thats how i noticed i could move it into a VM for the odd thing or two i would use it for every once in a blood moon
thats how i noticed i could move it into a VM for the odd thing or two i would use it for every once in a blood moon
not with current technology.
but as it sometimes happens, we might find a way a couple hundred years from now, who knows. maybe even a practical use of the knowledge.
maybe string theory was flawed all along and we come to understand the universe a whole another way.
the soviet union was socialist, which is supposed to be a slow transition to communism as opposed to anarchism.
i love every bit of this
tell the us to stop funding them for once
of course it is. forced 2fa BY SMS OF ALL THINGS is one of the stupidest ideas
i hope that means they can defend themselves from zionists and the us empire.
Radio Free Asia
tips le fedora
also known as
what? lies? on the internet? why would anyone do such a thing.
they are both rich as fuck and both help their billionaire friends scam people out of their insurance money.
planned obsolescence wastes precious resources and massively contributes to climate change and our enslavement through consumption. its absolutely in my top 10
thats one of the main regards in which they can be compared as similar
id rather people focus on the lessons learned.
as long as this puts fear back into the burgeoise i aint complaining too much though.
this sort of thing is exactly what we need, thanks.
yeah thats how i find them, we have good app stores on linux that could use some community curation though!
its common on linux for software to be abandoned, only for a fork to pop up elsewhere and it gets annoying.
til about this one, nice. i wish discoverability for linux software was better.
that looks like one unhealthy waist to body ratio