it has an “instances” folder and every folder has it’s own Minecraft version. Idk why but I feel that way is more organized
Fjord Launcher allows for offline accounts, it’s a fork of Prism, which itself is a fork of PolyMC, which itself is a fork of MultiMC, which itself is a fork of yer mum
Didn’t know about my mums fork🤨
I use prisim mc. I forget why they forked but it works fine for me.
Do you use it offline without a Microsoft account?
No you still need an account. In fact since the migration it makes you reauth frequently which is annoying. There are forks that let you launch the game offline but it means you cannot play on any online servers and you are technically pirating the game.
Mmc dev was doing shady at best stuff.
Like? I’m out of the loop
From what I remember:
Owner locked all of the devs out of access to the project
Some racism/homophobia
And some other things i dont exactly remember rn, but because of this stuff the devs all left and forked into Prism so im not even sure is Poly is still being developed, and if it is id be sceptical on how safe it is to use given who owns it.
I downloaded prism recently but not playing anything ATM, no idea on what to play (modded)
So I think it goes multi -> poly -> prisim each forked due to some issue with the lead dev but I might be getting poly and prisim mixed up
Oh i was talking about PolyMC, a MultiMC fork. From what i know MultiMC is fine but less polishes than Prism which is a fork of PolyMC.
Check out Luanti. It used to be called Minetest. It’s a libre version of the same thing.